tures. we believe, make our funi temporary home in time of need. ,ral borne a real Anyone who so desires may. make tse of this f uneral home, it was creaed for the use of those wve serve. Our, Moruary is Equipped, with a Pipe Orgaim UNDERTAIoER, ".The House of Perseonal Service" 1-118 -GREEN1LEAF AVE. WILmETTE 654 554 CÈNTIFR ST.- WINNETKA 404 The Oldest Establisbed Undertakers on the immediate N ortb S bore Süperior-ÀAmbulance Service Licensed Lady. Assistanît You COULDWeqk Your Coal. Pro tect yourself- knowving vour FORTtjIN.TI ,-itsfoti ej;r. er ust s.as fussNy that vou get a fui! ton as vou arc. We hirc mcifor the specifie pur-pase, of checking size and %%-ciglit. Theliir "o. k,." must bc upon your order be- fore it cari bc 1vre."Full value" is our motto, nlot onlvIv n weighit but in quality-our coal is the xi't, L'i oere nI nilimetns. dealer I &L* I0 IGA L HEAT OS TS LESS! WilntteCoal & aeil-Yard 131Lake Avenue Phone Wihnette 4200 SALES- SERVICE Wilmett, 955. 435 Main Streel. 1 . .. 1 l . ý 1 -ç 1 '14,