its service and, uy carelul umgement, finish 'the year with a inargin of carui- ings above dividend requirements. 1The annual report of the company to its stockholders issued for the di- rectors by President F. O. Hale on February 1 showrs net earnings for the year- of $16,1 49,372, or at the rate of- .5.58 percent oni the, average book cost of the hyia property, compared with 6.21 percent for 1930. Net profits Were $1281,97,which is $8.54 per a verage sl;arc' of capital stock outstanding and compares . ith, $9,9$ per average share for 1930.. The numnber of telephones coninectedI \%-as ý227,575 .and the numiber discoin- !lected .284,116, resulting i a net, station luss of 5(),541. However, at the end loi, the year. the total number of telleptiones ni service, vas 15,000 higher than a the beginning of 1929 and, about 175,000 highier than five years ago., In addition to Connections ani disconnections, 1/75,-4 068> telephoines were moved due to sub7- scribers' changes of 'address..* Gross expétnditure-lôr-additiOn)s and1 Ijtternents curig the year anouiited 1 to $20,273,845, The standard of mainteni- ance bas been held at a high level, says the report,, and as a resuit the pati -n ecellent condition. '1he daily average ofllocal telephone calls-was 5,891,000, a decrease of 4.4 percent' f rom . 1930. Toli and long 'dis-. tance .m essages averaged 221,000 perl da, a decrease of 6.1 percent. List Week's Winners at Desclrnppeiies Club,ý 'A very i'vely and interesting gaine ofi Duplicate-contract. was ei joyed at thie Jieschappelles':club ninthe Ceôrgiax.1 hotel on Mànday' evening of this week, wlien the regular first Monday of the' rnonth team-of -four play was lheld. Eleveni tables %vereiii compelitition and the wvii- aueqrs w~ere, Mr. ýand, Mrs. Gordon .Quig- lely plaýyi ng ini a' teatnu with Mr.,'and 1\Irs.., Hlerbert Hall. A group of four womni camie in. for second place in the teamn- of-fjour Iplay consisting of Mrs., J. O. lRoberts, ',%rs.. Thmas' Wakefield. and M\rs. Herbert 'Metcalf and Mrs. 'Tudor. T1'lie highiest score of the eveniiug f or pairs, Nvas won by Mr. and \,rs. Quig- ey of the North and South couples and anti-aircraît, for the past seven years and has been as'signed to that regi- nient since its organization in 1922. On Thursclay, january 28, Colonel' E{odgkins was presen'ted with a sabre Vw the officers of the regiment, in honor of his promotion, the presenta- czWD Bites JCCESSORS TO A. PL McDOUGii OPTOMETRISTS suite 1714 Jleyworth Bldg. 29 E.. Matdison, Chicago INVEST IN THE MIRA-CL E'AN in every line of business one produet stands out above al others. Its value makes it the ruling favorite. The public dem ands it because their confidence in its quality is always xvell-founded. In the cleaning business, Miracleain is con- sidered the best by people Who know-by people Who appre- cîate the many advantages of being well.groomed-by people, Who regularly have their clothes- properly cleaned to pro- long the ife of their garments-by people Who know that heaith and cleanliness are necessary to social and business succesS Friday an d -Sýturday Febru ary- 5 and6 SPECIAL We will beautif ully regarding the hours for these games. ]Ç~ e'CiaoMs HOSTESS TO 'MOTHERS Cleasers loesS il ne The Alpha Phi Mothers' club will and nueet this af ternoon at the chapter house ' Master Cleaners and D> in Evanston. Assisting hostesses will efthe North Shore be Mrs. William H. Dillon, Mrs.J.K Farley, Jr., and Mrs. W. F. :Fruden- reich, all of Kenilworth. 1 7 74po% er Min