?Ç-.,-i2[u _ i ý l i- .- iin y me1211 V mage itidi u 4t its regujar Iraet- roorn, including the seventh and -ing 'futsda'v nitonakngl !- eighth grades. arc alternating m uh o aigm sellaig he andvfrux xýeek t,) week. ,r, efforts t(> ubtain fr(m lvnit. L.ast \ 11,,>av is' rvena's rooni 1 a reduction in the pri.ceý it charg'e, clearcd $4.75 on their caivsale,, ),r. i V,ilm1ette f or water, en celi tsperi Murphy. the. High(-cst principal. re- hiunredr:. cubic feret. On the otlcr~ port s. hand, Mr. Lauier said, t h r Village li.- ficials -merelv told 'Ev anston 'that REPEAT ENGAGEMENT Wlet ned 0buill s(U So enthusiast.ic xas, the reccp)tl*.i %v ater W.orks. as authorized, bv the givn Cneon mitî nd asca oters at the speciàl election. on De- Yushny at ýtheir Ru ssian Musia cember 5. Aiter M r. 1 Lauer had. in Marshall Field's \Walnut grill last .okn o ashr tmeTu1,eA Ti~sda aiernon hatMarshallW Froehde. rose' to a point of order Field anïd companyv has decided to and objected, to any- furth-er. remarks bring them to the 1-vanstoni store v r.Le.Thbodcncrd Tuesday, afternooni, Fehruarv 9. ; t 1an' fTustee Froehde*s' bbjection. 3:30 o'clock. \Ir. Sinith wl repeat his lecture- on the, Russian theater DOBBS [s' SPEAKER and introduce M\r. V'ushuiý whou will Harrison Dobbs. a ssociate proies- tel] sorne of'his experiences.iii. Anie?- sor cii social economY at. the Univer- ica and lead th le niemiber (if 'the >1i.tv of Chicago, Will speak at the *'Bluebîrd"' revue in, Russian f olk regular monthly meeting of the Cen- songs. tral Counicil of Childhood, Educati.on _____at .1.1 ('clock.-SaturdaN-'morning, Feb- ruar% 6. MNr. Doibb's subject xill be Xfr sene-., Edward C. .*lf1iruth eter One-Aspects ?of commu.nitiv Care tauwed lier readilng club at 11Cluc4u for Trou~blesorne Ciidren." The ineet- at hier hoin2m E 1 jjclw t ilz CfUu ig Ill1),e eld in the Central Elean- Tluesdla . A lbue ek irviey\ il, -;1rCl!)n is teen.s,,IUilding, Pi theaftrnoîî.Ne rth\VaIba aenue. (Chicago. Croqu mole $5 Cenuine waiéEugtene $7,50 Le t %Ir. NW le Ltri ni lîic e cea leersginaaitv baire'ut CHAROITB13AIJTY SHOPP[E 829 Main St.-Elmgate Hotel-Evanston GRE. 6280 NOIRTH S HURIE with thekind of printn it 'déeerves e e A joint' meeting'ofplan' çoannîaii- sions in. the commutnities froin L.V - aaîs.ton to Lake F erest. 'inclusiv-e. ua hieli at thu \\Wiam.etka Village hiall Thursday eveniing 'of last weekf(er the d'iqcussiop: of future lake frieuit plans. According 'to Robert Kinlgery. ex- ecittive secretaryr of the ('hicago Re- gional Plahining association. the \Vin- netka Plan, commission, of lic Eugene A.- Rummiler is chairni. conceived the idea of, the' meeting. Nlr. Rummier presided., Tsing laxitern slides to illustrate the -aater front development in Chicago. Linn White, chief eýngin!eer of thle South ýPark district. and. Higl E Young,. consulting enigîneer of tliw Lincoîn Park district, explained ýN-uvrk alreadv 'accomplis hed and f u t ta r e plans.* Show Evanston Plan Mavor Charles H. Bartlett: of Ev- 'anston., explaîned that the citv has worked out tentative plans for con-, Jfrr~t Iaonbnlit %0l"19g !.tinuing- the lake front traffic route Glecoepùn es h,~- arstr las p.p to the Wiimette line, anid pictures, .,.nt1/w acclauni ojI eidinq wimu.c ' of the proposed plans were shoivn. ~'nitic. wi!Ifre'sct a prio qraine Mr. Kingery explained thiat tlie I~"usio'n em/'eth',Llls t' tu' ccmîelr Winnetka Plan commission 'xvas-con- J'i-i,'tinil of t/îf Il' ('titi) <f idering',what it should do With the 11I ,' N'eduî4'stia,ý OfittriilOOfl future increased lake shor> traàl Fl'bruorv* Ir? Mis' s »'s aùuujýi Ihether it is advîsabletocnieth ber i -ieîc1gd, P ro, -ic~d i- in G 1 outer, drive or divert weizt throligh the, -Yn > . i achènmniîî.e if.*. yTi 1, 'buiilt-uip section. /.ar» kGlina-Rlakccz~ decl iProposes West Route ~»,î,~<* ~- ù~ î <; i~~ ~ Si ýMayer said he had long adx'ýo- 7".tchîiR'îz.'sk-Lizi-' - cated an outer drive from hebo - 'gan. southward arouand the 'lake t, 1 lirat(ri,( ii ýni.i c the 'Michigan state line. circ lasu, haatr e i u A rthur Fisher of \Vinnetka made' Yhild îm,<hIl .gewn up.'an urgent appeal to divoert traffic Altuug stll inlie tenssuehas \v estward to through hiighwýýavs and p)earud as g ýuest artis;t wi'th 'outstaiiding'ithuspeev h rsn aua ~rganiz~tiins incu lic th Clhi 1'c a go'usperv th peen ntra beauty of the lake shore. sx'nphaîyurcîe~r ' onisSy- jD'Esposito,- proininent-.-engine.er. ah 'r~.Litte Srnpunv.varous eadng arned that, -when vou 'fil!. the lake. leresand 'il radio hbrûadeasts. She 'you are'intruding upon atr.ad Visben prtcuarl i 'emrand if er ne- hped, "these planners xvii! keep i itl pparnes~eeeeimpoîrtant cli«bs mind the importance of retaining the ud~ma r(,ul» in Chicago and on~ viexv of the lake. the no irtl hon. ' '~o shore. Iok xvell into th e. f u- -ture," he said, 'in order that you nax gtthe best plan. 50o future gen.er- Wilmette Firemen Make« vllbus os. Seven Ruris in a Wýeek d llai7ii Sherman Hav, 645.Sieri- \Viliete frenen iad seen uncplanaIers to "'lot 'destrov yotir ll il the xveek ènding ,,,Tuesday, I'elbru'- CENTRAL AVE., Thet North Short'; Mosi Capeplete Il JNC. WILMETTE Printing Plant i -- , --- --- *'1 nsi w . ýastman, Mr.. and NIrs. James liart t înade hv the firernen in the past -%-eek, Wilson, and 'Mr. and MIrs. johni aIl to extinguish fires of niinior ian- Touniy of Chicago. Mirs. Toumnv. portance.' known as Kay Dee, is one of the twco owners of Photoplay 'magazine an-d is, Mirs. James Prentiss of Kenilworth maZnager of the Chicago offices. The wilI be 'hostess It>D the Wednesday Warrens tare enioying thi e'W Duplicate Contract 'Bridge club neé e in the Indian Hi!! estates, io week.which they moved in August. t U~m t I