s4ùris Wh.n you see these you wiII wond.r how i+uey can be sod at such a Iow price.. Made of a s>!dially tropes Lroa4clo:h. Ilapwhite, sWi>es, and plais toi ors. .AIt$1.95, .metica's besi skirt Paine. Let us show you a shirt that sta 1ys your size--th-e ARROW'SHIRT'... Sanforized shrunk, guaranteed ta fit perma nently or w. will return your $1.95 mnoney, now.I You t-am't find aline of shirts.thatoffers a better fit o0r:a botter value. 'Whi+e. or. colors. BOYS' CORDUROY TROUSERS i all tei new colorful shades, sellig $295 Dry Goods Store 1l14648 Wl. Ave. Ph. Wil. 588-589 WORTII-EN*Sý Men's and Boys' Store IlI54 Wl. Ave, Ph. Wilmeitel 2655, JD on Mat s4n.n4