consste of 10 atuiies a nt Ipressions of appreciation heard in all ,growth of twenty farnilies during thcý quarters. 'the vehicle that carried theni vear.1 to instant popularity and cômniendatioii There hiad been added to the rolis wvas "The Yellow Shadow," a comedy- dluring the. year 65 confirined persons. mystery that gave excellent opportunity 198 baptized memnbers and.80 aèétivo. for the.display of the unusua1 dramatic communicants. 'There are now 4()( talent that was* apparent ini the cast. active c ommùnicants, 527 confiriied . Directed b>' Williami S. Shepherd, the, persons and 804, baptized menîber. rchr a nee blyit h The church schôol -enroihuent i3 interpretation of the different charac- ' 02. much the largest in the historv ters, -merginigthemselves into, the per- of, the parish.. The. Wometi's . ss1 sonalities to be.portrayed. Thus there ciated guild.basmbre thani douhled aacoltebsnefthuua ats membership' duringAthe year, Dr. amateur nervousness and. self -consci us- Cart1 eon epotedandis onsderniess that sooften mars the home talent Caneon epoted an isconîdeingperforman.ce. To review, the cast imdiv- dividing its members for part of. the iduall v uId be in eachcase to repeat 'ears metigs. - .congoratulatorv wvords spok-en of the first. There lias_-be-eln an increase, ot i,ý 1ý. 1 1ý moretha twnty1)ereli i~~ INo. less than on its rendition is the Iiunhler pledging financial support l ompn ob uîrauae pnte the church for 1932, with the.average splendid staging of the play. The '*set," or scene. wvas 1eautiful. and the prop- laus c yerpii s m w at s ale h erties %were -fitted in witli perfect bar- Tha tré'u ofear. - l' e-mony. The storin effect, carried tbrough- The reaure ofthechuch 1e-1 out the- three acts. was* realistic and iorted that lie had bad to borrowvjipesvwietelgtn fet imresie thousanthdollar during the vea otoa r-u-nnaing expensts- an4 tl1 iwould have dotne credit to any 'large city to pv ruinin expnsesand he!theater. These- were inista'ledd oper-- pledges wliich la not been paid. ated by thie -Mid\\est Stage Ligbiting Robent Stoddard was elected seniori mpn, -ilinette c<ncern bheaded by ivarden and Henry Fowler junior Jack Higgins. 205 Dupee place. warden. The foliowing Were elected It is understood that the Lake Shore to the vestry. of the church for 1932: Players W11 at once- begin prepara tion Dr-. F. W. Fuermannr,,W. G. Shearer. of tei second frig."jBroadway," joseph Converse, R. N. Wadie, R.,XW. and, the 'dates will be awaited with in'- M"vcCandlish,' J. j. 'Walworth, J. C. terest. It is certain that 'o one' wbo McQuide and S. K.* Jorjorian. !,witneissed this production wil vant ýto Elect Convention Deegates 1m'*iss; the second. Finst rate entertain- Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Smith, 'Mr. mlent- is ass'ured. and Mrs. R. N. Wade and Mrs. Jo- s epli Converse were elected to repre- Mrs. H. E, Poronto, 17 Caiterb)ur\- sent the parish at the convention of the 1 court, entertained a few frierfds at diocese of Chicago whicb will mieet Iuncheon and bridge vesterdav at at St. James' church, Chicago, Feb- Shawnee Country club. ruary 2 and 3. Mr. and Mrs. \V. C;- Shearer, Mrs. S. K. Jorjorian. Mrs. WVilliam Edmonds and Miss Laur;. i & AÀ'TI 1 Davy were elected alternate la%- dele- W A T D H gates to the convention. Reports .of the year's, Work were' We are- havil given by the folloiwiing- represenita- iInquirY. for..ho tives: Women's Associated guild. $7 and $150 Mýrs. . E. bogie, treasurer, and MNrs.. ..'ili4m Edmonds, secretarvy \7o-i- List your ps-ope 'men's. Auxiliary to Missionrs,. M is 1,aura Davy; Women's Ujnited Thanih Offering, Mrs. R., N. Wàde: boVs;1M r U B "uses t., Rent hg, 'an active, rnes between 0 per niontb. et7ty NOW with 0 jbkun 122 Sheridan Rd,. KENILWORTH Phone Ken. 228 on Leather Goods. Discontinued numbers and goods used for dis. play purposes. »v long WIiA pavement in wet weather, a condi- tion responsible for a number of ac- - cidents recently, it was pointed out, The county bas also resurfaced the intersection at Willow and Hibbard roads, te provide a rougher and less - slippery surface for traffic 'as it ap- proaches the intersection, and plans to continue this wvork at other impor-ý tant.intersections, it is said. Ping Pongers Compete for ,Chic'ago Dist. Titie The Chicago Dsrc îgPong championsbip is to be decided on Feb- rua ry 5 and 6, according, to an announce- ment mnade this veek by an official of ,the Anierican Ping Pong association at 365 West. Madison street, Chicago. .The championships to be decided are as follows: m en's singles, women's sin- gles, and men 1s doubles. Entries close on ýFebruarv 4, it iîs stated. A marriage. of interest in- Wilmette occurred on New Year's day when Miss Edna Dean. Chapman, dfaugliter of the Oscar Chapmans, former resi- dents of Wilmette,' became the brid'ý of Francis'Cole of Glen Ellyn, at the home of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Houchens of Glen. Ellyni. The bride is the niece of Mrs. Georg.c C. Lowell of 900 Ashland avenue. -TO GIVE RECITAL. Mns. G. -F. Wright, 1432 Forest ave- nue. will be hostess at a recital te be- given at her home. by the pupils of Anna W. Chinlund of the Colum- bia School of Music on Sat.urday af- ternoon. Janujary 30, at 2 o'clock. and George Bersch acted as telle:s- for the meeting. Great satisfaction %vas expressed at t'he splendid growth' of the parish and the extension of its work.- ilrs. W. W. Wheellock 132.-Oxfiordl road, Kenilworth, bas- b .er guest,-Mrs. W. Tr. B.lack, fro.m Memnphis, Tenn. - Satur4iay 9-A. M. 'to 9 P. M.- The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and al - other authorized Christian Science Literature may be- read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC 15S CORtDIALLY INVITEO TO ATýTND) THE CHURCH SERVIdES AND VISIT THEý READING ROOM 1109 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE THE GREAT ATLANTIC à PACIFIC TEA Ca. Middle Western Division MEAT s Pecials this u'eek Strictly dr.ssed TU RKEYS Lb. 31c. Fency dry pikk.d STE WINC CI-ICKENS L~b. 23c Native POT RQAST. 0F BEEF Lb. l15C -Genuine Sprng LEC 0F LAMB Lb. 18& 11111111111 ilit-ili MI IIIIIIIII 1111111111 1 Ill 11 Ill 1111111 il lui Ill 1111111111 il fini llt<illll illilitilitil