Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1932, p. 42

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en :3o--Show tV .W.7 P-M. Adltt, 80ej Chldren AMways Ite attS at 2 P..M. ContnUus TONIGHT AND FRIDAYý NIGHT JOAN CIRAWFORD an&,d CLARK GABLE, .Starts at 7:20; 100s~ IIU lnDs AND LOVERS"7 LILY DAMITA and ADOLPHEý MENJOU Starts at 85 llbi Frle-nà omneiy "The Kirk-ooff* . . . ew s SATURDAY. JANUARY,30 "SUICIDE FLECT" BILL.BOYrD, ROB'T ARMSTRONG, JAMES GLEASON. mtaris aitj!:44: :0 :2;10--- MMddle-.Ré%îue p M3agle <aipet ..Taikartoion .. portllght .Newg. SUNDAY. MONDAY- & TUESDAY, JAN. 31,FE. St*rts Sun. ai S 2-TWIN FEATURS. -:05; 10:±27ý,tart-i a .&Tu~ t 711 0 Jams agus*y and ýJoan Blondell sta ri;s un. ut 2.00; -1:312; ~:.-tr, o.& Tue".: t 4»,'bO Torehby (.'omedly . Whippet Ruelng ..Nelws WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, F EBR UARY 34-TWIN FEAT URES '"VALSE MADONNA" KAY FRANCIS and WILLIAM BOYD MATINEES SATUI Egeningir Duing Week L gaturd1ay M1atinee PrIees te Doors Open 1:30 "THE CHtflLAI . '. A !SUJSS ,*ri u g -1 1K *ai "PEACII 01 REN9...............Wheeler & Woolsey "AM0UND. TUE WORJ.JJ EN s( 3MINUTES'I... ýDouglas Fairbanks "DELICI0lt7S".. Janet Gaynor & Charles Farrell "SOONT"Jachie Cooper & Robert Coogau "OVER. THE 11MI ............Mue Marsh£ James Dunn "TONIG RT 0OR NEYER"............Gloria. Swanson ABoris Karloif'. "wLADIES 0F THE XIJG IIOU"........... ....Sli 1n UNNITA AlDà. IneLibnr&Cule utrot An African Adventure "Flaîning Jungles" Cartoon Nw THURS., FR1. &. SAT. COMMUNITYi HOUSZ i b. No.. N.S. Depot7-Ijncolýn ve. snowing at the i eat'o <del Lago -- day, Sfondav and, Tuesday, january 31 and February 1 and 2, was b)oriý* in Kansas City. He started his ca- reer i a circuis, later.scored on the stage and f rom there went to filmns to win stellar fame. Among b is out- standing bits were his performnances in "The Big House," "Min and Bill, "The Secret Six" and "Billy tbe Kid" G»reat rFimset Narsity This Week IiClp; A eL % - -& L % q.% to-Celebrate 15 Years of Baimban and in 1M /arine Garb Jqiatz f"The Y e 11 o w Ticket," starring Great pictures at the Varsity the- Lionel Barrýýmore and Elissa Landi, tAer this weeký beckon to w,ýise fi ;in and "The Cuban Love Song," ringing faisý who wvili mak e up a* party anrt 'th the v-oice of Lawrence Tibbett, have a. good 'tire celebrating an an1- iîsaeetetiethorst niversary- the week, of Januar%. 21)%9l' hre'etimn oosa to ebrarv4. hic maksthe Wilmette.theater on Tuesdày and yVears of, Balaban and K atz. lieei ednesda,., February 2 and 3.. "The Champ,",and -The False -.Haunting romance, :tropic. adven- donna" are the Varsitv- attractionstuecoevadnsiarblnd for' the :(double ieatureprra in Lawrence Tibbett's: new starring Thursdav.:Fridav and Saturdax, fan- vehicle. "The Cuban Love Sang." The ttarv 28,-29 and 30- hero of "The. Rogue Song" is seen Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper.i odm gaba star in -The Champ" which s si nip lyaswshckig one grand picture. >Direct Inl ..b sn\gmar - King Vidor,. characterizatioris., starv. ...wofgrs diaogan. engrossing ra- dilgand photography are excellent. mtc nCuba Beer% plays 'an -ex-heav% weight champ. who's slid. down the tobog- ***** . Lp estT re. En gan via booze and gambling., until îîes stT rr ce just a 'fia Juana- hum. Jackie Cooper JmyKDuanee is- his. soh--and the love b)etmee!I Karen r n themn, Jackie ý supremne iaith ian n:i aI Hmit dad. is a thîng Ibeattiftlv plla\ved clh ies pprtn LawrnceTihettrols The picture these tw\o artists.LwecTiet w a s directed by John Breeden. Will Please W \. S, \'an D\vke who lias sucli hits John Ireedlen. a lie%%lad. xvnt i credi ste 0eoal admiration for hiý, -wo(rk-iii the po- " Trader lHari." *Xever the- Twain e ritl dramia,, "The False MIadon.ia." Shall'\-Iet" and -Guiltv ad. Kav Fr~ancis also deserves laurel.; for - Another p roiiiinent director. RIaotu her partrayal ..af the womnan w-ho Walsh. gùided a brilliant castiii "The pssas Breeden's imothier -in order Yellowv Ticket.'* Lion.el Barrymore,. to sndehimn. 11M 1ý . issIi;.a Landi'ànd Laurenice Olivier are At the Saturdav mnatinee only, a i .eatured ini this drarmatic, storv ai- chiapter af *The .ighiting Warrior," Ruissia in the days ai the czar. starrinig Riin-Tini-Tini, vll 1he so George Bancroft Stars Crai"and *Htislaiid's Holiday" "Ri an*s F'olhl. " which wihl bc are the Vrivattr 'actions M-NI.da:ý, teatcioa t'Wl1mteth- iuesdav andl WedWlesday, Fel)ruiarvt: atatina h ilet ha 1, 2 and 3. ter Thutrsd;(av and Fri.day, Febriiary Chie.ter Morris fans will like Ili., 4 and 5.. lias a cast af great, strengtli and p)oplarity. George Bancroft. the screcin work better thant ever in '.'Cor- .1 > * 1 star. acts thé part of. a big ship-ý sair,- thrilling storv vti a Mariii- buildera analrgafisiite 'lt'li Ten theres the beautif l bsns al.Th edn ein Alisn Llyd i thesugprti- n role.m ae is pîaNed by Frances -Dee. * "-luhan's oliay" entrtansOthers are the late Robert A nli es with. CliVe Brook Jailaig ewe uliette Canipton andà Dawlvn O)'DaN. Nvufe and seductive siren. Viviennle Orharne is splndid as the wife ; ju- On.1,ay ndMoada. anuarv lieýtte Compton an> alluring side-ii- 31 an,hîî FerlarN 1. t h -e Nilmiette terest and Charlie Ruggles an aniub-tetrpeet " g o ae :nig hen-pecked husband. an1d -The )cir Billie 1) o ve, 1- ' Edward Ev-er-ett Hortoil and(].Lai s Wlsnare blit a feýýv ai the cele- NEW FEATURE PLAYER brities in ,thîe Ho-wNard Hughes pro- Barbara Weeks, Samuel Goldwýynis i[ducticii. "The Age for Lov-e." *Llo-vd new discaverv, nmakes ber debtft as Hughies s ta r~in " li'The D)eceiv-et." î f1tre avrunliIm rnnr >msterV -ielodramna with a hàffling.

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