Present Rehearsal Atof "Nathan Hale" Atthe February meeting of ttit New, Trier IDramatic. club, to be bele in the Girls' club .rooni,, February. members of the club will Presenta walking rehearsal of '.Nathan Hale," by Ralph Fitch. It. is a tale of thc wonderf ul sacrifice 'of Nathan ý Hale Who. gave up for his coutrt and whe n asked for his ast words he regrettedthat he had only one hfe to,,gve.for his country. The cast will consist of: Nïathan Hale, Jack Broad" Mis- .tress, Knowlton, Emma, Bickhani. Angehica Knowlton, Cahrn He barn- Fitzroy, Bob-Sparks; Cap tain Adamse, Cameron Brown; Cunning- ham, Theo. Robertson; Alice Adanis, Alison Burge; Colonel -Knowlton, Bih Doty; Lebanon, Lawrence Buck- master;ý Jasper, GWrgia Burch; Wi. dow Chichester, Joy Stover; H-ull, Lee fllayhock. The few rehearsals alowed for "walking rehearsals" will be directed by Nancy Fisher, chairman of thie program commîttee. Urge Students to Enter League of Nations Test New Trier students arc again pre- paring for the sixth annual >coun-ý try-wide League of Nations coftest which wihl bc held early in March. The two hour test consists- of coni- prehensive questions covering al phases of the League's -work. Any 9tudent is eligible to compete, who so desires. The national prizes are: a, trip te Europe, $500, and $250; the local are: $10, $5 and 3. Classes are. * held after school te study any puz- zling questions and .discuss the League. in' general. Miss Laura- F. * Urich 'and Miss Marion 'Hamiltoýn are the faculty sponsors- of this- group. BOys! Council Committee Scriblerus Grou> Discusses Contest A meeting- of the Scribleruis club was held in the Tri-Ship . room, Thursday, january 28.- Due to the Ifact that several members were ab- sent because of ilifness, the meeting, ,was. qùite brie f. Plans were made for the entries in the National Scholastic contest.. A letter was read: from a Writer's club, in Escanaba, Midi., wbich had just received a, copy of "ýScribblings," the -book ',published ain-ý nually* by- the- -New Trier- Sriblerus club. 'The group has .iust become. or- ganized this last month, and. would like the N. T. S. . to helpý with any suggestions or comment s they might like to make; that is, he a parent club.-. Miss-Louise Ham.:ýon and H. C. Pifer are the faculty sponsors Of theý group; Virginia McConnel , is president; Emma Bickham, secreta- ry-ýtreasurer, and Bill Kleini, program chair mah.. Chemistry Has Its Own Fascinations It is. rather difficult to imagine- in advanice 4ust what: ki nd of , study chemistry is-perhaps many students consider that it bas something to do with drtugs, but' that is erroneous. After a few months actual experience, a student will admit it is far more complex than the drug habit. Really it is a very. practical study and enm- braces more of the science of mathe- matics thanis enjoyed by most stu- dents. It is practical !because it deals with every phase of our life and ex- istence. Perhaps it is so practicah that some of us find it tough for that very reason. SThe niost agreeablle. phase, of the study is' connected with the- actual e.Xperimenits *carried on by. the stu- dents themselves ini t he laboratory. While it is quite likehy.that the aver- age. student secs littIe relation be- tween theïr experiments and the text- book it is nevcrtheless interesting te be. pl«ying with Bunsen burners, Girls' Club Has Busy Discussion Meeting Thursday, Janury 28, during advi- Tsoi- period, a Girls' clubassembiy was held in the ohd auditoriumfor infor-. 'mal discuss ion of some.of the prob- lemis confronting the school., Agiies Halley presided and introduced the speakers., Betty. Dostal, vice-president, told of the miagazine subscriptiô,n drive and of the; need for sale of tax wa.r- rants; "the ittle-caeless thinigs" that we do and 'say were amplified by cussed the problem of keep ing the club room open and in goàod shape; and, the ever-present why and where- fore of mnoney- was Janie Ericksoin's subje ct- .PrompthY at 9 o'clock the mùeetingý broke up with the time-honored cus- tom of reading the bulletin. Another such assemnbly is beingý planned for the near future at which Alison Burge and Elizabet.h Barden will talk of school spiritansa- wich day,'respectivehy. Faculty Members Give Mus ic Club Program Thursday, January 21, the Senior Music club had its bi-monthly meet- ing at the home of Margaret Looniis. The program, given entirely hy the faculty members of the cilub, was as follows: Sonata...........Rouid Winnifred .Mickey Trio in G Major......... ... aydn Mrs.-CttnMiss Mickey, and Mr. Peterson Prehude.................. Debussy, Winnifred Mickey The meeting then adjourned to> the dining room. Swimmers Sink Evanston to Tie for League Lead New Trier's swimmers splashed their a into aà tie for irst place in the Suuban league race last Thurs- day by sinking Evanston, 37-22, at Lake New Trier. The Grceen-Grav, minus the services of- Captain Otu andà Bantiing, took the first' event, the 160-yard relay,. and'were tiever behind during the, entire meet. Shapker was high scorer with 10 Points, winning.the 40 -yard crawl, placing s ec ond in the 1 00-yard crawvl, anid swimmingon the. relay team. Ed-. ward Hoffmnan*garnered ý77points byý winning the '100-yard',cra.wl. and swimming as lead--off* man on the re- Henhst a heartbreaker to SnIi th- son ofnEvanston after.'leading ail the wtay upto thé last lap. PauJ.son puiled a surprise iin the back stroke by almost tahking Spry of Evanston in the last hap. Anothe'r lap and the race wouhd have been his. King of New Trier* finished third.' .Shapker Los.. Close Race Shapker,, after, .leadinig ail the way. in the 100-yard crawl, slowed up just a trifle in. the last lap but that was enough for the-smoôoth-stroking Hoff- man, who passed hirn, to to win in Evanston took first and secondii .the fancy diving when Holland and jBorrowman showed a lot of form and a variety of dives that outchassed the N~ew Trier boys, Evanston juniors won 37-22 10 keep their hold. on first place. Gil- son of Evanston led-the individual' scoring with 12 points.lHe ',won the 40-yard crawl, the, iving,' and sw am on, the relay, team. Senior 160-yd. relaY-Won be New Trier (Hoff- mnan, Rapp, P Ialenskce, Shapker). Timie _i :21.1 100-yd. breaststroke-Won 'by Smlthson (E.) ; Heyn (N. T. ) and Eadle (E.) tied for second. 1ime-i1:17.5 40-yd. crawl-Won by Shapker (N. T.);' Paienske (N. T.) second; Spry (E.) third. Tie- :202 nan (N. T.>; 'Iber (E.); o&. The a cappculas are now singing stiections from "Peter Ibbetson. y Their first appearance wihl be Febru- ary 22 when they wiIl sing for . theý Giencoe Music club. Mrs. Côtton is tise director. -1,neeaurvv VUinsVuay's Il . ecareless! Remembg tunate need your aid I m. werc " 4a f rier the day.] )er the i (pro- ary u jir. and Mrs. Ualtney enter-, ig bis 'tained the miembers of the New Trier SUPT. GAFFNEY THRILLED )f bed English Department faculty at 'a tea In speaking of the basketball game ce yo ini their Winnetka home. Mr. Car- Friday night in the Gates gymn when nd in penter reports that the group had a New Trier heavies defëated Morton's Don't, jolly time playing gaines and taking champion five, 22-18, Sujerintendent anfor- very "comprehensive" intelligent, tests GaffnIey said: "It was, th'e most excit- on which to grade' the teachers' ing game I've ever seen." We are. in- abilty,- clined to agre.e, and heartily I .1