of 8C Class Has Intecrestîng Plans The 8C class of Howard scheol bas started a citizenship club., We are going te havea, paper witb a ist of names on and, every. time seme one dees a citizenlike deed, he wilI have amark put after bis namne. We hopeý it will be a success. Some.of the suggestions for titizen- sbip are: Pick up papers in the hall,., Write JUNIOR LinE storîes. ýBring food for the poor. Do not make tardy marks. Sel tax anticipation warrants. Obey junior police. -Dorothy Massigi 8C Howamd school. Girls of Sevqn1th Grade' SMaldog RoQm Posters In art class the seventh grade girls are making posters for the different roonis. The posters are of two dif - fèrent colors and ne twe colers. are used twice. The posters have a pro- verb on one side and ene the otheêr side they have, "Bank Day Tomer- row." It is lots of fun te make the posters. The flrst step in making theni is drawing the letters on col- ored paper. The next step is cutting theni eut. The third step is te paste theni on the poster and the iast step is toerease the guiding Unes. We al hope the roonis ,liké them.-Betty Green, Howard 7B. Team Il is Victorious Over Team 1 at Howard *On Wednesday, January 27, there was a gôod gaine at Howvard schooi. The game was played bctween Tea s Il and I. The players for Teani Il are as follows: Dorothy Massig, Lois Roberts, Dorethy liolmes,'Jane. Mc- Clintock, Mary Louise. Schaeffem and Helen Schwall. The players of teani I were Dorothy Hilli,_Rutb Suther- C-1 Basketeers Defeat , GUI in Thrilling Galme The C-i quintet defeated C-111's five-boystrîing by,,a score of 6.to 4j at the Howard gym on TuesdayJ an- uary- 26. Ii was in the second haîf. before the first 'score was made. The C-11 tcam made the first score wben Pbillip Samuelson sank a b asket. The nexti score was made by C-11 with Gerald May. making another. easy shot for C-11. This put C-11 in the lead, 4 teo. It was then' that C-i came up froni the' sidelines. Laurence* Haugness put in, the basket twe points; just after that Eric Samuelson put in.an- other;, tying the :score. After thatý followed'a, brief scramble. for the bal. -A'dribbled. bail baîf way dowvn the court to the side of the floor by Bob 'MacMorran, and then a shot at the. same place on the, floor put tw( more points for C-i when the h-all sailed right through the hoop. The game finished a few seconds aiter, and C-1 won -by a score, of 6-4. C-1 tearni as won two garnes eu t of Ère. We lest Our first game to C-il b.y a s core of 6 te 4, -and won our second from themn, 6 teo0. Our third game was tlhis one which we won by 6 to 4. C-11'1 and C-I have a tie te fight outtin eue more game. - Bob MacMomnai >8A Howard school. Wilmette Parents Try to-Make Village Safer There is te be a Safety council in Wilmette soon. Some of our fathers are working out plans for it. We want Wilmette e be a safh plate for Éhildren to liveand play whether at home or on the streets. The.old days of heorse, and buggy are gene and with the many spëeedy cars children. are u nsafe riding bicycles in the street. We think we sheuld be al- lowed te ride our bicycles on the sidewalks.-Billy Dodds, Miss Brick- ey's rooni. D-1 Cagers Hope to Oppose. Stolp It loeks if D)_1 basketball teani is geing te play Stolp. ýWe won the third straight game freon D-3. last week. We defeated theni 8 te 1 and besides. we let. them berrow three. players f rom, another D team. The lineup of the teams was as fellows:- D-1. (8) D,3 (1) D).,Mickey F. H. Berme R. Cochran. F. G. Schubert JSperedes C. I Stèffens M. fellansbee G.- J. Anderson T'. Field G. . Jones We have one more game iLeft te play and if we win it we will play Stolp ,for the champioiship.-John Speredes, 8c, Howard school. Prederie Nearly Tosss flirthday Present Away On1 My birthday a lot of people came te our house and a lot of chl-, dren came. 1 couid net figure eout what they came for but I soon found, out. After we ail had eaten we went into the living rooni. Then 1 got my presents that they had brought. One of theni was a watch. I toek the watch eut and started te throw 'the paper away when they teld me .to save the paper. I asked theni why and they told 'me te find out for fiùy- self. I started loeking through the paper and found a five dollar bil.- Frederic Strauch, 5C Howard school. Pupils Have Discussion on Junior Life Tickets Quite a discussion b as -come up about the .JUNIOR Lirz tickets~ which are banded'eut each week. There is a very unpleasant thing te say and that is the person who e- ceives the ticket shiould, net pass it on te aniy other person. The other. rule is that you should net attempt te use theni befome or after the date which is on the ticket. If a ticket is] Howard Classes Devote Eriergies to ý>New Projeets hesvnhand eighth grades are doing se much extra work that Mrs. Groves is piled.under her desk near- ly. Social Science wor k is very in-' teresting, and we find more things to do for extra, work than, we can do. One of the seve nth grade girls made the progress of boats. First was the log, then the raft,, next the crude boat, then the tea- clipper, and Iast the. modern steamship. .Oneof the eighth grade'boys made a scene of -the "Battie of Bunker Hill" in 'a box tipped sideways. The cannon men lying dead were show-n and others. were shownfgtigon. the bill. The ideas of some clever workers are expressed when they ýdo some of this work. Mrs. -Groves is verv pleased and s ays she' wishies she could keep lots of, it. Most of the work will be saved 'for the art ex- hibi.-Mary Louise Schaeffer, 8B Howard school.. Mickey, the, Wandrn Dog, Welcomed Home About one week ago my dog Mick- ey came back. He had been lost for three days. When hie came back we were ail very happy. Now I will tel yen how we got hini back. One night we. were sitting at the dinner table eating dinner. I said te my tinc le, 'Don't you think it. is raining liard"? He said, "I will go look." 'When hie opened 'the door, in came the doz. Everybody was so happy that he %vas back. My unicesaid.he was going to buy hbu a pound of pork tender- o6in.-Frederic Mendep 5A Howvard school1. Zero'Hour Arrives ýon Thursday at 9 O'Clock Every Thursday at 9 o'clock is the zero hour for JUNIOR Li articles in 8A. We should write our stories at, *:............... .....-... .... Ewadclol w hich was needed. Unit VI_____Howrd,_______ about "The Making cf the American Constitution." It was moet as inter- CANDY SALE FOR NEEDY esting as the un it .preceding it. I On Friday, January 22, 5A bhad a amn sure that éverybédy enjoyed read-' candy sale. We get $3.91 f romi it. igit and Alilngin -our outlines. We- We are going te. use, the money te, hda test thé following day.-Vir- buy food for the poor.-T6nm Huck, dignia Oison, A8 Howard school. 5A Howard scbool.« PUPILS PRESENT PLAY WASHINGTON PICTURES We gave a play about Henry Hud- The. United States' George Wash- son. It,, was a goQd play., I was ington Bicentennial commission of Henry Hudson's son. Henry Hudson Washington, D. C., 'bas given each was Willard Jarchow. The sailors reeni of Howard school a lovely pic- were. Howard Ringholm, Kimmy turc c f George Washington. Mrs. Uriont, Roger Sherman and Charles Jones' rooni is going te have the boys McCandish-Caérter Hadley, ýGrade 4 make a frame for it.-Lucille Watson, How ard schoël. 8A Howard school.