Myra Hess, the phenomenal Eng- lish pianist, Who wiIl appear in re- citaI at New Trier auditorium Mon- day, Februarv 15, under auspices of the. Winnetka music club, is, the acknow*ledged, leader among, woman pianists and among the. most dis- .tinguished, of, living. exponents of piano music.. Born ýin London, thechilds excep- tional,.talent was quickly perceived .by lier parents who therefore per- mitted liher' studies .-to begin at, the. age of five., Two years later,' she en- tered Trinity college and f rom 7 to 12Z was a student at the, Guildhall school of music, being awarded thie gold medal for pi ano and strbsequent- ly being made successively Associate and Fellow. Miss Hess gave her first public re- citalinii London in 1908, and with such marked success that she was engaged to play at important orcéhesteal con- certs at. Royal Albert and Queen's Halls during tha t samne year. Since then, lier career lias been a series of uninterrupted' triimphs in Europe, w'hile lier complete capture of Ameni- ca is now a matter of musical history. Making ber, debut in New. York, January 17, 1922, Miss 'Hess imînedi- atelv commanded attention by,,rea- son of the super -excellence, of lier message. 'Here was a. young womnai wxho had something to prPclaim in the domnain of piano p)layiing tat evoked unanimnous praise anîd Non profound admiration. She wvas ac- counted one of' the hiig'h-spots of the season and classed amiong the imn- mortally great. She inspired lier audi- ences Iby ber thorougli nmusicianship). beautiful t:one, .versatile interpreta-1 tion, impeccable technic and :chaniio- ing personalityi.. Not s ince the days of Sophie- Men- ter and Teresa Carreno had sucli a spontaneous. and superlative art been demonstrated on the concert. platforni by a woman, critics agree.. Comning, early in. 1923, she was compelled to return to England and thenl cross the ocean again to fill pressing Arnericaxi La Argentina tvill appear for the second and last' time this season at Orchestra hall, Saturday afternoon, February 6 at 2:;30, unider the direc- tion of Bertha Ott. La Argentina has over thirty dances in ber repertoire, ând eacli dance requires a sperial1 costume. Ail1 thé costumes are made in duplicate, so that if anything bappens to one, the dancer always. bas its exact coun-ý terpart on hand. What wonder then, that when this artist arrived in America last year she came ivith thirty pieces of, baggage!1,' The Spanish dancer carnies heavy insurance on lier costumnes, as several of, them 'are made of valuable 'antique brocades. She is accompanied always on lier concer t tours. by -a, maid whose principal task is to keep themn in spotless conditioni. It takes nearly four hours. to press ail the costumes in preparation for, a performance. 1To many, the most beautiful of lier' costumes is the one in which she dances to the melancholy music of Albenz' ýCordoba. It is of. whiltesatin, the- voluminous skirt trimmed with tvo deep rows of black Valenciennes, the corsage perfectly plain. A higli- backed comb holds'iii place the black inantilla of priceless lace. The lim- pression she conve-ys in this dance i onie of, indescribable desolation, a- study in black and white of., wordless sorrôw. Audiences' marvel at the rapidity iwith which La Argentiia 'changes: hier costumes between numfbers. She mnay easily qualify as a -lightning- change artist" as well as the ,,Norid's premier castanet player. T hi e se. changes are miade possible by à spe- cial dress-room conistructed iii the wvings, whiere a. maid is in attendan ce to0 facilitate 'the rapid change f rai one costume to -the other. And by ýa strict observance of orde.r. wlîich is flot: alone 'hle aven's first lawv,.but'La Argentina's: as. vell. there is neyer .a mioment lost. Adele Mareus Returnhs to ThriII at Playhouse Ti- -i -fl _- -- -A Frances Akely, talented eleven-, w -odviolinist. and daughter of thc N. S. Akeivs of 615 Lake ave-, mie. lU'ilmiette, is appearing in, ber fiist eccitai at Lyon and Healy's ii Clieiaqô Saturday afternoon, Feb- may6, ai 2 o'clock. Her programi wilConsist of one groq,, a Concerto by ('arlBohuîz, of whiclz i sie,~i!I .play thc A-ndante and Allegro. move- »:elts. fier accom pani st is to be 1w,-. motlu'r, Erîiaii Akel.v. Fran0es lias maide just one oîIer appearance 1w fore ain audience and that was lier recent tyro li-aiiigkn at the qssicmblyv in the lUilmette pubNicý SChaois., Sunday Afternoon A genuirie treat is ini store for northi shore music lovers Sunday afternooný, February 7, in the appearance of the London String quartet at Kenilworth *Assemblv hall under the spon.sorshlip of the North Shore Chamber Music association. The concert ibegins at 4 o'clock. The quarte is ýcomprised of john Pennington, tfirst violin; Thomas W. Petre, second violin; William Prim- rose, viola, and C. Warwick Eas violoncello. The Lôndon String quartet is recog-. nized as one of the great chamber music organizations of: the world Playing continuously throughout two continents, the "Lýondoners" neyer fait to draw fulIlioss Each of the. mnembers of this group is, a distin- guished, artist and virtuoso. In addi- tion to their famne-as interpreters oi- the classics, more than a hundred newv %vorks have been introduced by these taJented artists.. Sunday's programn lias -beeti an- n9unced as folows: uattin G major, K. 387 Allegro vivace assai Menuetto: Allegretto Xndanter cantabile, Molto allegro Mozart Miniuet...........Scontrino -Peter's Glad 1{eart" ',.. Walford Davieý' (froni "Peter ,Pan Suite"> Qýuartet in A minor, Opuýs 51, -No. 2 .ll.r.......... ......Ini Andante moderato Quasi Minuetto, moderato Finale-Allegro non assai RIuth Page Dan 1ce Recital.,-* i WiIl Benefit, Phi Betat. Noted Quartet Ruth Page will present the :Chicago 11premier of four. new ballets in ber W'l Aýppear at concert at the Gomn tetrFbu Sh wn e eb 14ary 7, a :330 . She will be assisted by Shawn é Fe . 14Blake Soôtt and lier concert dance Tl'le Centennial quartet ill pre- group in Marcel Delaninoy's Cinderella sent the '-hour of . music" at the and Ravel's Choreographic wvaltz, Pa- ýShaN-iee Country club Sundlay after-- v-ase and Iberian' Monotone. Mr. Delan- noon.- February 14, at 4 o'clock.. nov created the Cin'derella music espe- Thie Lrnh1i)is comnti sed of A~rnod 21lv for Miss PaLe andAthe iunrld nr- s oiie A Group of Harp Solos ..To be selected "Dance of the Hours" f rom "Lra G4eeuda".. Ponclhielli (A request> MYRA H4ESS AWAITED, Myra :Hess,, the English -pianist. .will be heard in recital, at the Stude>_ baker theater, Sunday. afternoon. Fébruary 14, at 3:30. CONTRALTO WILL SING Manian Anderson, fentinine memi- ber of the great Negro Trinity which includes Paul Robeson and. Rolanîd Hayes, lias one of the rarest ;oices of the* tinle. This, young contralto will, sing Monday evening,,Felbrm.rv 8at 8 atOrchestra hall. sonigs will be included on the Shaiv- nec club program., HILDA EDWARDS TO PLAY Hilda Edwards, pianist, wlio bas re- cently returned from a European:tour %vill be -heard in recital at the Civic theater Sunday afternoon, Februa' 14, at 3. TWO CHICAGO ARTISTS Two Chicago artists, Herman Fel- ber, violinist, and Leo Podolsky, pian, ist, will be heard in a joint recital at the Playliouse Sunday afternoon, February 14, at 3:30, under the direc- tion of Bertha Ott.