wereelceic N~irs. Geiorge vW. C rington, regent; Mrs.. Thomas _Mathieson, first vice-regent; Miss Jane Doig, second vice-regent; Mrs. Thomas West, treasurer; Mrs. Wil- liam J. Weldon, recording secretary; Mrs, Thomnas Mathieson, correspond- ing 'secretary; M rs. Lionel Bush. .'al- ternating delegate; Mrs-. J.ý CalIow, first delegate; Mrs. Mary Cumber- land, historian and chairman of pub- licity. Gree tings for the season werei received by the chapteér fromi two of its traveling members, Mrs. George Thursby, and Miss Jean Munro, who are in Scotland., Practical Garden Talks to'Be gin at Garden Club. Mfembers of the, Wilmette Garden club -will flot want. to miss the Feb- uary meeting of the club. Friday, February 5, at 2:30 o'clock. at the home of Mrs. W. A. Kendrick, 1344 Greenwood avenue,. Wilmctte, it is anntounced,,for on tlîat day the first of -,a-er-ies of practical talks on gar- dening will be 'given by M.,rs. Clay Harkness of Aurora. The three talks. which are related, are, "Let's Plan a Garden'," "Making a Permanent Planting," and "Color in Our Gar- denl." Nirs. 'Walter Clark, program chair- man'. of the club, bas planned a year of study programfs. The members arec asked to' read up on the subjects to be studied before the meetings. -MNrs. Kendrick will be assisted bv ,IMrs. J. H. Mathison and 'Mrs. C. GI. Snmith. Mrs. J. Benton Schaub is president of the club. Mathew Francis, Photo Mrs. Arth2ur Lee:, 925 Manor drive, is chairmas' of te finance commitice of the Wilrnette Leagueý of tWtonw>ai Vo fers which is fur- tlhering ifs 'plans for its large animal l'enefit bridge whicit occurs titis. seas'oit oit UWednesday,, February 3, at, 2 o'clock, int the, Miralago bail- room. The affcir is planned to be an attractive eve'st for league inbers as z'l as other residents of the jvillage. Ask Wilmette Women to ___________ Sew for Infant Welf are C ag etn a The Infant Welfare. societY is Itehe iha lnge M etin oftDay u oganization for vhich the sewing at' the ionahly olceonof tedualum-, tite WNomian's club of Wilmette will, nae, Ntoa olg fEuain be done Friday. ýJanuary 29 under usuallY held on thie second Saturda'of the, auspices of. the club's philan- the moùnth, Witt be, held on February'6., thirop% cepart ment.. AIl wonîen of 'in order to avoid the,,date of thechil- WVilnîette are invited to attend these dren's play,."The Magice'Fishbone," to al-'v sewing meetings 'whethier be given in Evanston on February 13, mneml)ers of the club or not. A deli- under the auspices of the North Shore clou., lcheon is served lat n-oon and alumnae. The luncheon' at 12 o'clock work starts at 10 anîd continues until at the Chicago Woman's clujb, .wiil bc 4 Mrs. Staver Moulding is chairman followed bv a hort jaddre« h,.,T'Dr in- Scout' uniforms. Mrs. WiIlis lH. Hutsoni, chairnian of silver, reminds members and thecirl friends that it soon will be time to turn n the soap wrappers for the annual contribution of silverware to. the camp. Mrs. Frank A. Simmons, 1040 Ash-1 land ,avenue, is recovering .from. a broken wrist that she suffered . e- centlv in a fail. ARE CONCERNED PRECISION in glaEses is comparable to purity, in drugsadmeine You.would notý buy prescribed drugs or med- icines-from an 1upskilled oran unvouched-for pharrnacist whose only appeal is prîce! Is it flot ther efore, equally hazardous to buy from the unskilled, careless, and ottti mes un- scrupulous dealer in glasses whose strongest appeal is price? You can -no more' e the j udge -of the one than of the other. Imperfect- and inaccurate lenses, stich as are rejected by us and de- stroyed, are sold by many as "first" quality. Precis ion made spectacles are flot. produced and *sold at ridiculously low prce. Iyoter kind could be expensive at whateverprice;e and your eyes would have to pay. You cannot, buy new eyca- damaged onea cannot always be reatored Alwier Coe glasses are "preci.uion mae" i mproved new. types and styles-. Ai.mer Coe 'ompany.. PRESCRIPTION PItECiSION MADE OP TICIANSG LA SSE S 165 North Wabash. 18 South La Salle 1 8 East Jackson 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston National College of Education Sheridan Rd. and Isabella: St. EVANSTON ( NU, 'J > 1 mmmd-&