Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 34

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by Owen D'avis whicn the the ways and means committee of the Wom- an's club of Wilmette is. presenting as its annual play for the benefit of thje b u ild i ng fund, the nights of February 18, Il and 20, at the club, entertained the- members of the cast and. their husbands and iNives at a supper party,- Sunday night, january 319 at her home, ;716 Eleventh street, %%lilmette. The cast had been rehearsing -ail afternoon at the clubhouse under the direction of James Bradley-Griffen, actor and' playwright, who also di- rected last year's play for the club, '*Why Men Leave Home." The. re- hearsal -had b e e ni an exceptionally trying one for.the, cast as' it was in: the nature of a "preview" rehear- sal before. a small group which in:.- cluded Mrs. Arthur Dixon, president of the club, and Mrs. Luther Bensoni, cliairman of the w a ys and ineans commtiittee. Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Bei- son report that the,,farce is v'ery arnusing and that the actors are weil chosen for the roies tbey portray.- Mrs. Earle Lyon, in charge of thle sale of seats, reports that although many choice seats have been sold, there is stili a large selection of good, sea ts rcmaining for each -nighit. Thes, remaining scats will hot. remain un- sold long. and ail eart%, selection is advised. The green. room party the club regards ýas one of the pleasantest features of the. eeing. when the audience has a chance to gather in the lounge, discuss the play and have coffee, duri.ng the interiimssion be- tween Acts 2 and 3. S the three pictures, of the players in this wee's LIFe are of Nirs. Johxi Behr, John Graham and. Earle D. Lyon. mrsi. Behm plays -the l)art of Ruthi Chadwick, the daughter of Pe t er Cliadwick, who owns the .Journey's End. Ruth is torën between bier.love for Bill B r ad f o r d, lier childhood sweetheart, and Dmr. Jack. Waller, a fashionable 'heart specialist.* Mrs. Belir had draniatic training at Carrol college where she played Nvitli thc Carroll players ini casts %vhicli in- cluded Alfred Lunt. Aftemward -she did recital- womki Wisconsin. Slîe lieart patients take a personal inter- est in himn. Mr. Lyon bas a particular flair for dramnatics. Bce is interested in civie affairs in i ,Wilmette and for the last two years was president of 'the Eve- sung Gardeu club 'of WNilnmette. Ir, lit year's play he had the. part o f 7 Foi-est' 'ick, -the' ,o O'ieis ot -whcre "Bezc'are- her in ,eetlzeart, i. it'rt ozîî<f sewitmg is sponsored by the philan- thropy department of the Woman's club. Committee chairman for the day will be Mrs. Willard Thayer, and her assistants are Mrs. A. A. Davison, Mrs.,L. S. Gates, Mirs. R. Q. Halliwell, Mrs. J. R.,Harper, ýMrs. .Evan R. James, anid Mrs. Leslie W. Millar. Mrs. Gordon Hannah, will be luncheon chairman. On February .19, there will be sew- ing fo jr the Baptist OlId- People's home. Mrs. Ha rry Burnside, will bc the sewing ch airman, and, ber com- mittee members are announced as follows:. Mrs.- Stacy C. Bennett, Mrs.I .WT. S. Campbell, Mrs. Elmer dl.t Claar, -Mrs. W. C. Huggin.s. Mrs.1 George N., Lamb. and Mrs. H. C.2 ougerg. Mis. William M Burnsr will be in char ge of luncheon. .Sewing is, from, 10.o'clock lintil -t with luncheon served at 12 :30 o'clock. Mrs John W. Behr, 162, a-vciiu' as Ruthi Ciadzc dalit ier o0 the m 1ft0H Joî,rpie v's Eoid. the hoiiseboi /heo ctioli 'f flie plot of o'f If'idowts" î,nfolds. wiîth decisioII as f0on :1w $e, lier ia'idý, 'lier c.hildhood swî' s/'ecialist, IS flhe ceeifer of tlhe ifiercst iii 1th,,/ia-v -à l'e q(ii",î os ao lijieit for tii all'ç Club 'of 1IUilmt'ýtte Fel». 19, aud 20. Announce Committei Exhibits in Flowei MIrs., Albiert E.- Gebert is of the \Vilmette Garden club' at the Illinois Garden Club' show April 2 to 9, inclusi't Navy Pier, Chicago. The club three exhibits, a modemrnM rangement in charge of 'Mm Rodger, a tea table set by1 WVilev, and an arrangement ers ini a low bowl for a liv in charge of Mrs. Roscoe S( The club meets on Frida: arv 5, at 2:30 o'clock in tl noon, at the, home of, Mrs 007 Frest ave- ry 8, at il n'clock,. Artie. This v-ear lie lias the pleasing role of Bill Bradford., whose a ffection for Rkuth dates back to the age of 8. A large attendance is desired a t these sewing meetinigs wMhich are open to aIl women of Wilmette iîi- terested inl; sewing for philanthrjp-. ' .whether club menîbers or niot. Mothers may bring school cliildreii to the lunicheoni. Catholic League Members to Have Guests at Cards fll'i q-,11 MNérbers of the -Noth Shore 1narv 'S Catholic \Woiinan's league willlhave thé privilege ofý entertaining- their _ riends at cards at the WVinnetka WVonia.'s club Titesdav afternoon at ,s for 2 o'clock, when the league hiolds its rt show regular nmonthlv meeting. As this will pmobably he the onfly opportutnity chairman this year to play icards at a league s exhibits meeting, the miembers are tirged to s Flower make their parties larg(e. There will, ve at the be bridge and five-hundred, and a .will have prize .will be awarded at each table.. ,xantel. ar- Te.a ill be served,. with Mrs. Wil- s. George, liami Pavey ofWinnetka and Mrs Mrs. on Peter Prato- of. Highland Park pour-. ing oom g onnebor'n. 'lhle chlairmen" of three committees. y, Febru- are working together to planl a pleas- hie after- ant afternoon. They are Mrs. Fred- s. W. A. erick Mutirach of Winetka. chair.- Gives Buffet Luncheon Mrs. Warren Lusted, 921 Thir- teenth street, was hostess at a buffet luncheon and bridge on January 25P. in honor of Mrs. ýW.: M., Valker of 5430 -Sheridan road, Chicago, Neighbors, nas talcen over the Infant Welfare work in the village and organized January 25, as the Kenil- worth Infant Welfare society. They will hold sewing meetings every othr. Monday rnorning, going to Chicago the, alternateý Mondays to weiglî babies and do clerical wàrk at Infirnt Welfare stations. 'The Se ward Park. .station is to be their special charge. Mrs. Claude Sanders of Easo was elected presiden.t of 'the new. organization, at its 'first. mteetinig. Other offi.cers are: Miss Katherinie' Stolp of Kenilworth, vice-presidenit; ,Miss Helene Seibold of WVilmette,: treasurer;, Miss .Virginia' Prussing .ai Kenilworth, recordinig secretary: is Avis Lundahl of Keniilworth, cor- ,respondi ng, secretary.; Mrs.- Alice Clause of -WÎilmette, chairmnan of sewing. Miss Stolp; chairman of -volunteers, andi Miss Eleanor .i p- pincott of Wilmette, clairmaii of l)ublicity. The society hel d its s-conîd mect- iiig February .1, at Miss Stolp's h.oîn, 336 Warwick road, K en ilwort h. Announce Engagement at, Silver Wedding Tea, A;double intemest wvas enjoyed last Sunday cvening, January 3 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrsp. Richard Johnston, 3U1 'Melrose aveniue, Kenilwvorth* when Mr. and Mrs. Johuston celebrated their, twventy-fifth- Wedding aniiiversary and' also annoujîced the engagement of their daughter, Harriet. Mr. and Mrq. Johinston entertàiined at tea, a large group of their f iends froni Kenilworth and Chicago, after which thiere \vas an informai evening of music, poetry and, short story telling. The house, whose roomis are large and home-, like. wvas béautifully filled with arrange- mnent s of. roses and sping fi(owers. In a unique wvay Miss Harriet's en- gagement to.Owen Richardsun iGarfield, soli Of tIéR-'ev. and Mrs. E.-R. Gar-, field of.,Middleboro,-,Mass. wvas made. Thé .weddiig, willtake place sometimeé this spring. Bridge Parties, Dance -1- I -w" - wili ueIIuncUII and progessive auc- tion bridge for the wonien, and nien's, night will be'held that evening. Senior Prom at Shawnee The m, mbers of. the senior class of Loyolaàacademy -Will give their prom, at Shawnee Country club on Friday evening, February, 5.

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