(Contributed by Girl Scout Drive Publicity Committee), A rousing "pep-session" for the coming drive- for funds for the Girl Scouts was staged Monday nigbt at the Wilmette Parisb Methodist churcli. Parents of the Scouts, offi- cers of the organization, and xvorkers for the drive, ail participate-d ini an enthusiastic prew-campaign, meeting. To those who 7might question the wisdom of a drive, of this sort arnid tax trouibles, warrant sales and what not, the answer is three-fold: Movement Flourithez First, that.'char-acter-building o r- ganizations were neyer more impor- tant than tbey ate at the present. time;. and, fortunately, neyer môre flourishing. Second, tliat ail these organizations. suchi as the Boy Scouts and'ithe Girl Scouts,, as well as important social- enite.rprises'like.Arden Shore,. Infant \Velfare, etc., represent a tremendous 'total investment throutghout ,the year.s, not only of mioney but of ef- fort. devotion and moral values of every sort on the part. of tie coi n- mniit>-; an investment wvhiéb mIust flot be allowed to collapse and be k'st Third, that, if during a timie of strain: like this,, the village wvere ta' deny its.backing to-its oWn organiza- tions of thiskind, it would mneati, not <that our social systemi is on the Verge of breaking down, but rather that it lias already broken down. Confident of Success Lt is with no misgiving, therefore, and with faitb in Minmette, that the leaders of the' Girl Scouts are ina-ug- urating this campaigli, doing business as usual, and believing that the coin- mnunity will make a splendid re- sponise. MU ýCertain>-, the, progress of. the or- ganization bas justified i."Scouting,"p among the girls, bas had 4. tremen- dous growth. Wilmette troops have more than doutbled in number witbin the past year atone. The newer troops include those of Highcrest and of St. Francis Xavier schools. Everywhere the girls bave been car- rying thtir scoutwork .forward ,with the utmost eénthusiasm. * wr thnis d rive; au aCivisor>- board consisting of Dr. H. G. Smith, F. A. Wilson, F. Dewey An-derson, and Henry Fowler; and otlier prominent citizens in varions capacities. Ail are cooperating' to keep the Girl Scout organization.functioning in the wav its -recent splendid ýsuccess so richly promis.es and deserves.1 a retormed cr1imai, 4L LIIVI Ve.3Ii xnônthly meeting of the organization Monday night, February 1. "Crime f rom the Standpoint of a Criminal" will be the speaker's subject. .Fenton recentiy appeared before the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce. and he:was so we1l received there that it was decided to bring him to Wil- mette. His story, told before schools, luncheon clubs, chainbers of com- merce and various other organiza- tions in al parts of the country, is said to be oue of the sanest and' most logical talks .ever given on the sub- j.ect of crime._ In. bis lecture Fe-nton, wvho was formnerly kiion by the police as a* notorious'pickpocket, tells how he be- came, a 'professional thief. He ' dis - cusses his reformation and sucb -sut>- jects as. the ethics of crim.inals, "crooked" policemen and crîiinal lawyers. He will answer the questions. -Does Crime Payý the Criminal?" "Is There, Honor Among Thieves ?" and1 --Are. Criminaàls Mentally ýAbiiormal ?" -Fenton bas been ou thé lecture plat- form for the past ten years. He is considered one of the most unusual characters.before the public toda>-. Theý Chamber of Commerce nieet- ing will -be heldlat the. usual place, the Wilmette Masonic temple,. 1010 Central avenue, Njonday ntiglit' at-S o'clock. Dr. George *D. Allison of thée \Vil- mette Baptist:church %vill give a brief, talk on the observance of Lent. Lightless Parking--to Be Barred by Police As a resuit of the curtailinent of \Vîlmette's street lighting service, Chief of Police Henry Brautigamn an- tiounced this week that parking oi, the streets after clark wiithout' lights- will tiot, be tolerated. The Village, or- dinance, on night parking %vil he strictly: enforced, Chiief, Brautigami stated, and violators will be arrested.. As a part of thie Viilage's ecouomy program the street lights arenow be- ing turned off at à o'clock inl the inorning instead of at 5 :30. Ini addi- tion to this, lights in .thé middle of the blocks bave been tUrned off.: ON BUYING TRIP useful articles. ijont torget to sénd them soon !-Mrs. Henry- Cutier, chairnian. Note: Economy Shop is conduct- ed- by tbe* Woman's. Club of Wil- mette.. Proceeds go to charity. V.ý I'JUS CI organî±s onsý inthe village, including the board 'of educa- tion. The luncheon was given by Village President C. P. Dubbs u n d e r the sponsorsbip of Mrs. Ruth H. Snyder, cbairman of tbe public service' com- mittee of tbe Village board., A talle was given byMrs. Ir ene Hanson, su- pervisin g nun r s e ýin tbe Village of Shorewood, Wis., exclusive. Milwau- keeý suburb. ,Roundý table discussion. followed.. A temporar>- organization was, fornied, witb Mrs.. Snyder as ,chair- man, to maike a st.udy of the Healtb department'. Later a report will be macle to tbeý Village -board ýon' the matter. The study will includevisits t» and inspections of, health depart- meints in, otber villages whicb, corre- spond to.Wilmnette. in, size and cbar- acter. Wilmette Coast Guards, Aiding Flood Sulferers Capt. John S. janssens and three members of tbe crew at the Wîl- mette coabt guard station left earl,, last week with coast guardsmen froîn other stations in the Chicago area: for the flooded regions in the south, where tbey are assisting in conduict- ing rescue work. Their headquarters_ this week were at Greenwood, Mib, « The tbree f rom the Wilmette coast guard station besicles Captain Jans- sens who madle the trip soutli were Surfman G. 0. Magnuson and H. S. Mortensen and Machinist E. C. Mai- they. A power light boat f rom the Wilmette station is being used ini the flooded area. EXHIBIT PAINTINGS> Miss AiceMae Jackson,. 1017 lmI- wood avenue, bas one of her paiiii- ings,' "Three Yellows" on. exhibit at the Peoria: Art institute. The, ex- bibit, wl' ch.,is being sponsored :)- the AII-Jîlinois Socie.tv of- Fine Arts, will make a tour of the state after it. leaves Peoria. Cali WILMETTE 4300 Ask for Ad-.takher faine, will give the programn at the w il- mette Sunday Bvening club january 31 ini the First Congregational church id Wilmette. " Unusual E urope' will be the general theine of Mr. DeCous lecture this Sun- day. More. than 250 éolor studies will be shown, with musical accompaniment. Sixth Year 1400e This occasion will mark Mr. DeCou's sixth year betôre the ýWilmette Sunday Evening club, -and as inother years, he will appear two Sundays insucsin The first haîf of.1 Mr. DeCou's lec- ture will'be a discussion on Soviet Rus-. sia illustrated by the many pictures whicb- were macle by fhim. on his re-, cen trip. In, the second balf of the program hie will, present ,Czecho-Slo-, vakia with quaint old Prague, and many gorgeous costumnes-the beautif ut Dal- matian coast (strangely . neglected by Americans) including trips to Trebinje in.Herzegovin;i to see the costumes on, ýmarket day, and Cetinje in Montenegro, and, finaîlly, Lake Garda, calleil the most enchanting o f the Italian lakes . Mr. DeCou uses the Asupico piano f or bis musical accompaniments. .Lecture& AgainiFeb. 7 Sunday, Februar>- 7, arrangements b .ave been macle to seat more than the usual- numbér at the Sunday Evening club. It bas been the customn of the club toask for a dollar contribution on nigbts when Mr. DeCou appears, and e.ach year this bas belped to make up tbe deficit for the season. Lt is flot oblig-~ atory, but the club is hopeful that eacË. adult will hning. one dollar and each chiild 25 cents on this occasion. Masonic Groups Will Give Entertainments The first of a series of entertain- ments sponsored by the Wilmette Masonic Temple association will be a card party Saturday evening, january 30,at the, temple, 1010) Central ave-ý nue. There will be auton bridge.. fixe hunidred,' and, bunco, and ref reshments wil. -be served following play. Clif,, ford F,. ives, 1630 Washington ave- nue, is ini charge of ticket sales. The program is in charge'of. a gen- the niîgncrest scnuuî. on «iwcIiy- third street near Illinois road, is plan- ning to hold a, dance 'in the school auditd'rium Saturday nigbt of this week. Proceeds ôf the dance wilI1 go towards the' operating expenses of the school.