iniNaIvy r11111 'ai Teatro del Lago The iinside story of lîoNN- Amecrica con- quered the submarine menace in the W\orld Nxar is told, in "Suicide Fleet," spectacular film at-the Teatro del Lago, on ,Saturday. January 30. Right in tlthe midst of ail the throbbing action are tliree real if e pals who ,ap- pear togetlher in. a screen production for tile first tinle., These men-known in *Hollywood as' the 'rhrèeeMusketeers-. are BillI Bovyd. James, Gleason and Rob- et î Armsitronig Onie of the big scenies is a modern naval hattie.. in Wvhich an entire division of destroyers. three giant submarines, and onie o the last of-the Yankee clip- per ships participate. The United States navv cooperated in the inaking of the On Thursdav anîd Fridav of this week,. the Teatro <Iei Lagowihl present îtvo fin e films. '.Pbssessed" and "Friends and Lcivers.* Joanl Crawford and Clark- Gahle are the starsý of "Possessed.." The cast of1 "Friends anid L.overs" includes stîch hitinaries -as Adolphe Menjou, Lii' Damnita. Eric von Stroheim and ie .thrilling discovery. Lauirenice Olivier, TwoFine Pictures Here "Pie Chamip" and "Blonde Crazy' are the Teàtro del Lago attractions Silldav, 'Mondav and TiuesdaNv, JanuarY. 31. Fehruarv i1 and 2. WVith Wallace Beery and Jackie Coo0p- f r aI& a team. "-The, Chamrp" rates. aq (ié Coi ilie veýr\ finest of current pro- duictl(is. Beery plays a hroken-dowNv lhghit.chiampion. 'and the hero of S'ýkippv"* is see:î as his Soli ni a poig- iiant heart-interest, tale ini whichi corne- dv and thrills are interinungled. KiIIg Vidor dirtucted the picture. f rom an orig- inal In.rv1wFrances NMarioti. One of1 the sinartest comiedies of the seasonl is * Blonde Craz." starring James Cagnjey and joan Blondeli. Cag- nley as the granid ard glorious bellhop ua a part tliat is cxceitiing, entertain- ilng . and(d lamic., Double Feature Attractio» On \\'(iiisday and Thursd. Feh- muarv .3 and 4, the Teatro dlel Lago prescrit., l'î False Madoiina" and -M un 1 Il rI ic Kay Francis. John Breeden. Cotiway 'Tearle and \\ ia, s(t'age) Boy.d are stars <of * l' FaiseMaonn."the * storv of a won ~ho tries to inake a *mocry (of i:noll:é-lovv -and fails., This "Alexander Hamilton" .ii asu 't2eU7ge A iss: Comnîunit- House "Alexander Ha miltQui" is the pic-' "Paliw Davs ..........iîmiette ture being showvn at Communiry "Possessed"....Teatro de] Lago House Thursday, Friday and Satur- "Friends and Loyers- Teatroý del Lago dav, January 28. 29 and 30. $eorge' "The Champ"...... rst Arliss. who is the essence of per, .ec-., "The Fals e Madonna*«.. asi; ion in al his acti ng. plays the iead- -Frid àY..Janua i 9 :g role with Doris Keno sMs AhxanderHmîtn Hamilton. .......Comfmunitv Hous e This film offers MNr. Anliss? second 1 4Pa. 1Das1........W ëmetescreen portrayal of an American. "Possessed" . .. . Teatro del, Lagothe first .being in' ;The NMillion-' "Friends and Loyýers" Teatro del Lago aire- shown at Comtmunity. House ,The Champ".......Varsity eetl.Ahs ae both mien, "The False Madonna"... Varsi .tvy oreeful -and living. The scen esî Saura, auay rom 'Alexander Hamilton" are 1lai d ,Alexander Hamiltoin" in Philadelphia a the cirtical'periodi Comuniv Huew hen Hamilton wvas seeking -) esta»b- .Palm.... ... C\VuitvHmeîe lisli flie crédit of the counitrN-. an d "Suicide FleetC. . Teatro del Lago ý e1h loieo ie o h a "The Champ",... . . Vritv wai L4pJY l 4Nva IaJurnIIig question. -The False . M\adonia'*... Varsity Ctimilunitý- House iresents 1 vitih S~ada, anar 3 ileasnire a Sip erb actor "in a great, "Th Ag fo Loe" . Xilmtteîicture. Do take advanîage, of, this; "The ýDeceiver". . Wilimette opruiv sugd "The Chiamp".) Teatro del 'Lago ",B loQde Crazyý". Teatro del L.agi<, John Breeden Sclected Monday, February 1 "The Age for Love- . Wilniette for an Important Role "Th. Dceier"... ...\Vlmette, john Breeden, Boadwvay juvenile "The Chiamip"..... Teatro deli Lago %vho trade his screeni debut under the "'Blonde Crazy .... Teatro del Lao. Paramioutit aegis in '*The Beloved "Corsair",............Varsity Bacheclor.- lhas an important part ini "HsadsHoi.idav'. Varsit.-vK av Francis' ie.xt picture, "The false Tueisday, February 2 MNadonnia." -vhich will be shown ai "The Yellow Tcet. Wilinette the Teatro del Lago WNednesdaye and "The Cuibanl Love Song-* . Wihmiette Thiirsday. February 3 and 4. "The Chiamip". . Teatro del Lago Breedens youthfu.lviv reshi vigor "Blonde Cra7zv". Teatro deli Lago and charinig personaitv flashcd to 'Corsair". . . . ..arsity sic.h gc'od advantage. as the young "HusbaiidIs Holiday".....Varsit.,- boy friend- of Dorothv jordan, thei Wednesday, February 3 girl Pa l. Lukas final l el I n lcwe "The Yello\v Ticket" .. Wilmiette wh in '*The Belov-cd Bachelor," thit* -'The Cuban Love Song- .Wilmiette Paramnount signed himi up on a con- **The False Madonna" tract for more appcarance:. Ilu "TIie STeatro del Lago False;.. Madona." Br.eeden isth "Menî inïHer Lif e" .Teatro' dcl Iago %eaîthy ophn och h.adbee "Cosar" .. .. .Vrstydeserted, in infancy .b\, hisra "Hjusban's -Holiday"....Vri mother. Thursday, February 4 _______________ "lRicli MIani's Foiv" . .....wilmclttePbi Blbu*Kt -T 1ie False M\adonina" xBlai àRt .Teatro del Lago nii Her Life" Teatro del Lago ' DEFIES, NATION FOR LOVE 110 u !herman Ave.,._Evanston hear cas t i JENNINGS 1S SLEUTH DeWitt Jenningsis, again .a. s1enti in "The. Deceiver," the back-stage hiystery drama to be -shown ýat the Wilmette theater Sunday and, Mon- day, January 31' and Febmuary 1. ...U -4/ +ô5f9 P. M. 7cPer Couple "Dance A il Yon Want- Dise Il Yon Wish" jSher«idan Road in N o-Mon's-Land. L[Ach ievement-Leadership Enterta jument Perfection. Make sp a Prty-See These Great Shows h "Ambassador BUX"'-WIlI Rogers "Girls About, Town" and "Surronder" "Are These Our Children" "Guardsmnan ' .Cor-ser", *"Cheat" "Husband's Holiday" "BaËunks" "Palme :Madonna" "Priate Lives" "Blonde Crazy" un&lr 12yer AT ALL TIMES Mlthoagh;wea r e 'ducm admission prices we wl an tain the saine policy of quality, pictures! 1120O Certral '.e. Phone Wil 4 9 4l Doors opent îceck days at 6:30 P. n.Shoir at 7 P. M.Dôoora opcn Sat, Sun_ at 1:30 P. ni. shoicat 2P. M.Copit., Box"omâee ýClo;es at 9:30 ip.m. Tiaurs.. Fr1., Sat., Jan. 28-29-36 Eddie Cantor In "lPALM! ýDAYB"' Extra ,Sot. -Natine 1[tIl!-Tlà.TÏ Se rial Ste.rts Mon. ;7:18; 10:00 And also lan Kelth as "THE DECEIVER» Starts Sun. 2:10. â:00; 7:50; 10.40 stairts Mon. 8:4,; Only Tues.. Wed., Feb. 2-4 LIONEL BARRY-MORE and "lTUE YELLOW TICKET" %trboth dlay% :5 10:15 au