Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 16

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Frlday, February 5, at 12.30 the cen~- tral Circle will meet for luncheon at the home of 'rs. I. R. Adkins, 1112 Central avenue. ,Nfr. Hlndley wlll preach' on the sub- ject, "Shifting Gears," At the worship service neit Sunday at 10-.45 a. m. The musical progl'am .wïlll-,be: *Preluàde-lPelude on the, Hymn Tune, Sbînlng Shore".... ...... Root-Barnes Anthem-"My Redeemer and My )Lord" .... .........Dudley Buck * Offertory "Berceiuse& >.....lemare QurtétetSlflg Allelula Fo'rth ! ............................. :Dudley BUck Pos;tlude->.-"Granld Chorus D. major" ......... 1......... ........Guilmant î ~Our Chùreh, sehool will meet ln the t'ollowing departmt'nts: Beginners départineflt (ages 4 and 5)-ý 10:45 to 12 Primary departmeflt (ages 6; 7, and 8)- 9:30 to 12 Junior depal'tmfeft (ages 9, 10, and 11) -9:30 to 10:40 Internidat eartmeflt (ages 12 and High School departmeflt- 12:15 b i <claeses) Next' Sunday eveniiig Branson DeC(,l * will present his Drearn Pletures of Ro- * nintie- Gerrnany at the Sunday Eve- ning club whicb meéets in this church at The activities during the week, for boys and girls are definltely inluùded in -our progra.n an each group rcle gudnefrom ekpeienced'le"ders. The week-day schédute foit, Tuesdayv--4 p. nm.- Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls Tuesdayýýs-7 :30 P. m.-Ronsevelt Troop No. 2, Boi- Scouts Thifl-day-93 >:M1I-. m.-Bluebirds Thursdas-4 :00 p). im.--Jufior Choir re Thlrsdays "à :20 p. ni.- Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts Wednesday, February 10, beginis the. first of several Iopular-prlced CIturch Nilht dinners andI progra.ms. The sup- per will be ,(,Yved at 6 :», at 3.7 centF,, and will be-followed by a fpcil eâ- ture. and: by the first of Mr. ]Hinidleyr's Lenten zmessages o T e GeUPs sessions of Ont*' Religion."4 The. theme w~ill lie "The ir'.rte. Such ques- tions, ne these .w~il1be met : "Is Prayer adut- o aprivilege? Whýat is the psych;, ongy and functionl of it?" Others nay lie -proposed iind. ivill lie answered lua. quite in formaI1 a nd friendly col- loquini. t Mfonda-,, Fel'rary8,.the.,annulal .valnaut willbe beu in the chur( ueflitit 1 The Christaa Endeavor society wil meet at 5:30, the place and, leader to be announced. The Sunday Evening club 'will agailii have Branson DeCou as its speake.r on' "*Dream Pictures ot Romanié Ger'- many." 7 :30 o'clock ut the CongregatiII- al church. There will be a ij1oint, meeting of the Session, the, Trustees,, and the Déa conis on Monday evening ut 9 o'elock in the ('hurch office. The Woman's society, will hold its Foreigni Missions Praise _meeting on Tuesday,- Februàry 9. at 2 'clock. M'rs. Quayle wlll lIead the devotional. We have a.real treat In store for us.> Miss Harriet Stroh,. who bas Just- returned fromn the floÔded district of Hwaiyuan. China, will speak on "ýTakjng the. Good News te, China's, Rural Millions." The soloist *111 be Mr-. Tom. Elvin, accom- panied by bis sister,- MIss Elvin. Speke 8 will serve tea. Everyone Is co'rdially, invlted to. come to thisiniteresting nieet- ing. Troop 'NO. 5 Boy Scouts *.Ill meet Thuirsday at 7 :30 o'clock at St.. Aug-us- tine's Partah House. At the Prtlyer meeting on Wedinesday evening at 8, o'clock, the pastor will give the unusual lecture entitled, "The Westward Trend, et Empire," wblch was scheduled for last Wednesday evening, but bad1 to be postponled because a former studyý had. net been completed. You are cordially lInvited to spend thiis bou' of Bible stu dy and devotions %vith, The Chî'lstianEndeavor society ls planning a. party for Friday e'nig Pebruftry 12. The (iîureh Loyalty C'rusadçe upon whk'iih this church wvill launch-l on Febru- ary 21, will inélude s'e great weeks ot S ane, practicali definite advance. Febru- ary% 21 w 111 be Roll1 Cal Sunday, the Ciill to Loyalty; F'ebi'uary 28 bllle Neighbor's D) av. the Badge ef Loyaltv; March 6 will be) Family Day, the Te.st ftLyly March 13 will. be Mns Dathe G ofetLoyalty;Mri2 Ivill be Youth -Day, the ýPedge of Loyalty- March 27 will lie Enster DayN, the Incentivé to Loyalty;- April 3 will be New, Memb)ers': Day,, the Abiding Loyatl- ty. CommitteeS are, being organiged ,for the direction of the campli gn, andl evervthing OIllsppon be tunder way. The' sermo ns dutring tie erusà ,de wvILl lea seriles. on the general subjeet. "ýThe Meaning of Ç.histiainity." ýFth' a Believer in jésus Chist Sunday; February 21-The Christiiif, in KnowledgS and Understandiflg, a Disciple, Sunday, February 28-The Christianl, in. Çharacter and Life, a Sain t Sunday, M.%a-ch f-ThIre Christianin l In- fluence, Êa Llght Sunday, IMarch 13-The Ch'ristiafl,!il conflict, a Soldier. Sunday, March 20 - The Christiain, ln Expectation, an 'Heur Classes for the Christian edueation: et children are given every Tuesday atternoon at 4 and gaturday rnorning at 9, O'clock. These classe§ are divided lu-" te -two sections, the beginners and the advanced. Included in the latter are those who arep'reparing for confirma- tion. These classée; are open to ail cil'- dren between the age of six and sixteen. The Bible, a Bible History and the Lutheran Cabechismn are the tex't books. use'c. During -the. lenten season there wi.il be no, programns o! entertaininelit gîven at this church. The meetings of the varlous.- organizations howvevéer wll lie held as usual. It i s expected that al cf the v'otitig miembers of the congregatimn will attend the regula'r- monthly meetingon'1 Tues- day ev'eninig next ,at 7:45 o'clock. A num)-ber of! new members *111 be r'e- ceived inte voting membership at i ht timne. Metbodist Church The High Sehool league will mieet nèdxt Sunday evening at 5 :30. Eugene F"rank. Nvill speak on 'Blind Spots-." Pictures o! Romantie Germnan% Sunday Evening club at 7 :30i Congregational churcli. - atth in the The Woman's Aidsoet will * îm-t today-, Thursday, February A, it 10 o'cleck at the chIurchýi. Lunclit-on wil l e se'l've(lrit noon by the Fix'st I)i\i>sion. Mis 1Helun PIouty o! Laket. Bluff or- phanage will 'spcak at bbhet:30, session. The Wpnan's ýForeign ' .isIoaIy so- e.iety î ill nîcet Thursýday, Ftru;try 11i, at 2 o'clock. Devoion:r. ('an J Nylund "Christ Coin". to the.Village" -"He Trains the Mird": Mr's. Thomnas 14t. West; HIostesses: Mesd «im-ýes'\M 1avtha MeVickex's, C . Lundberg, and E. F. Angelbeek. The- Couples celub will .hold ils flist meetingr of the new vear on F'idav t've- L .- W'hile attending cburch wdrshlp, your cilidren may be left lu the care ot our Junior church. Miss Dorothy Webner In charge. Ou'r Sunday school, a 'lti'l part o! pur churich ite, mieets at 9:30 o'clock,i l n: varieum departments. Ralph H. Rice1 lageneral superintenident. ?b. 'toung WFomen's clans, with 15 1 . uadence. ln ithereueemng 5wua f Blessed Sa'vior. The lenten ser St. John's will be given every V day evening, beglnfling Feb'tuarý .7:45 P.; m. The pastor wlll de éeries et sermons on the Pasl< tory ot ouri- Lord. The fi-st er this series *111 deal with the !B by J,.udas. EWeyone ls very cordii vited',te attend these services. 110 at ver a n Ilis- Thé chorus choir whleh during recent weekrn has numbered nearly thirty, meets toi- rehearsal every Thursday night. Thère Is * till rponx toYi other voic!es. Plans for 'Easter musie are, ai-, ready. under way. During-the six days* precedlng last Sunday, twenty-four eeparate and, dis- tinct church meetings were hëld,,In the cElui-v a. nin~, honor. *Boy Scout T1'oop 3 of this churcb ranked third this month, accord ing to the present rating system of the North, Shore Area council. For twénty consecutive Sundays the church school bas had rneW etroilments. It is hoped that thîs record niay be con- tinued lndefinltely through the .year. Certainly nany prospects are on the list fo'r future enrolîmnents. BaptitMCarch Wilmette and Forest avenue.z George D.. Allison, minîster *'A Church that.Cares" Scout Sunday* will be observed iii, this chureb duringthe mornling service, Suii- day, February, 7, with the Boy and Sea Scout troops attending the servIcée in uniform. Dr. -Allison will preach a ser- mon especially for ýyouth. .The, houx' %vill close.with a baptismal service. The Church sehool prograin begin< at, 9~:30 o*eluek with. classes for ev.ery'y gé grloup frorn the Nursery througli thie adfult, making it possible for' every mt-m- ber of the famuly te attend togetherx< The Youfl'g People's seOçîety wili mbeet Sunday evéning at six ol'elock ivith the devotional comnmission, in charge Of the, prograni. Let us have a large numbe"' out! We were glad to have sonie vis;i- tîors with us las't week. The Woman's society meeting -wil l e hlàl in this church Friday, Ëebruatry 12. Wet will have as our guests a -Chine.-u andi Japanese stutient trom the Baptist Missionary Training school, and mcem- bers of the Glee club. wlll furnls-h the music. The program lis planned i'o- nection with the World Day of ry, observed each year by the Wiliiette- churches lu a union service. The Chicago Wornan'sBais ii(I union meeting for Februa'r3 ivilIl he held at-.,tthe Austin Biptist churciý. 515 i~ aveniue, on February 9. The trustees,,rfegula r monithly n' in wilIlibe held at the churelh on Tùe>slay, February 9.. A. grfiup of thec- uxembers cý f the Eve- ning Link wvill attend- the Great N'orth- cmýr theý Ler to ste ,",Narehing Bv" n(mxt w'eek. Kenilworth Union the Lin- Not onîY moseo ei nient but ail Who are Study are urged and The meeting wlll 1>0 ter's home, 319 Rich, werth. ývlteQ i» Id at the nd roacd, The Christian Century Is startng this meonth a notabledebate on t.he subject "lm, There a God?" te ho conducted by three leading theegfans and pilose-,

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