Members Invited ta Be Guests at "Wedding of George Wash- ington" February 12. BJEAN TIEN Boc Anl invitation, ' Johni Dandridg( requests tbe botior of your. presence al the inarriage of ber daugliter. Mrs, Martba Custis, to Col. George WVasb. ington, Friday, February 12, at 2,o'clock, ini thelounge of tbe Wilmette WVomah's club," con veys iii its very .wording the uniqueness of 'tbe prograin îilanne<l for nienibers of the WVoman's Catholie club of WVilmette. The invitation, read at a reent meeting.of thé club by MIrs. Rus- sell G. Floor, chairmnaw of the. fine, arts departthentt sponisoring the prograrn wben and w'here the iivitation indicates, is repeated now.. Given as a WeddIing invitation, it asks the club memibers at- tendiîîg on February 12, to be weddiîîg guess, tusfor tîe. flrst tinie on a n artsprýgra-n akin.g an acti ticipant of each person presenît. Those takiîîg partnin tbe prograin, or, to continue ini wedding pbraseology uised by society editors, tliose who, ill bc members of the bridaI ,party are:, five juniors, Catherine schmidt, L'orraine Moore, Francis. Kelly, Paul, Husting, and Jack'Broad, and the club nie mbersi Mrs. Walter lierifinglîain, Mrs. 1-d- ward F. Cuiinnîiskey,,Mrs. Peter J, Mc- Gurk, Mrs. WVal lace Mooîre, Mrs. Heimrv Prosser, Mrs. Alfred Robol, and Mrs»' Audrey \Walker. The Glee club, under the di rection of Mrs. Robert Fontharn, inIi fferjing a miusic prograi, w'ill have as its solo- ist, Mrs. \Valter Bermitiglianii,. witb Mrs. Ernau Akely bier accompanist. Mrs. Banford B. Langill will be accom- panist for the Glee club, and mnembers of the .*w.edding, party" wvill appear ini a group of dalices.1 Thïs patriotic, prograni give i in recognition of' the. bi-centeia.l celc- bration of the birth of George ýWasli-1 ington, lbas been ,arranged(4y' elMrs. H1enry: Schmidt and 'Mrs., Thonmas Mintz.* Mrs. Charles I3road is'.direct- ing the production of the l)lay and Mrs.. Francis Budinger, Mrs. Gordon Diltz; and Mrs. E. J. koenig are tii 1w hngt. at Neighbors Club Elizabethi Connor Lindsay will give the next prograni of the Neigbbors of Kenihvorth at the regular club day on Triesday, February 9, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Linidsay's subject will be -Vachel Lindsay, Poet, Trouhador, and, Pro-. ffhet.',it will be Most intieresting be- cause lie is conisideréddeole of Americas foremiost poets. People are interested, too, ini Mrs. - Lindsay bécause she is a deeply interesting and widely talenlted speaker and.,writer in bier owîî naine and. because slie is the . widow of Vachel Lindsay. Elizabeth Coniior Liind5ay bas a coin-. mand of tlîe Englisli language wbich is rare. Sbe bas sympathy for wvords. She lias %%bat seems to -be an' instintive grasp of wbatever will best express thie thougbts slie bas in mmd. Vachel Lindsay's.poetrv bas, a swing- ilng rhythmy rhythm, a swveep that gives it power. He, too bad a feeling for, words that are colorful, alive. .Prac-ý tically ail of bis poetry 'bas power and beauty and imagery wliclî ratiks, it with' the very highiest of mnoccm ipuetry. Mr. Lindsay was first an artist. and the. particular field of art to wIbihlie, de- voted, bi-iself was work: in peu and. ink. rbe most significant tbing about bis that it grewv ont of bis draw-' Üng. Sucb poetic miasterpiece.s as -The -hiîiese Nigbtingale" and "l'le Con- gO,.%ere inspired by posters of bis cotuposition. MNrs. Alexander 'S. joslyni is liostess for the afternoun and the usual social hotir w-d fllo' arôtund the tea table. Dan Nolan, P. W. Melton at B. P.Wi. C. Feb. 11 The Business and Proiessional: Women's club of \Vilnîlette %vill 1101d its regular dinner meeting oii. Thuris- day evening, February -11, at tbe Cou-, gregational,- churcli, at 6 -130 ,o'clock . Dan Nolan, national sofhg leader, will- bave çbarge of patriotic singing. in bonior- of 'the. two-bundredtbi an-, ni versary.. of 'George \VashingtOn -S *irtlîdav aîd. P. WT. Melton N'll, present an- illustrated lecture on a *\Vanderer iii Dunel.and."__ Mr. M\eltoni lias spent .maiiy years ini the sand duneq of nohc,* n On t/te ev'eingy of Februar 1v Il, ;l lih' Wonan s chlb of ïWilm* ettc,* . !iss Vera Gi/lette will Iye heard i ilP iallo recit ai giveil for the Jun;iior' (1ux1iliarY of ltai club. .i*ss G'!- 1ýca 'u pi! of, Kurt lIVaiei*cle, <1 c;-d'last 'vea n wa fiel!piano rci<la! tl' CU-ic lheater in Ch- Follom ing arc sonie . of the 1notices given . at that tinie : Kanleton Hackett, in the Eveing Po-st - "A tone of. wa,îh~it h variety of coloring, .iill vohlme ~i no forcing-poetic feeling ~~:tlîa snîelîig turdvthat pèrnîlitted l1(> elitiieiitilizilig. Eliugen e Stinson, jin the l)aily News *Retmarkable gift for the pianio, lacking, in notie of thei esseiiiials for- first order of -concert Anirican-J l as (wr n.tehi a smiraice." Mis C illette's Ipre.gram f .or iiext S'onato Opus 2 No.2.....3tt<v J' Meetin g Feb. 11 Civics Department Plans Ail-Dayý Patriotic' and Russian Program Witb Speakers, Music ,A patriotic progr .am in the mioru- ing with Mrs. Alice'Sheldon Clock thé speaker and Mrs. Charles Moody the soloist, and an afternoon devoted to.Russia, with Harriet Mason. bril- jliant eighteen-year-old pianist and. a talk by, Miss. Roberta .Burgess, ill make up the, next regular club day at the Wýomati's club of NNilmiette on 'Wedniesday, February 10O. Mrs. WVil- liam F. Farrell,. chairman of Amien- can citizenship cotnimittee for the clubs of the Tenth: district, will be th e guest of the club, for the day-. At 10.:30 in the morning, following a *Salute tQ the Flag," Mrs. Clock ,vill give an address on "Washiiigtori, the- Man, the Soldier, the Hero." In preparation for the programi given ini observance. of the, ashington 'i-li Centennial celebration, members -of the club arc asked by the chairmnan of the civics department, Mrs. F. E. ,Parry, to read ail they can about the life- of .George Washi*ngtoni,. 50tha t, when the talk is over an interesting. and lively discussion may follow. M.\rs. Charles Moody is to sing in observ- ance of the occasion,. "Amnerica the Beautiful." Luncheon will be served ' at the usual hour of 1 o'clock,- for. which reservations are-to be madeý with MNrs. George D. Conlee,viecar mani, during the illness of the chair- muan, Mrs. John Cam.pbell. Harriet M.Nasoni, the pianist, who Nvill open the afternooni's programn. is really a .north shore artist. SI-e w-as borui in Wilniette, lived in \ Winnietka for some years, and is novv a resident- of Glencoe, From the time shieb- came, known as a "child prodigy' at the age of 11, she«bas forged-ahead With, rapid: strides until now critics are unainimous in acclaiming ber as a young pianist"who not only bas -ar-, re(,but w-,ho bas farto go in lier profession.' li accordance with the Ruissian niote to'be struck Wednesday afternooi, \Miss Mason bas chostn' to p)lay three num bers by usanck posers, bier complete programi appear- îîîf,. il the Music Page of tbis issue. Brilliance, au exquisite touch, beau- tiful toue. reinarkable skill and ease, interpretative force, excellenit techni.. at lhe Wihi the Bapt:st o il invïtation to anyone in this group. 19, tlbe club wiIl sewv ýe Womtan's Club for People's hoMe and o01 lanîd avenue. Mrs. k. Fjellmati re- presented the club at a meeting of the Safety Council on January 14, Mrs. J. D. Kinnear attended a meet- ing called by J. E. Wortben, chair- man of the George 'Wasbhington Bi- Centennial committee January 19. Ex-Service Group to Meet The ex-service committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette is baving its next aIl-day meeting Monday,. Februa ry ý8, at the home of Mrs. Saninel E. Moist, 1104 Sheridan road'. iet Rusa."' V VbRUo- The entire day bas been planned by the cïvics department of the club. -HOSTESS TO BABIES FRIENDLY Thursday afternoon, February 9, Mvrs. R. W., Fatipel will open her homne at 719' Tenth street, for the regular mýonthly gathening of, the. Babies Friendly.