LLING CA] Adopts Resolution. Calling .for Removail From Tax Emergency Project and,'Reafirms Decision -to Proceed Immediately Witb, Building 'of Water, Works- - WTrithdrawal f romi the, WTil-' mette .Taxý, .îniergency ,cain- paign, which h as proceeded wvith a plan to provide funds for 1the Village governilient. grade schools and higli scliool t hrouigh the sale of tax antici- pation~ warrants to villagers, -%vas e~ffected« by, the. Village board Tuesday of 1this, week Wvhen 'the trustees adopted .a resolution whichi remnoves. the Village froin the prografiW as * lrol)ose(l bN the Citizenis conii- mnittee receutly a1)pointed. The saulei resolution rea'f- fined the, board' decisiplu to. pro ceed at once with the con- struction of Wlitesnnii p>al Nvater %vorks. Action Unanimous A,%ction. of the board wvas uinaiiiiuoItis. 'l'lie resoltitioli was. adopted uppon motion of Trus- tee Stacv C. . Beiinett., and wvas j>rupted by a request f ron the Ciiznscoiiiiiittee that the! Village b)oard drop> the -%'ater wvorks construction fflanl. for aý y ear, on theý theory that toý pro- ceed at once, w-ith the improve- :iient wpuld seriotisly handicap, the prjce-a arrant sell- ing ca1lipaigfl Iii the resolution the Village board inis~ts that the oroposed water works' Hovt King. and possibIy others, wNas created to Sell Village and Sehool, ta1x anticipation warr ants, to the citizels. requestinig each citizeni to puirchase, these warrants. in. l)ehalf of the Vil- lage anid School boards., in an amout at least e(Iual to what his or lier taxes wiIl l)e for the above items. "This commnittee lias requested y our Village board to drop. the -build- ing of our owvn water works for a y1ear or so, on the basis that not to do so mav create the idea that tis huoard:,is iot retrenclîing ail it could. That. of course, is not a f act, nor does. the building of a water works have anything to (Io %vithi the taxes asses- sed against the people, except to in- directly -lower the taxes Nvhen the water works is ini operation. -Your huard is, of course, desirous of cooperating with the Citizens cotu- nittee to the higliest constructive de- grec,., Your board hias not taken snap jud lnent, but lias spent nith.sý studying this water question thor- oughly and knows that to postpone building the water wvorks mneans that the great area of thîe west side will lie subjected to a very serious and tunhealthy \vater shortage that much longer, to the. worst ,kind of a fire hazard and serious depreciation of real estate values. It inst lie borne i iiind that the water shortage il likely be far greater this comling SUDn.i- n ier'than it hasý been in the past be- cause Evanston has.advised that-they cannot, allow us to use thee booster pjunip on. Prairie avenue. 1 6To delay building the water works under, sucli conditions would be ex- tremely unfair to the peuple affected anid brinig benefits to none. *To relieve this situation teînpor- Vol'. XX, No. -4) VILLAGE BOARD) TAX WARRANT FOR TAX' qEy Important News at a Glance (details in, other columns) WITHDRAW FROM DRIVE The Wilmette Village board Tues- day: night voted to withdraw fromn the Tax Emfergency campaign as a recipient taxing body,, and. reaffirmed its decision to proceed imümediately with, construction of the mnuncipal water works. This action,' it was said. was promn1pted. by thé, request from the Citizens committee that the water works project. be postpoined for a year. WÀNT NEW. WATER SITE The Wilmette Park board, ini a communicationi to President Dubbs, this week suggested' a new site for the mgunicipal water works, offering to exchange Park board property at the. foot of Forest avenue for. Vil- lage property at the foot of Lake avenue whicb is the present pro- posed site of the water plant. The act ion of -the.Park board was. taken in, the interest of miaintaining the continuity of the Lake front park area, it was stated. SLASH VILLAGE EXPENSES The Village board Tuesday night ordered drastic reductions in Village oi)erating expenses for the remnainder of the fiscal year which ends April 30, 1932.'. The provisions of a reso- lution adopted by the board incIude a 10 percent cut in pay of ail oflicers and emiployes and mnaterial curtail-1 ment. of several itemns ofVilg service. SCIIOOL -OARDS MEET T he Wilmiette Schoolboard and the Xew Trier High school board were schieduled to meet ini joint session Wednesday night of this week to fi nd means of expediting the tax anticipa- tion warrant selling camnpaign. The school board, meanwhile, imade. an urgent plea to citizens of the village to purchase tax anticipationi warrants. *with the result that the Village UUU.LUj -----. School board, as well as others, are gave a week ago that starting Feb- without funds to continue operation. ruary 1 smmons would be served on A Citizens committee, composed of automobile owners ini Wilmiette who Judson F. Stone, E. B. Knudston,,jhv faedtpucsetir13 E. Worthen, Ralph Potter, Myles J. Villiage vehicle license tags. The hi- Phillips, A. J. DèBerard, Hayes Mc- ceuses. were due january ,1. The Kinniey, Herbert B. Mulford, L M. sanie warin.ig applies with reference Drake, E. E,. Orner, Floyd ,Weakley, te, dog licenses, Chief Brautigamn said. UAYS In, Wîlmette lv. Llt l.. %.*8 lur* ecut The total estimated cost of coin- pleting the paving project at the north end of Main street is $39,700> including $35,670. for the actual coat Of. the- bnprovemeîît, $1,783.50 for. en- gineering services- and $2,246.50 for the levyiig, of, assessments. Meet This Week to Expedite Warrant Selling Drivre; Issue Urgent Appeal With the next meeting of the Citi- zens ciimittee in the Mimette. Tax Emergency campaign scheduled for, nextM.onday, no officiai information- was available this week concerning wbat effect, if any, the action of the Village, board iin withdrawing from, the unified money-raising Project would have upon the committee's projected prpgram.. Meanwhile,' however, a: meeting of the Wilmette board.of education with represenitatives of the Neëw Trier High school board was scheduled for \Vednesday .night of this *week at which it was anticipated that some definite action would be forthcoming that would serve to'expedite the tax warrant selling campaign to provide: funtds. for the grammar scbools and bigh school. Buy Wartaats No. 'While these negotiations are in progress, civic-minded citizens are being urged to respond immediately to the cesperate need of the schools Iby.-purchasing tax warrants without solicitation. The procedure is quite simple. Merely. eall the public school offices, Wilmette 1618, and the transaction wilI be completed witbout delay. .The schools are in a desperate plight. Simply without any operating funds. Teachers are going payless. An absolute shutdown -is immiinent. Tesole remedy lies ini the.willing- nieïs of -the taxpayers to make imi- mediate purchase of tax anticipationi ,w arrants, paying taxes, as it were, that under normal' conditions Wouldl have been dlue and payable more than a year ago. Rely Upon Citimetta