Juniors to Meet Festive Patriotic Program Febru- ary 2 Commemorates Wash- ington and Lincoln, Tuesday, February. Z, marks a. gala programi for the year of the Junior auxiliary of the Womaî*s Catbolic club at tbe Woman's club. A. short- busir ness meeting will precede the deligbtful prograin planned for the afternoon, i comùmemoration of George Wasbington and in celeliration of' bis bi-cenitennial, and to include other significant daysoc- currin g during the montb. It is planned to. start withi a selection, "AYoung Girl's- Fancy,". whicb is, of course a Vaientintes observance. Miss Amne Whitmack, head librarian of the Wilmette Free Public library and also tbe recently elected literature chairman of, the auxiliary, will, read ber own cut- tinigs of famous romances. Following this there will'be an artistic arrangement byý Miss Catberine Schmidt and Miss Jeant Millér showing "The Minuet" of Wasbington's turnes which also suggests Valentines day in its de- piction of romance of other days. Witb Washington is linked the name of Lincoln, their birthdays are in the saine montb, and their lives and lead- ership are outstanding in the 'history of the United States. -There is one per- son on tbe north shore, who, because- lie is an artist of highest type, can por- tray Lincoln's life fittingIj,, and that is Prof. James Lardner of the Northwest- ern university School of Speech," the auxiliary announces. "It is witb great pleasure and anticipation that the jun- iors will hear him read "He Knew Lin- coln." This is .his masterpiece and was given by hum several years ago on the prograin at the convention of the DEi nois Federation of Woniens Clubs in Danville and bas been brôadcast by bun over tbe radio for the last two years. *Following, Professor Lardner's read- ig ill be, tbe tableau of the "Spirit of 1776,"y put on by the Drumn corps of Winnetka. It will bé given before Mrs. William F. Farrell, state chairman of American citizenship for the Illinois PFderat,înn, Icads a2 WVumetip -nor Hostess at Luncheon Mrs. F'. E. Parry, 622 MNaple ave- nue,. entertained members of the civics department of the Wonian's cluab cf whi Ch she is chairman,- at ýa luncheon, and: meeting last wéek Wednesday at her home. Richard Ha4ley wcill read selec- tions from Galsworthy, Baldersion, and others, at the next mnorniitg meeting of the art and literature dq'artment of the Neighbors of Kenilwo.rh. Tis prograni is und er the chairmn ship of Mrs. George WN. Vaught an will be held at the borne of Mrs. W. N Gillett at 10:15 o'clxck on February -Mr. Hadley is well icnown on tbe nort] shore by bis splendid success in botl the Cbildren's theater and the Northi western University theater. T he nlorning 'meetings of the depari ments of the Neigbbors' bave been ver, successful this year. The subjects havi been interesting and the talks bave beei very well attended. the Young Mothers' club. Assistant hostesses %vill be Mrs. Clyde Smith and Mis. George Green., Dr. R. H., Hend- erson, eye, ear, and nose: specialist, who is to be ,theý speaker, will discuss the pré-school child. . 1 wrse re- de- vvumette, and Weulnesday morning February 3, will be devoted to poetry At 10 o'clock in the morfiing, tbe de- patent,- of which Mrs. David J Dais ischairman, is presenting twc features in'the field of poetry undex the 'direction> of Mrs. William A. Dur- gin. he flrst of the reviews wili comprisea sketch of the life of Emil) Dickinson and an appreciation of bei work, by ,Mrs.John Boddie. Emily, Dickinson. belonged té> 1a much older generation of 'poets but was a odernist in ber time. Interest in ber poetry bas been revived within the. past1 few years by tbe publishing of a. volume of ber letters in 1928 edited -by ber niece., From the poetry by one of an older schol of writing those at the review will be brougbt into the present era and to the works, of one whose name always bas been linked definitely with the tnÔdt1rntts, the1 aie Vaciiel Lind- say, whose deatb occurred last De- ceniber. Mis. A. E. Nessler (Minerva Kraft), a memiber of the Junior aux- iliary of tbe club, will read and inter- pret a little of bis poetry. The developmnent of interest ini the book review mornings is indicated by, the steady increase there bas been in attendance. About one hundred womnen were in the audience .tt the last review 'wbich, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, brought' Mrs. Ralpb Potter in a resùmé of Brand WVhitlock's -The Life of' Lafayette'! and MJrs. Frank 'Adams in a review, "Gandhi of India nd -His Story," édited by Charles N'. Adanms. 2. th h ry j ve cn uoira i.1r ,wKlIUf, 1u?.à 4s1- land avenue, is thec mener of the houeseboat 'Journev's Jind, in the clever coniedy, "Beware of Wid- ou':.," z'hich has. its Premniere in W'ilmettte F'ebrulary 18, and draws thue curtau oit its final Performn- ance- Februarv, 20.',and zwhich is to bc given. 10 sz>ell the building fuuud of thue Woiunai's club of Wlimette. This Of1 Year's Benefit in Nature Huge Bazaar Witb Some Commnercial Exhibits The, annual expositionWhich theý WVomàn .s club of Wilmette puts on each ryear in Marcb. for the benefit of the building f und underthe. auspices of the ways and means conimittee,- of --which Mrs.. Luther W. Benson is present rchairman,. will be known this . year, not as the Better Homes exposition, but as the Club Mart. Tbe Mart, will be open for three-days, March 16, 17, and 18, f rom il, o'clock in the mforning un- tiI 10 at night. Mrs. C. L. Darling is, chairman of the mart. This year the exposition will be a less commercial exhibit than for- nierly and more a club baiaar on a huge scale, The..belp. of, every one of the seiven hundred members, is enlisted un-' der& One or more of the twenty-five chairmen who 'are a,ýsisting Ms.Darl- ing. Theplailis to give a largepè rtion of, space of tbe club booths for ýthe. clüb's own sales. Card table space. %vill be sold for the tlirtv-twvo commercial' exhibits. These will be -arranged, six- teen on one side of the auditorium, Six- teeti On the other. The general. Marit. commt'ittee assist- ing Mrs. Darling consists of Mrs.. A. E.* Beirnes, Mrs. C. P. Berg. Mrs. H.. A. Bush, Mrs. G. D. C'onlee, Is. C. P. Dubbs, Mrs. A. \V. Hodgkiss, Mrs.,.Ralpb T. Hif, Mis. Hayes Mc- Kinney, Mis. F. L. McGrath, Mis. W. G. Mitchell, Mrs. David P. Moreton, Mis. C. P. Evans, -Miss Rebecca Fitch, Mrs. Stanley Gage. Mrs. A. L. Grin- niel, Mrs. A. V. Gruîn. rs David. Hall, Is. J.R. Harper, Mrs. WýNilliant* Harridge,* Mis., H. E., Poronto, 1Mis. H. A. StormÊ, .Mrs. Frederick Tilt,- ,Mrs. Charles. L. Wachs, Mrs .A Wheelock, and -Mrs. Lloyd Yost. Mirs. DavidclMoreton is,.trëasti.rer of the Mart. The following are chairilen of coin- mittees- for Mrs.Drig r.Hr iteay tue nomne ot Mrs-. Miles B. Geringer, I000 Michigan avenue, Wilmette, at 2:15 o'vlock, with Electa Gamron, Carolyn Fuermann, andMrs. J., E. Worthen assisting as hostesses. Members giving the, program are DrhyPound, aroline Harnsber- ger, Madeleine Vaughan,. Berth.1 Cbatley Dubbs, Carolyn Fuermann, and Frances Anderson.