Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 24

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National Worker to Ofler Training Monday, Tuesday Ail leader s, couincil memfbers, and interested parents of New Trier coun-ý cil are invited to the training cus 10o be, given Monday and Tuesday, February 8 and 9, at Christ'Church Parish House, ýWinnetka, by Miss, MXekion Fveret, a, memberof the national field training staff, -%%hc) is ii the citv Ibis %%eek. rThe Wilmette Leaders' 'association. b.as inivited'ail the leaders to meet Miss Everett at the Wilmette Methodist church on Tuesday cvening, February 9, at 7:30 o'clock. 1 Mis Everett calls attention to the fact that of the ten thousand Girl Scout troop captains, there ýis a small- er- proportion of. womfen between thirty and thirty-five than of younger, age grotips. **lt is a pi*vy. she~ said,4 "that mort womeu over tlhirîvý doni't take upl ýScout leadership as an avocaioni. They hiave by thiat tinie 'got their falmilies or careers ,vell started anid the young people would profit by their freshlv matured experience.," A large majority of Girl Scout leaders have been Girl Scouts them- selves, Miss Everett explained. Their occupations are about evenly divided betweeni teaching a.nd hiouscwifing, aud niearly liaif of themi arc mnarried, she savs. .A Girl Scout -leader muiist- have prin - ciples but no prejud(ices.*' contilitued Miss Everett. "At tliirty or tiiere- abouts, mnost wvoiien have got rid of the prejudices of vouth and lhave inot yet assumned the predjudices of age. They 'are more or less opei inided. "An open mmd an(l a well inifornicd miid, is -the greatest attribute a Scout leader can hlave. The. one ed ers are fine iii thleir euthusia.snîi. 'The older woman w~hoïhas this enthutsiasin- and also the' tolerance that conuic îvîth living arouind a bit more,. gel s 'fot necessarily betier results., but gets deeper resul ts. That is the rea- son timat. t is important to have the Miss Meldon Everett, a fnerber of the nt a t i o inali fie'ld troilm- ing staff, who wvill give training courses for ail leaders, council bers and interested Parents of Newît Trier comicit on Monday andl Tues- daY, Eebritary 8' aeu 9, at Christ Chia-ch parish house, tVj4nnetka. On *Tuesday ; veveninq, Pebruary 9, ni 7:30 o'clock, ail the lcaders hv bec» inited Ioizet Miss Evercit a, li If'inu'teMetiiodisi chu rch. The following- scliedule *vll prevail for M1iss Everett's training courses at Christ Chiurchi parishi hoùise: Mýond1ay,' February 8-troop committee and par- ents ait 9 a. ni.; comncil imeeting at 2 p. ni.- TuesdaN7. Februarv 9---tr:ooncorn- Here Are Highlights of .2 Eventful Days, Girl, Scout leaders and parents of New Trier council l be interc-sted in noting the following schedulèe îvhich will govern the activities of Miss Meldon. Everett, member of the national field training staff, dur- ing her twvo.days on the north shore:' Tiaining courses a Christ:Church- Pa rish House, .WNinnieka-Moniday, February 8: t roop committee and parents at 9,'a. m.; 'council meeting -at ý2 p. ni. Tuesday, F'ehruary.9: troop co mmittee. council and par- ents at 9:30 a. ,m.; camp cominittee. meeting at 2 ?p. m. These Cameras to Provide Fun for Girl Scouts Taking pictures with a, "pin-hole" camera, is one cheap and simple way of discovering and developing artistic, abilitv,, according to Miss Marjorie Puddington, newly'appointed director of Camp Aýndree, 'the national Girl Scout camp at Briarciff, N. Y. Last. summier Miss Puddinigtonl spent much lime at Camp. Andree initiating ýgirls' into the mysteries1 of handling these homnemade cameras, anmd as a result bas now a collection of pictures that.would' put to sharne much more extravagant plîotograph- Meetingý for aIl leaders-The \Vil-. ers, mette Leaders' association has iîxvited "M.\echantically ýperfect -cameras," ail the leaders to meet Miss Everett says Miss Puddington, -"do a great a ' thé Wilmetîe Methodist' church deal of your thiinking for you, or at on Tuesday, evening, February .9, at least temipt you. into taking Sil ap 7:30 p. M. . .., after snap in the hope that by acçi-. _________________________ dent, if not be design, v'on will gut a good resuit. 'The pin-liole camera," she Points; onut, "lias to, be !o-aded 'and unloaded Troo ews in a dark room., It perinits only orie picturwe to be taken ýat a time. It is 50 imperfect that onfly. the greatest Troop 3 ýaccuracy on the photographer',s part Last MNonday afternoon, Troop 3 will produce any passable result. mnet at the Christ Clhurchi Parish Training ini Composition Houise. While the girls lay a' trail : You' have to know exactly what, for a treasure liunt around the 'ou want to take, which is excellent church, the other girls played a bean- training in' composition, for it means Scoutga, anhich ereoutverGirlfiguring out the relative imiportance Scou.thewe wihad . frmai ellof foregroud, backgro~und. and individ- don. 1. Ten e hd aforalcere- uial fgures against both.' Also von nony,, and Barbara Sieck. Katherine hiave to study light and shade, ali of Sie.ck and Alice Bishop received their, which is elemnentary artistic train- Second Class badges. :Then we went nbeisbiglosffu. on our treasure hunt which îvas a gbeisbinlosffu" lot of fui. ,andclosed the meting, Miss Puddington lias found.'winter I)y singing Tàps. a splendid lime to indulge the camera' hobby",:because of the tree, silhouettes St.Fraci Tropand cloud effects it is possible to get At the fourth-nmeeting of flic St. at Iis îain f yar 1--ratcis toop..e leWhîle-tatimittnieg the imperfectio Fracistrop w larnd t li soieof the pin-hole camnera,' Miss Pud- new~ knots which woïre tIhe- love igopinsutha as«lte hitcb. the' square, -the sheep-shankiîtopinsotta'thsaIte and the bo\N-line. WNe had trouble necessary parts - filmi-holder, lighit- with sone 'of' *tbern, but w-e got 0 iltight chamber, methodof controlling all r;ii th~~ . e inflow of 1ikht and of shutting it COOICING COURSE A cooking course %vill. be given at the Public Service company, 911 Church street,' Evanston, starting Saturday morning. February 6, at 10 o'clock. There will be, four mteetings. If, you wisli 10 attend this course cal thie office, Win'netka, 3147,' or tell your leader. an a &01 , al about 5 ýeting. The lecager, 1 îîîs grounpmiii e conducteci as a ___ regular' troop.meeting and aIl classes of Nvork will be done. This course is Troop 10 open, té Girl Scout leaders and. al.l The Camp Fire Girls invited us té persons intereslied iin learning more corne and see a movie on Africa. W~e about tbe Girl Scout program. enjoyed it Very much. We did not ,vaiicr aa betty .t-i4enswortn. Betty Allensworth, scribe. have as much timne as we had 'plan- ned. So Mrs. Bull made some an- nouncements -about our next'meeting. Then we sang. Taps.-Ruth 'Clark, scribe.

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