'I,' FORDELI VERIES EVRY DAY THU, FI. SA. ni MON. SPECILSý Tukes 710k FaèlrNolb. n 330 StWfeing 7C0hi DruFay 'res b.27 cmeken Dresse& l DoeesLeg 01 Veal No 16.,»290 Ce Native Corn i Rlk9 hé Fed Beet IL. -9 SmokedButta bonels: ' b. 3é Da o ,caefuliy siced .. ..e ...... i3 lbs. 790 GRtOCERY SPECIALS Cotee Orteu _3 lbs. $1.0 Butter 0unrY ýol' lb. 27C Eggsg Strictly fresli......... 2 dozen 490 Olive01, Old Monk ..........qt tin$169 Mlayonnaise, Blue Riblion ......qt. jar 690 Caviar (R.u.anoff) ...............3 tins 950 Apple Sauce, Centrdlia... 2 ans 250 ..........large pkg. 2 10 Si ip, Silver Cup....... .3 tins 350 Pi'Unes,9 Santa Gara ..........3 lbs. 390' S. 0. Se (OCeaner) .......... pkg. 2 1 Wheatena ................ ... ...pIcg.1 The program is ýsponsored by -the WiImette Young Peopie's union, coin- posed' of the young people in the Bap- tist, Congregational. Methodist and Preshyterian churches., an organization Iwhich wvas formed last yearunder the leadcrship of ýthe young people's, direct- ors of the four churches. Sunday's program is the first to be presented this season. Music -çritics have acclaimed john BUrdette as ',having one of- the rare voices of the timne. One bas said: "John, Burdette's heautifi voice is easily one oëf the foremost in.its field, dispIaying inatured artistry." *Mr..Burdette'sings in five.,languages. His repertoire tonisists of many operatic airs, oratorios and 'standard composi- tions, it is explained. The songs- of his race are closest to his heart and he loves to sing them: consequ ently lie bas spe- cialized in Singing these sÔ111-stirring mielodies. l'le program will begin prornptly at f) ocioek i-n order 'not to cortflict with the Stui1av Evejing clublhour at 7 :30 in the Congregational church. The presi- dents of the varions societies repre- sente(] will preside at the.opening of the Anker L. Christy, 1518 *Wilmiette avenue, -wiIl be. home this week f roin a fortnight's business trip ini the souith. He hiad been ini the floodcd area and is coring home by way of Texa s. Most 'CLQSE-UPS Not. i n th.e IN everyday life ycu: are on cl1o se-up display, far more, +hanta star on the screen. Beaufy is expect- lector and a recognized authoruty on tax matters, has béen placed ini chargc of headiuarters and ie devoting himsel f exclusively to the task of handling de- tails of the campaign. CelMaittee at Work Organization of a, permanent \ViI- mette tax emergency committee w'as et- f ected tast week. with. many outstanding leaders enlisted in the, work. An executive committee, to :which is assigned the task of collecting funds to keep the schools 'open. and public neces- sities operating is comprised of the f ol- lowing: Arthur J. DeBerard, Lyman M., Drake, Philip Hoffmann, Edwin B. Knudtson. Haves MicKinney,, Herbert B. Mulfordi Earl E. Orner, Myles J., Phillips. Ralph Potter, Judson F. Stonie, Foyd B. Weaklv,'andj. E..Worthen. This -committee has. heen given the power to add to its number and to ap- point ot her çonimittees to lendassist- ance'iii the task. A budgetarv, corim ittee, designecd t-o assist theschools *and Villae in effectr ing econiomies., is to be named soon, it wýas announce(l. VIEW MARIONETTE.S "'Legend of the Iighitniing," 'vas presented by the Tatterman Marion- ettes Mfonday afternoon at 'the - seph Sears school in Kerdlworth. Miss 'Mabel Merritt of St. Patil, Minn., is a house gue,,t at th e hom of her sister's familv. tie A.E Logies. 1032 Ashland. avenue. are îs Ei, pDVU a ...... «Ç .&I r%;' routsgarden f resli... box 230 ............ l. 190 In Rear of> 417 Linden'Ave. >Drug Store, Phono We I4501 ýMovies! Peau ,