wiII treasure every gIimF into l+iose happest days of its life. Isn't it lime for a new portrait? Photo gra Plis of Character eIILNJJJ and Distinction WIEyt I 1 122 Central Ave. Phon elWiI. 2526 ji "àa IButterscotch and vanila Pecan Ice Cream. fIGER SALE Mail Service in Europe Tran s-Atlantic mail service to vari- ous points in Europe is to be speeded by the use o.f American planes. and engines. . The SWiss, Air Traffic, Ltd., of Zurich, Switzeiland,. recently an- nounced the, purchase of two Lock- hee.d Orion planes, powered with Wright Cyclone engines of 575 horse- power each. These planes are 10 :be used regu- larly on the Zurich-Vienna route and to expedite the trans-Atlantic mailN fromn Cherbourg to Basie and other interior points in Europe. Thev have a top speed of 225 miles, per hour, and: a normal cruising speed of 185 miles, per hour, and are saidtob the fastest, transport plan 1es in opera- tion in. Europe.- The ships hav-e seats for four- pas- sengers., They also have, in lieu of the' usual accommodations for îtvo ad-, ditional passengers, large compart- menits suitable for storing mail and express pack~ages. Purchases Warne r Cessna; Plans Hunting Trip Sooni Bob McKnight of Chicago bas pur- chased the. Warner Cessna formerly owned by Herbert Woods, a miecharic at Curtiss airport near Glenvievv, iho was killed i n an automobile accident New Year's day. MNcKnighit has bis private pilot's license, having taken the course at the Curtiss-Wright Fly- ing school. This week McKnight plans to fly his new. plane 10 Vaco,, Tex., on a charter trip. After bis return fromn Texas he and a iriend, Dwight Hamil- ton of Chicago, expect to.ly to Ed- mouiton, Alberta, Can., for some bi)gý- gaine huntinig. *Hlamilton's home formerv -%v a s;a t Ednionton'anid lie ill visit relatives3 there.- He also has a private pilot's Demonstrates New Type of Glider at Curtiss See New Small Plane Maj. R. W. Schroeder of Sky Har- bor airport reports that there bas been a lange numben of visitors at the airport within the last two w'eeks to see the new,.midget plane that .has been perfected by iengineers of the, Herren, Aeronautical corporation, of. Bar rington and which is now, stored at Sky Harbor. This nemplane, which was describ- edi in detail in last week's issue ýof this paper, is regarded as an inîport-I ant new development in the.aviation, industr-% and' one that will bring fl,,- ing witihin the meansý of the average man. First test flights pnoved highly suc- cessful," and, the engineers and nie- chanics are now busy making several nîinor adjustments on the ship at ýthe Sky Harbor, hangar. George Fisher of Sky Harbor to.ok the plane:,u p on its first flight îwo weeks ago, and tests have been maàde practically every day since then. W'ilson Henren, president of the comnpanv, which is building the siii., stated this week that he ,expects to have the plane on a production basis within ninety days. Major Schroeder of Sky - Harbor supervised, its, ccn- st ruct ion. Equips Plane With Desks for His Business Trips A. L. Humiphreys, head of a large oil company, with headquanters at Denver, Colo., dropped in at Curtiss airport recently on his way from To- ledo back to Denver. The plane Mr. H umpbreys was using on the trip i5 .a Bach tri-motored ship, whose ini- terior is speci'ally equipped with desks and other furnishings sultable, for. business, flights such as Mr. Humii- phrevs' inakes>frequentlY. The shipý was flown by Eddie Brooks,,old time pilot, Who was cited for bravery in connection .with the. Colorado school bus tragedy, in. which sýeveral children losI their lives in a: snowstorm. 1-umphreys also owns another sli,, a IFokker Sunpër-TTniverc1.i.,bwhi .lit TIH-E RO0YAIL TAILORS INC. DRRINGTON AVENUE Open Every lEvsning STOPS AT CURTISS FIELD George Chapline, director of sales for the Wright Aeropautical corpora- tion. with headquarters at Patterson, N.J. dnopped in aI .Curtiss _airport near Glenviewv lai Thursday on his %v.av from the east to Kansas City., E. K~. "usty"' Campbell,. negional manager for the Curtiss-Wright company. has been spending severa.l days at Cuntiss airport nean Glenview. While there he has been making oc- casional business trips with KarI.Day,, 1manager.of Cuntfiss field, to other air- ports in, the Chicago area, as well -aý to Rockford and Milwaukee. 1. 64l1