* A. galaexposition and spring trade festival for the entire north shore will be held at Winnetka Commun- ity House fromn February 29 throughi March 9. Endorsed by the Winnetka Chamber of Comnmerce. the exposi-, tion wvill be participated ini by: mer-, chants, throughout the, north shore area and, Chicago. Preliminary inqluiries amng noýrth Shore merchants, the expositionin ati-. agemientt states, guarantee .the pur- chase of suflicient expositioni space to insureý its. success. Proceeds froin tbe exposition will' go,1O furni'sh the ew Winnetka Community House. Columittee in Charge A. E. Bryson of Halsey, Stuart anti company, heads the exécutive .com- mittee for the, expo'sition. Associated with himn are Felix Lowy, -Colgate- Palmolive-Peet comùpany, R. F. Doe-.- cIl Braun Brothers Oil company, F;ederick H. Scots, Carson, Pirie 'Scott andl company, George B. ,Wolf. W'olf 'andi câmpany, Frederick de Peyster.. Illinois Bell.Telephotne com- pany. S. Bowles King,' Sullivan .a- cilrinery conipanv, and George Get-: *good. dîrector of, Comnmunity Ho 'use. Deterunination of the 'directors..to choose this m'eans of equipping:Côm- inunity House, -Mr. Bryson explained. * was prompted, by the horth shore s need for a spring trade fair and ex-. pos ition. The manner i n vh-ich mer- chants of the area have responded, to Ille plan demonstrates their, confi- (lence in a good spring trade on the * nortît shore. MNany. lie saii,. are uising flic exposition as the opening gan of * their campaign to reaclh consuimers. .Variety of Euxhibits Ntercliants' exhibits will include 1 nanv- lnes, and -will bc chosen for ,lie interest and novelty of. their con- lents. The nuost miodern developnients in hiome neetis and in11pmovemncnts will be showii. Jn addition, thue stnartest ofl the 1932 model automnobiles. will bc dis-1 playeti fil a specia.l exhiibit., there wvilI bc, f rec .motion pictures, two daily sessions of a cooking school, andi an elaborate style show. The. exposition wiil run nmorning. afternoon andi evening, and there witl be *special entertaininent features (luring eaclh period of the day. Distribut. Tickets * Admission wili bc. by tickets distri- 1 . T. A. MEETING l'he Parent-Teacher association of the Highcrest school announces a 'meeting to bc held 'at the school Tuesday evening. February 9, at, 8 o'clock. The speaker for the evening will be E. E. Harris, 'principal of the Ct.lvelalnd school in Nules Center. The progranim ill be followed by a busi- nýess meeting and . laer a, social *hour at %vhicli. bunco will be played. MORE CONTAGION HERE. Eleven niewv, cases1 of communicable diseases.. including six-, of whooping t.ough. four of chicken pox, and one of Germuan mneasies were reported ini ,ihinette by the local Health dcpart- ment'for the. week endibg Tuesday, .Pebrtiary 2. The department:also re- porteti eiglitother cases of whooping cough and, six of chiéken pox still witive lu. the Village. M lrs. Walfer 1). Lauinder, -Y O- lford moat. Kenilworth, will entertain a fcw frientis at dinnler aid bridge on1 Stutrdlayeveing, February 6i. -0- .Frank W. Cherrv. 704 Rogers ave- nue. N-eiilworth le ft on Friday for a. bUi 1C ; il i>1te Suh ARE YOU-,HU.NGRY .FO.R Waffles .are no'trick to mû.e when you hake, them .electr;icay. .Automatic signale.Sn the new irons, tell you when to pour in batter'. No amoke-no muse. Bake them right at thé.-table -serve them hot and erisp. They're deliclous. finish, ,tched ing.chromium fiish. 110W US YOUR l u if 66old faithful" is wearing out, let one of heenew quiek-action, toasters replace it. -~ gsi sais @.ICM Stationery and Gif t.Shop 1155 WilmetteAve.WiI. 3051..