Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1932, p. 41

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Mother Taugbt Me," Dvorak; "Meine Liebe Ist Gruen,"- Brahms. She also sang with the Scott Vocal Ensemble, at the Naval Veteran's hospital in Lake Forest on January, 27 and participated, with Miss Beatrice Anderson, s'oprano, in1 two du , 'he Gypsies," Brahms, and -'o, Music,". Horrocks, and %vilI appear with the ensemble ini chorus andi solo groups on programs to be given during February and March at the South Side Chapter of Eastern ýStar, Chicago Commons, The Episcopal Home for the Agied -and ,South Chicago Neighiborlood House., Mfiss Hoose is a. pupil, of Madame Gilderov Scott, head of' the voice de- partinent of the Ki upfer studios in WVilP1ette and Ch.icago. Pupils at Avoca Enjoy .Extra Day of Vacation. Pupils of the Avoca school on Ash- land, avenue in the northwest section oi Wiimette enjoyed :an, extra day of vacation lost week-end. Monda-, ,ý%as vlsiting day for their teachers. Mrs. Edith Cotnamn and . Mrs. Glen Clinebeli, so school was dismissed. The teachers visitcdý othet schools iri) the countv. ENTERTAINING AT VISTA Among those. Who will entertain guests at the large dinner bridge par-* t v to )e, :given -Saturdav by Clubl Vist de Lao. for inembers will bê Mr. and Mrs. W. -RlvHarvey o Glencoe, Mr. and Mirs. É. K. Benzing of Kenilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Val A. Srnith of Wilmette, Mr. and %Ir.. Carroll Shaffer of H-ighland Parkz, \Ir. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Ev- anston. Mr. and Mrs. John, C. Sai- derson of Evanstont wilf'entertain ai party ot twelve gueSts, thatýevening, * LUNÇCHEON HOSTE.SS M\rs. Fred L. Workman.ant M1.. *Walter Botthof of Kenilworth Will bt' tbe, hostesses at the special bridge, luncheon .to be. held, by Club V istà del Lago. on Monday,,,,Fébruar3r i. This 'S -tP ble the largest one of 'tle nionth with 'special bridge prizes for .NMrs. John McKee (Helen Sii fias been visiting her mother, Mr:-.. 'W. E.. Suits of 211 Warwick road., Kenilworth. Mrs. Suits met w.itli n sister, mYis viary lrjîzabethn ]Dr. J. Herman Haines, wl take place Friday evening, 9,iii Lynn, Mass. 1 vA'1 nuary Miss Ruth Cohen,. 1231 Forest -ave- nue, was home last week-end from Rock ford college._îHer" birthday,. which. was last Sunday, was cele-. b ratled at'a family dinner -party on Saturday. Service officer W. F.' Bollinger says. hie secured *mployment for unemi- ployed to the arnount of 212 bours of work at 50 cents per hiour. Comrade -E. H. Vogt of this post is convalescing in Ward 22N at Na"V41 hospital,, Great Lakes, 'where he W'illý be glad to see bis friend.s. Members are urged to get their. discharge papers to S., M. Petersonl to have. them photostated as -a pro- tection against loss. If thiis, had been done before. some recent deaths a great deal of. inconven ience in the proving of dlaims would have been averted. There is now a possibility that WilMette post will develop, a firing squad, the rifles having been pur- chased in 1928. The Drum and Bugle corps held itsý first spring practice in Howard' school Tuesday, Januarv 19, wit*h twenty-five men. This. practice wvik be weekly on Tuesdaysf rom now u-- tii May.30, except on post meeting nights. The February Meeting of thé post' will be beld Tuesday,, February 9, à t St. Augustine's club house., Members of WVlmette Post Druni and Bugle corps are selling tickets for Winnetka post's, annual. show. "The Shelf," to be given at Neiv Trier kfigb sclhpol February 5 and 6. Winnetka's productions are alwaYs, well worth while. Tickets cati be qîad at Reiineckar Drug. companyv, thie Oul 1Well, inberg .Pharma cy, or Ridge. Avenue Pharmacv., Muèlh favorable comm nent on the fine Post year-book was. received f rom. national, state, and divisional. h eadquiarters.1 J. B. Stanton was ini charge of this, work, which was printed by Lloyd Hollister Iiic. Demand co ntinues for old clotluing. Hunt sorte Up and cali W. F. Bolliin- ger or G. E.,Leal. Comrade Ed Drewes served a fine lunchi at the January meeting, tlie douoebnuts being excellent. del tago next Monda>y. --o- Mrs. Will C. Braun of 807 Central avenue is entertaining the membeas of ber dinner and bridge club at their home Saturday evening. Trhe Sewing club met with Mrs. Walter Marx, 522 Essex road, Ken- ilworth on Monday, january 25. son, Ariz., where lie had gone for bis health. The services were conducted by the Rev. James E. Siievln, assiry- tant pastor of. the churcli. Burial took, place at Ail Saints cemeter, Des Plaines. Mr., Cassin* *as 51 v-ears old. He. had been 'a resident of Kenilworth, for the past two years. Sui'viving hini are his widow, M N1r s. M-\artha Cassin, two daughters. Mrsi. Lorraine Mazureký and Miss Nona Cassin. and :two sons, Jalin and Ëd- %vard.Cassini. Mali .-ckrodt News At the meeting of the Mothersý' club-last Wednesdav, it was decided that Friday, January. 29, M.\allinck-ý rodt mothers and friends are invited to. spend the afternoon ini the schoul auditorium -%vhere a. card partv ivill bc' given. Besides the promise to al participants that the afternoon will be most enjoyably spent. there is the possibiiity of winning one of the pretty littie prizes that will grace the: various tables that afternoon. The party wïll begin at 2 o'clock. The last week ini January brings to a close the first semester of schiool activities at The Mallinckrodt. Tie last three reniaining days are sclied- uled as formai. examination days. Trhe second semiester will commence Mfonday, February 1. C HAUFFEUR INJURED Frank Bethel, colored chauffeur for Edward D. Lilienfield, 816 -Michigan avenue,- Wilmette, suffered a -deelp cut onhis, right cheek and anotheri on, hie forehead, when the car he wvas driving collîded with another ma- chine driven by A.. Powers, 325' N. Austin boulevard, Chicago, last ed- nesdy ateroonat Gregory avenue' and- Fifth street.. .Bethel. was taken to the jEvaniston hospital. The Lilieni- field: car turned over and cr ashied into a lamp post and Bethel wvas cint by the broken glass. made one trip Iast fail ' The sixth grade made its second and final trip of the year Wednesday of last week. The seventh giade was scheduled to go Wednesday of this week, and the eighth grade will visit the institute Tuesday, February 2. .Two members of, the Joseph Sears faculty, Mliss Ml. Louise :Robinson,. art teacher, and Ms EihM. Stry- ker', social science teacher, accompa- ny the muils on these trips. A study of art, fromf theancient, and classic to the modern, is made. The schedule of study for the tlxre2 grades is arranged as follows: Sixth, grade-(AncIent and cessie art>. PFirat trip, Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian, andGreek and Roman art;. second trip (medieval perlod>, the Gothic room and the primitive painters.- Sevrenth grade - (The Renaissance). First trip, the seventeenth- century Dutch, and Fiemish masters, the High Renaissance Ir Itaiy,. the Itaian Renaissance decorative arts; second trip, Englsh eighteen century painting, eariy. American. painting, 'Tudor roomn and coloial furniture. Eighth.gràde '(Modern art>. FIrst,. trip, the developmient of modern art; second trip, modern Arteri a at. ]Roycemnore Has MidYcar Prom Friday, Jan. 29 This wveek Eriday evening the Roc>ye- more school ik having its regular mid- year "Prom" in the school gym. This prom, an aniual affair just after the close of the mid-year examinations, is one of the important social events of the school. Itis given by the Student board wbich is m~ade Up of the officers of the four upper-scbool classes and the regular student governiment officers. Miss Gertrude Matthews of Kenil- worth is presiutent of the Student Gov- ernment tbis Vear. Miss Jane Mac- Intosh also of Kenilworth is president of the junior class, and represents ber: class oin the student board. THREE FIR E RUNS Three fire, runs we re made by the Wilmette. P ire department in the week ending. Tuesday, ,january ?6, one to extinguish a prairie fire on Prairie avenue in the 700 block, an- other to 2015 Thornwood avenue where a fire occurred in the Edwardl J. Devlin residence basement, and a third 'to 610 Washington avenue linetti uruulvr, iRussell BDiJsf. Mrs. Sidney Y. Bail, 936 Hill roadt. Winnetka entertained her luncheon and bridge club on Tuesday, Januiary 26.' Mi. and Mrs. E. J. Herri c, 1032 Isabella street, Minuette, have returned f rom a weekend visit in Lansnfg. and Mrs. Harry S. GradIt land Park wiIl join thiem. be gone a month. They will - Miss Blanche Braidon Who lias been the guest of Mrs j. V. Rath- bone of 523 Abbottsford ro*ad, Kenil- Worth, ba& returned to b er home ;.n Parkersburg, W. Va.

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