A4 campaigu to raise. $e,000 for support of the Girl Séoul work in :[U'iliiietti, duringiq the crirrent vear zwill be sf0 ited Satilrdav. Januarv 30. The fund represenls the budget to def rà31cost of-the work for al Witiliette troops. .1irs. Raîlhilloulding, chairniai of the- Girl Scouit comaitie É-i:îtte ill direct flie driVe, havliiq the assis!- tllctt o f a large grouP of isiterested leaders. 500 Spe'ctators, See, Piéng Pong Tourne y Vive hlidred spectators witnessed the1 Piîxg Pong tournatiient, hield last Sat- tirdav- at Winnietka Comimuinity House 9 ii whichi subuirban champions contend-* cd for honors. The wVinner in the boys' di%,isiýini was WVilliam Conidy of .WiVlmette. while ruinner-tul) was Thomas' Nelson oi Highl!and Park. -Nrs. A. L. Stocke-1 brand of Hlighlland( Park Was wînniierl in the wvomen's division, whl isC.i Herr of Wilmnette wvas ruinner-up. Ili the iens division 1). WV. - - E wau of Glen Ellvii, Ill., took first place and George Lytteil of Evanston w0wn second place. Coleman Clark, TO HAVE BIRTHDAY',PARTY Western . champion. ai Robert Clark Virgina Holmes. daughter ofMr defeated Yoshio Fushimi. the japanese andà Mrs. W. W. 1-olmes, 1054 Chero- champion.' and W. D). Childs. Detrojit champion. ýn a doubles exhibition, match. kee road, will cel ebrate ber twvelfth In the singles exhibition 1 matchl Coletianl 4irtliday on Saturday -at -a luncheon Clark defcated Fushinii. and movie party for a fem- school i rien<ls. Virgfinia is in the sixthaI grade BACK ROM EROPEat .the Howard school. avenue,. returned to.ber home Iast Sunday on the Breinen froin a tei- mionths' tripabroad. During th e first five months of, ber..trav-els she was accompanied by a niece from St. Louis. Miss Miev-er. is the sister of the Rev. Hermian \V. Mvr M - Saturc!ay oft tis week, if tflere is sut- ficient s.now, Mr. Townley ,plans t o take a bus load of Kenilworth Boy Scouts to Cary for a big ski hike. GET A -META'S NHELP B.iaklnorham 1480 Meta Employer. Service 3928 Sheidan Bioad, Chicago' Sk i ed Domestie. Help Referen ces 1n2'estigated Alwayja choice of, good Posititons. PAUL KRUPPAý painting -Decoràtïng 1412 E Imwood Avenue, Wilnqette, Wilmette 2997 Witm.tka 1912ý WIEBOLDTS BASEMENT -EVANSTON Lower .Pric .es on, BERN IE P ho.tos Stili maintaining the SDavis Stret Wilmffe1100, ýRNIE STUDIO "IBetter Pktures-Better- Values" -1623 Sherman Ave.,.Evanston Tl N.89 Work Done While You 'Wait, or Delivered Free to Yourý Home! Wieboldt's Basement-Evauiton OAK Hý,lALF-SOLES Thursday-Friday-Saturd.ay, .Tel. VNL