G userai N otic t e-iens fth drictfrom gansou t tIlno>ùeInclusive whoos namesapar ln the téléphione direotory, or who an rTsguIfiw subscribers .to sither UITTE LITE.WINNUITIA TA.LU W r LICNCOE NEWS. Rat#s 15-cents a lin« ln on. raer. 25 cents a lino ln .ny two papers. 39 cents a lins la ail re hru. Nm IIUN CIRARGE ONUC DOLLAL Average of ilys wordu to'the ins. No blck face type umécd M Ss% U<>t oenail eauh wl*b sf45? ailv.ttisumte whea brotgbt te ou, ouat 1888Central Ave.9, WUaette, or SýUimJJ-eolm Ave., Wienetka., Dealsn fo JnertonsCaîîfed advertisements wil b. se- Deadlne fr Inert.on$ cepted Up to Tuesday 9 P. IL for WZ&UTTE LITE or ail thres PaPers;1 Wednemday 9 P. IL for IN!TK*OTALK and Thursdar .5 P. M. for 9LUNCOU>N NUWS. Isispho»es .»Wilmette 4800. Wiknetka 206., Oreenleaf 4300 or Sholdrats N6M 1 NOTICES WIImErTrE CAB SERVICE : REDUCED Rate@-25 cents pei- mile Ail Limousine cabs Day and nlght service Cail Wilffette 60 1 L39-Itp lk L@sT a FOUND LQST-ToX I30STON BULL, DARK brown with white paws,. chest, and osh face. Screw tale. Answers name *'Skippy..' Reward. Winnetka 879. 2LTN3q-ltc LOST JÀX. I6TH, IRISH ýSETTER answerâ to 'Sheila," wlthout ilcense. Rewiard. Ph. Wilmette Ill'2. 2L39-Itp 7 BEAUTY TUEATMENT SWEDI$1I AND REDUCING MAS- sage by expert masseuse in your home. For information caîl Glencoe 903. 7L39-Itp S BUSINESS 8EUVI~E AU Kipds of Carpenter .Work Done JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilm-ette 2165. 9LTS35-tfe CLAIIt, MODISTE Experieflced dresurnaking, reniodeling, alterations. genèral repairs. Winni. 147. 11LT39-litp DRESSMAKING. ALSO R E L UNN I N G and ail kinds of sewing at My home. Phone Winnetka 1167. 11L39-ltp3 DRESSIJAKING, REMODELING., AL- terations and rellnilng coats. Cali WiI- mette 2248. IILTN:t-ltc 17 §NTENIOR DECORATrING SAVE 20% ON LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lot and 2nd'mortgages. EVANSTOIN BOND &,MTG. CO, 618 Grove St. Greenlea.f 5600 38LTN35-tfcà 39 EMPLOYNENT AGENCE" Meta, 3928 Sheridan Rd. SKILLED DOMESTIC HELP, REP'ER- ences lnvestlgated. Big ehoice 'of tood positions. Ph. Buckingham 1480. 39LT39-ltp 41 SIT. WANTKa-PEFMALE EXPERIENCED HELP No charge to employer. Efficient. ser7vice for the'No. Shore homes. We Investigate references. PAULINE'S EME. AGENCIES 5 Suburban Offices 748 EIm Winnetka 2 662 41LTN36-tfe LAUN'DRY WORX DONE AT HOME, buttons and darning taken care of. Curtains and any fancy lroning. Réas, Exp. laundress lni charge. WilI eail for and dellve*. Ph.. WIlmette 5099. 4ILTN3. -tc 2 EXPER. GERMÀN GIRLS WANT work by d&ay or hour, washing, iron- lng, cleaning, serving, aewing, tak- Ing care of oblidren. Wlnnetka 1921. 41LTN39-ltp YOUNG WOMAN WANTS SEWING, wa2hing, ironing, or cleaning by the day~ ase ookngand serving, N. S. references. Ph. Wllmette 169. 4!ITN39-lnc LAUNDRY. F'AMILY A.ND BUN'DLE, eau for and del. Indlvidually washed. Clothes tfrved outeldé. weather per- SS WHITE L te day. Mon. oC aceland 0814. F XPERIZNCED WOMAN1 cookinigi cleaning, or care of4 M&oderate pay. Ph. Wllmette AMER. PROTE STA NT WIDOW, houseepeIoopnio to lady. or ýcoupeEx.Rf Write A-bs8, Box 40 WImte 1.4LTN39-lfp EXPER[ENCED' GIRL WITR 1 GOOD references wants housework or laun- dry, futl or part.time. Cali Green- leaf 7288 afternoons. 41LTN39-ltpý El19XPEP.RI1EN.CEBD WHITE WOMAN wants Iaundry or cleaning by the day. Ref. If requlr-ed. Cali WI1mettip 4288 after 5 :30 p). m. 41LTlI39-lnce WHITE LAUNDRESS WANTS WAS- *Ing to do at home. eest references. WJII eall for and delliver. Phone Glencoe 555. . 41LTýN39-2tp LAUNDRY WORI WANTED MON- day and -Tuesday by very experienced yoIang womana. AÂ N. S. refrenes.. Ph. Wilmette 3073. 41LTN39-lnc REL. GIRL WANTS WORK OP' ANY klnd. Haîf or whole days. Laundry. Best ref. Ph. Glencoe 1841. 41LT2N39-ltp WANTED WASHING, IRONN-G ANI) cleanlng by the day by experienced Swedlsh woman. Ph. WiIn3ette 1987. 41LTN39-Ine EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL wishes serving, sewlpg, or care of chlldren by the day or hour. N. S. ref. Winnetka ý 3238. 41LTN39-ltp EXP. 'WRITE WOM A N WANTS cooiçing or geni. hsewk. N. S. x'ef. Ph. Wilinette 1080. 4ILT'39)-lnc WANI!ED WASHING TO TAKE hom~e or day work. Tel.' Winnetka 3668. 41LTN39-lnçc EXPER. YOUNG GIRL WANTS SERV- ing, N. S. ref. .Ph. Wiimette 4333. 41LTN39)-lnc GERMAN-ÀMERICAN WOMAX, EX- collent cook, would like, position. A-i ref. Caîl Uni. 5694. 41LTN39-ltp WANTED SEC~OND WORK, OR WORKx .by the day, by young white girl. Tel. Wlnnetka 3668. 41'LTN39-lne chantec, excellent references. Ph. Wvini- netka 58. 42LTS39-lte EXP. WHITE MAN WANTS HOUSE- workc, window washing or afly odd, jobs. Ph. Wilmette 3254. 42LTN39-lnCý EXPER.* MAN, CARE 0F FURNACES. shovel Walks, waah.. windows, etc.. Phone-Winnetka. 1552. 42L39ltp EXPER. COUPLE, A-i LOCAL REF. ma, good ,driver,. butter or valet; wife excellent cook. Cal Pauiine4s Win- netka 2662. 43LT.;39-ltc EXPER..GERMIAN COUPLE WANT work. Man chauffeur and houseman,, wlfe cook. Ph. Wllmette 4866. 43UTN39-lnc 44 Ha eLPWNE~N WHITE, MAID $12 A WEEK. 'GEN- eral housework, good plain cook. No laundry. Ph. Wilmette 3610. NEAT WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Ref. 2 adults, 1 chlld. $7-. Cali Thursday. Winnetka 3347., 44LTN39-lInc GIRLS FOR DOMESTIC WORK. MU2ST' be experienced and have_ good ref. Pauline's, 748 Elmi St. Winnetka '2662. 44LTN39-ltc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. Must be exper.1 and like chil- dren. $10 wk. Ph. W;ilmette 3627. 44LTN39-itp FAIRLY EXPER.. WHITE GIRL, GEN. houeework. assist mwith cooklng. Small home. $12 wk. Ph. Wilmette 2555. 44LTN39-lit WHITE MAID, GENERAL, PROTES- tant. 25 to 35 years. 4 ln famlly. $6 withouit iaundry. Ref. Ph. WiI. 2903.. 44L1YN39-ltlp 45 HELPD WANTED-MALE SALESMAN- WITH- CAR, COMMIS-. sion basis for N. S. territory. Ap-, pliance for store equipment, experi- once preferred. Nationaliy khcwn product.' Ref. Write A-103, Box 4P_ Wiimette. 1ii. 4SLTN39-Ilp 46 HELP, WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE WA'NT FIRS T CLASS WHITE COUIPLE -man for driving and butier, 'wl!e must be good cook. Good wages tu rlght parties. Pauline's, 748' Eim,' Winnetka 2662. 46LTN39-ltc WANTS GENE1RAL1 c and plain cooking. N. after Friday, Highland1 COLORED MAN» WANTS CLIAN'ING: Iby hour or day, can serve, cok, etc. N. -8. Ref. Ph. Giencoe 1824, u I ElgXPEtIENCED SWEDISH WOMAN L9-t WILL MAKE>MOAN ON WELL SE, wants washing anmd elieaning 3 or4 EXP. COL. MAN W.ANTSý WORI< As lete Nrhihore PrpertY. BOX 193,1 day. à week. Wlrrnetka. 2632 chauffeur or housernan. Good N. 'S. ICenlworb. IL 8L39ltc ' 1L39ltp ref. Ph. University 3037. 42LT.N3-ltp EVANSTON NASH CO. 1735 Benson, cor. Clark 1% blocks North of Davis "LI' station 48LTN39-Ite 4'WANTED TO BUY-AUTOR IF YOU. WANT TO0 SELL YOUR CAR SBE GLENLAKE MOTOR SALESý 60111 BROADWAY Sheidrake 7044 49LTN35-tfC -1- ri 1 - 1 1 1 ý ý Il. ý. .1 - 1 < . 1 . --J! .le