General Science Class Interested in Making Tests Miss Stevens, our ýgeneral science teacher,,bas l)een trying some experi ments for our class. They al have some connection with the elements. Ont of the experîments which we tried wvas to' take a f ew scraps, of zinc and put- thém in a test tube. We then took about. ten, cubic centimeters of. acid and poured it over the- zinc. Bub- hies of gas then rose, and when we in- serted a lighted match there wvas a loud poppiîîg soun.d, This proved that hy- i crogen wvas present. It is very interesting to malle these tests and We hope to make some more soon icoicerinig acids andý bass.-Vir- ginia Fiske, 8C Howard school. ImproveSchool, Is Aim of Citizenship.Mcetings The 8B roomi of Howard school had a citizenship meeting attended by Mr. Todd on Tuesday. January 19. * T h e president. openied the meeting and. the, secretary read the minutes. Later there were several:.speeches or short talks ýgiven on subjects :that * included- behuvior in the halls. «Mr Todd also talked to us, ani we. think that these meetings will help. It Will soon be time 'icielect nev officers and we hope thev will be as good as the. ones now in office.-Frances Collins, 8B, Howard school. WILMETTE, ILLINOI Pisys Are Set in Time of George Washington The pupils of 8C Howvard hand ini extra wvork for social science. Lately the ýpupils have beei vorking on plays. TPhe plays are about the time.of George Wa"shin1gton. Five pupils gave a play, January 20. They. were Frank Koenen, asGeneral Morris; Edwin Colegrove, George W.ashington: Marion Pickard3- Betsy Ross., Marjorie Wood. the daugh- ter of Betsy Ross: Dorothy Hili, a genieral. The îîame of the play was "h Making of the Americat .Flag"-Cath- ariîîe Symionds. *8C Fourth Grade Boy Is Eager to Play Chess I was the first child besicles mY sister and. another girl to enter- the éhess tournamnent. It seeis. hard at first but after a c ouple of les"olDs you %vant to plav ail the tinie. There is alIso a checker tourna-ment which 1 think is nlot half as much fun a,; plaving chess. It is a very fine w ay to, develop a quick-thinking brain anîd 1 tin.k evervon-e wantsta.-ud Hargis. Grade. 4. Howard school.. HOWARD "WANTr ADS" Wanted: $1.50 for graduation rings. Vanted: t\%entv-.five cents for art pictures. Lost: enough imoney to -aytaxes. Wantecl lw Mrs. Clark: the brass, choir and the percussion choir. Iost: a pupil to fil a scat Iin'lie Brother Cornes Home \Varted : more 1lîrightppis and Surprises Folks -ois HikaHoar C When I waseating lunichi1, aslzed COMPLIMENTS CLASS wbee m botl~rwas ,1 mother - Mrs. Grùves, our social science teach- said "Itis fnny le isn't Il e. Ier. %vàs coulpliettary t() $A o i h tikit i ihtta-s îliî extra wvork the. class lîad ;handed i. him."e Then. the door openied. and il, Illcwti iidstronî lxhanded ini 2,730 extra waled y bothr."Who %won .1 J redî( îcto peredes lianded ili asked. -I did," wvas the anisweré. Tîxen 2.250. Thcseý tw() girls we the hlighest up camle a big box. 1-t had six ive-, iii01w (k>ii. 1 thitl tey certainily have cent candy bars and a big box "f ,11j'-11ai1>titus il] <loimîg so much work. * candy. Then hie Io01, at nother -Gerald Spifiier. 8A Howard s'cho(ol. and said. "This is what 1 got for thet * dime I have saved." I %vas glad that GETTYSBURG ADDRESS, lie had won.-\Nalfred iohnison, 7B For *wriiting class, tlie 8A pupils of Howardschoo. 1.lnarcl school \vere 'supposed io Write Howar schol. i]col1is Gettyshùirg Address but xe Howard Sckool Has ""Ho t Dog» Bar gain The 8A class gave the,ilI o w a r d school children 'a bargain. Il wa .s the first time that "hot dlogs" b~ave been 'sold for a nickel. WVe.picked the day that th ere wasin't, anycatie- teria because Mr. Harper was holding a luncheon. W'e thought that, we had made a dollar and seventv cents profit until .Luicille Watson remem- bered tbat ive had borrowed a dollar change from Mr., Todd. Our total profit vasseventy cents but the How- ard schiool children got a bot dog for a nickel. We 'also sold somne bottles of ,mil,.-E.lmer Stone, 8A. Howard schloùl. Eleanor Gets a Prescrit That, Is ý Mostly Package Oh!I Ho* surprised 1 was when the postmnan handed me a package ad- dressed to nie.. I wondered who -sent it to nme, and then I ran, to telll my miother. She told me it was im birth- day present from'my grafdmother who was in' Florida.' My ' was the next day., 0f courselI was anxious to open the package. WVhen- I began to'open it, first there w'as a, box, then another, th>en'anothier. AM first 1 thoughit my grandmfother iWas fooling mie, but' finally IJ go t to a smnall- box. It was a* ring.-Eleaiivr lSdwards, 5C, Howard school. Close Basketball Tilt Is Won by D-1 Team Friday, Januarv 15, D-5 lost its, first gaine this season to D-1 by the score of 6 to 8. It -,as a veiy close gaine., 1)ý5,had three players and borrowted one more. D-1 hiad four players. 'Tle p layers for b-5 were:, Harvey Stei- fens. center; Robert Emnd.right forward; Alfred Andlersoni left for- Nvard, -and Dick Haas, gua'rd, 'fli L)71 players %vere John Speredes, cen- ter; Dani Mickev, right forward; Bocb Cochran, left f.orward, and Thieodore', Fie-ld, guard.-Robert' Edmonds, 8, *Howard sclîool. -. - Chess,, Checker Tourney Is Held at Stolp Library A -chess and checker tournaim ent for boys and girls in the fourth, fifth,- sixth, seventh and eighth :grades'of the Wilmette schools is being held at 4 o'clock each afternoon in theý Stolp library. The iast chance te entere is Ëridayo afternoon of t hi i sý week. The winner will get a very >nice cliess and checker set as the pize Miss Welden of.the Artinstitute is designing the chess set. The recreation board is giving free instruc 'tions to the boys and gir!s m'ho want to lcarn how to play*. 1111 YVoungquist of New Trier High schod-; is the chess instructor. Mr. Phillip$, aini a.rny- man, teach'es checkers. 'L haveregistered for both the chesr, and checker tournament. - Lucille Heer- eixs, 5A, Howard slhool, Howard 8C.2 Coriquers 8C-3 in Practice Game Last Wednesday we .had a practice >gaine with 8C-3.1 In ýthe first tell mninutes.t.he score was 4 to 2 in 8C-2*.s fa*vor. Then we rested two minutes, andbegan to Play again.' When the gaine w 1as ovtr, thle scorewas Ô to 2' in,- 8C-2's favor. MWe have iwon tlîre garlhes, tied one and lo'st none.. The linieup was Jerrine Fromni., Gertrude Caplan a n d Eleanor Speredes. for- m-ards; Helen Pearson, jean Reich- mai and Kate. :dcConnohie, guardsýý. -1 hop)el ,e win the rest of the ga.ines. veplay., - E ean or SperIedes. 's Homard sclîool. Howard, SehooalCouncil Authoritzes Food Week Thél counicil of Howard school meets ev ery ilnîorning at 8 :4,5. o'cl.ock amiiil dis- Cltisses the(lifferent faultsof our schoul. ànelî. latelv wve have heen talkipg about relief work. Tlhis week we have decide d ,that %ve -wouild briug iin food only,1 so' we. called it f ood \veek. Miss Van* Horne told uis .1 storv about the cOoos in Chicago and siie said thiat thiey neceded foodl miot of aIl. so wc. arc hringl'iw Tch, foi $7.82. %cho e, so we cati have sortie competi- * fing We did was to look it u j11tors of our junior Life.-Ruth Suther- .-Bill M.\acM.\orrani, 8A,, Howard the World flook.-'-Frances Bebas8i lanîd. 8C. Howardscôl ol. - - Howard .school.* - IROGER HAS NEW SISTER TWENTY DEPOSITORS lI music weq are finishing our or- We hiad. a baby girl. She was born he 8C class, had twenty depositors chestra . instruments. We study them Sunday at "-:0 nth ori'ga bànký day on Wedneèsday, and gotJ in groups like the string choir, ýwood-thie Ravenswodosta:Hmnm .-Lucretia Decker, 8C Howard wi nd choir and so forth-.Ro0b ertAde Jea hmn-ýRoger Ml- * IEldredge, 8C, Howard school. ton Sherman, Mrs. Joyce's om ot Ge~orge Wasli bulletin boards. Howard schoet, hington to put on the -je rrine Fronin, Carter Hîadley is going to have a birthday party. ýHe is a boy i, o* room. He is be nine years old.-Frank Bruipbaugh, Mrs. joyce-c- rooni.