PRODUCT IN -A CITY 0F 2211000' KNOWVVN TO BE 1THE.RICHEST AND MOST .RESPONSIVE BUYING. AREA IN -11,1E UNITE STATES? OAK LEAVES EVANSTON REVIEW WILMETTrE LFE WINNETKA TrALK GLENCOE NEWS LAKE FORESTER MAYWOOD HERALU c ERTAINLY you would. Inten.. sivelyy1 And there are few manufacturers who wouldn't., Such a city would be likc a "DRBAM CITY". to most advertisers. It is flot a dreaml You have exactly, the same thing right: here and do flot reaize it! Not a single city . but the. richest suburbs in the entire Chicago Area . .. 221,000 people. The CREAM of your market. A nualitv audience with inonev to dividual suburbs and greatly prefer. to do'their buying there . to SUP- port their own merchants ... build up their own co mmunities. Consider your dealers, '1 this terri- tory. .,Does general advertising reoliy cover their rich market?'.,No,.. They need, local advertiing just as much as those In a: City a hunidred miles: f rom chicago. in theC a e' ** that c( Chicago Phone CENTRAL 3355 ~hIU *1 e.