Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 20

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Increased development of public parks is providing not only work for the unempioyed, but a variety of rec- reation activities for ail the family, according to a statement issued by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics 'and thé National Recrea- taon association, based onI the ir joint study of five -years' groWth of munic- ipal and, county park, facilities throughout the nation. ",M,ôre *people are using public parks today than ever before," the report stated. "The, increase ini aduit attendance indicates that people out of work. are turning to city park and recreation. agencies for guidance ini *the, use of their' enforced hours of léisure. The providing of work- op- portunities for large numbers of ere-. lief workers' is one. of the greatest contributions which parks have made and, are continuing to make in the present depression. There is perhaps no type of 'municipal service ini which it is possible to empioy to advantage as large numbers of ýunskilled work- ers as inir nproving park properties. In dozens of cities funds raised for unemployment have been, used to hire mien for this work. Not oniy does this help relieve unempioymentbut it adds to the value and usçfuiness o f the city's recreational resources." Municipal park space has increased more than 38 per cent during the five year period since 1925 in 534 cities for wbich full information is avail- able, the study shows. The total area set aside for parks and recrea- in1 the population group ranging from 25,000 to' 50,000 which sent informa- tion for the study more than doubîed. their park acreage during the five, year perièod. Capital1 expeinditures totailing near- i$20,000,000 in .416 ities during the five, years', .indicate the importance, of ýparks in city fiscal planning, the re- port states. The five cities of ýmore than a million population spent an average of $2.89 per capita for parks during 1930. The fi.ve years saw con-, siderable growth in the 'number of Fiday, February 5 7 p.m. Chess and checker tournament. Stolp School lib)rary. 7 pa. Basketball for men. junior *League. Aces vs. W\ildcats. Howard gyrnnasium. 8 p.m. Basketball for men . B League. Hoffmans I vs. TermninaIs. Howard gymna sium. 8:15,p.mi. Piug Pong. Stolp'gymnasi- um. 9 P.m. Basketball for men. B League. Elites *vs. Lyman's Texacos. How- ard gvinnasiumt.. Monday, February 8 7:15 p.m. Basketball for girls., New Trier Specials 'vs. Six Bits. Stolp -gymnasium. 7:30 P. Mi. Volley bàIl for men. Baptist v5. Ridge Pharmacy. Howard gym-, nasium. 7:30 p.m. Volley baIl for men. Hof- man Florist I vs. Gvm CIass. HoW- ard gymrnasiUm. 8:15 P.M. Basketba - l for girls. Highi Crest vs. 3Mailinickrodt Il. Stolp1 ymnnasiui. 8:15 p.m. VoQlley ball for men 1-ow- ard P. T. 'A. vs. Wilmette Tailors., Howard gymnasium. 8:15 p.m. Volley hall for mxen. Meth- odist vs. Hoffmnan Florist IL. How- ard gymtnasiumi. 9 p.m.. Basketbali for girls. 1. B. Tý. vs Basketeers. Stolp gyminasiuîn. 9 p.m. VTolley hall for men. Congre- gational vs. Blackhawks. Iloward gymnasinim; Tuesday, February 9 7 p.in. Açro club for boys. H-ovvard gymnasiuni 7:15 p.m. Basketh)all for girls. Wi Id In11diatusvs Brownies. Stolp gym - na s mm. 8 p.m. Basketball. practice. forý men. Howard gymnasium. 81.m.Basketbalî for girls. Schultz & Nord vs. M.\allinckrodt I. Stolp gymnasium. 9 :05s pm Basketball for girls. O'Kays' vs. XYZ. Stoip- gymnasium. Friday, February. 12 7 p.ni. Chess and checkers. Stolp school library. 7 p.m. Basketball, for merl. junior League. Sophomores .vs. West Si- ers. Howard gymnasiumn. 8 p.m. Basketbalî for mený. B League. Hoffmaus I vs. Elites. Howard gymnasiumn. 8:15 p.m.. Piug Pong. Stolp gyInna- sium. 9 p.m. Basketball for men.. B League. Hoffmaus Il vs. Terminaîs. Howard gymina sium. Recreation League. Games ". IIBASKETBALL > BIackhaNwks (2î) Staté Bank'(18> Paul Jones Bal -Robinson lamxes. verson JlackIçligbee Rusgell Horn Lawrence Rothi George Jones Dave EN-ans Robert Berndtson Ton King 'Williain Websteýr Jack, Cuilen Tony Varpey. Hellen, referee:: K. of C. <20) Methodist ,(12> Jack Hefiman 'Charles Varney Jack Harrison Robert Pence Vincent Meter Fred Waidner William Melbye Robert Martin Dî.ck Ganger Milton Boyajia 1 Harrv'Sierens Fred Lundbe'rg H1eller, -refe'ree Irisbh (25) Hawks (31) Ted Buck Lawrence Lang-don Bud Knbal. Robert Bjork Robert M1ile,, Janss Lawton WV. Vttenreuthier Don Langdon Ralpb Meeker John Moore Gt_ -irge Stonle Robert Johnl-soil Heller, refe'ree Ir res by t erh Clifford Bit HarrySto'i ('harleYs Roi Marshall i an (33) 'Shamrox (31) Illmack Winfield Rogers ýne Claude Hili1 mi, . Ve-rnon Wyle Ang ýTom Sullivan Howard Winber-g Kýanning, referee Teini sta iiding.< ln "A" Hâackhaks.....8 State Bank ......... Shamirox . Presbyterian....... Ko.fC .............5 Methodist...........1 leag ue: Lost Per Cent o 777 7à00 6 454 5 300 6 454. 9 181 10 90 &-ul ---J Chiess matches in the Playground and Recreation board's second an- nuai tournament have reached the third round, or quarter finals iiow and m'natches inthis round -will he started tomorrow evening at the regular weekiy meeting. of the' Chess and Checker club at-7 o'clock in'the -StdIP schoôol Iibrary., Quarter finals matches in tthe'check-7 er tournament which. is heing c on- ducted at the samne time will',be fin- ished and the, tournament. plav is ýex- pected to get into; the semi-finals be- fore the evening is oiver. Matches scheduled ini the second round of chess tomorrow evening will lie between H. L. Beach and Egn Hildebrand, and Montgomery MaIjor and Wý%,alter. H. Hildebrand.. Second round matches in the chess tourna- ment to be completed as vet are be- tween: Lawrence. Skewes- and David Harper,. Tom McCann, and C. H. M-\ayer, and George Stone and C. 1 1Ierbert, Joues. -S.' V. Morris and ICharles M.%cCann h ave eliminated op- I ponents in the first and second ro 'unds and are awaiting the. outcomne of the other matches before they are. able to enter, the. next round of play. H. L. Beach eliminated C. J. Cur-. ran to, enter the quarter finals in the checker tournament «and will meet X\ilard Uttenreuther tomorroNt eve- ning to determine the opponent of AI Schaeffer in the semi-finals. Mr., ,chaeffer defeated Robert Blasd.ell in the quarter finals. S. Vr. Morris and Ed Schmidt %vill neet ini the quarter finals and the winner wjll meet G. A. Reinhardt, wvho elirinated Walter jFelk'e. in the semi-finals. Friday. Eeb- ruarv 19, has been namned thie last. iight of the checker tournament'. Hiarold J1ohnsçin James Bagnafl James 1Hofftman Alex Hoffnian Auglut WalloWitz. Todd, T'êafi;tandinýgs Lynam*ýs'Tex. (28>ý Louis Gender Ed .%cGovern Ad.am Bernard! ,Clarence Steffen:s James Bergen referee in7 "B" -Iyas-ýketbali WVon Lost 'Per Cent Hloffnaris 1i 0 Lynami's Texacos ... 4 636 Iloffmnan Il ....... ...........25 Termiinals.......7 4 626 Rambiers.......3 S.272 Ridge Patmay St. Johns........ 9 000) and individuals planning parties, pan- tomimes, and plays to celebrate 'Washingfon's. birthday might have acç ess to them. Persons wishing 'to avail themnselves of this opportunity May do >so by calling at, the Recrea- tion office' between 9 and 4 o'clock during the week days and before 12 o'clock on Saturday mornings. Thursday, February Il 7 p.m. Girls' gymnasiuni class. How- ard gymnasium. 7 p.rn. Men's basketball. Junior League. Sophomores vs. 8-Rocks. Stolp gymnasiunx. 8.p.m. Ladies' gymnasium class. jun- ior -A. C., vs.. Elites. Itoward gym- nasxum. 8 p.m. Men'0s :basketbal. Junior Heller, referee Terminais (48) Rarnblers (19) 'I. Dell Jack Rye'rson D. Dell Sherwood Palnmer Bob Lechner St6ve Keil, Joe Dempsey Charles Hall John Zopp Peter Wagner Todd., refw.e Kanning,, referee Team standings ln Junior league: Won Lost Per Cent East Siders ......8 O0 1000 Junior A. C .......... 8 o 00 Aces ...... *..... ...... 5 4 558 West Siders........5 5 500 Sophomores......4 5 444 Wlldéats........... 4 8 444 Elites............. 1 9 i 8-Rocks ........ ......i 9 0

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