JANUAR Y 22 TO JANUAR Y 28 POT, ROAST coeebîvutsr l. 4 Fe ground beef MEAT LOAF Frttlh pork, lb. 25c LAMB.SEa KS na fdtasty. lb. 33c SWETREDSCaes'rnweetbreadIs. lb. -49c, SOAF Exceytll ieIu<r.10 bars 39c Pure kettie irendered,, l lot LARD inaicaftons. CATSUP Tiercguàtlr25e' bottie. Pt. 19ce Genuinue Imported Uoquefolrt. The fillest Obtatmble. Fay MISSISSIPPI pack in No. 1 tins. A very fi ndaapark. No. 2 Uns. A perfect eold eather breakfast cercai. For ~efypurpose., Richlieu No.2 tins. Fainer whIole segiuent'i. Valley washeti. Britzils WI.ole spiced Seekels. Large No. 2W,ý tins. Blenbeims. Richelieu flnest. '(ripy. full r<aste4l .lb, î9t 2 for 29c ca. !Oc pk. 22c 2Zfor 39C ea. 15c lb. Uc ea. 25c 2 lbs. 45c: ib. 15C FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y ONL Y LEC OF LAMB. Chioice stock ...... lb. 24c SIRLOIN STEAKS. Best cuts ..... lb. 49c Miller, Whitney andi Barbour; rniiip Hoffman of Hoffinan Brothers; B. F. Lewvis, Jr., of thé Lewis Publishing coin- pany; J. Alden Scars, vice-presideint and trust offcer of the batik; Frank J.. Setig, president of the Seng company: C. N Stven, pr~idnt'f the Citv National Batik and Trust Co;tnpany of Evanston; Judson F. Stonie of the 'Mlc- Cormick Estates; Henry Taylor. Jr.. steel éngravinig and printing. anîd S. A. Wheelock, Officers of the batik are.: Judson F.' Stone, president;1 Phillip Hoffmangàt. vice- jWesident; W. D. Leary ,, vice-president: J. Alden Sears. vice-presideut and trust officr; F. D). Anderson, càshier. andJ WV. B.- Robijîson, Jr., assistant. cashier and assistant trust officer. First National Bank Has 2 New Directorsi At the annual meeting of'the directoôr% and stockholders of the First National batik of Wilmette January 12, *ail of the directors were- reelected with the. ex-! ception of Gilbert H. Scribner, wvho has resigned. Two new directors were' elected, Phillip) R. Gates, secretary and assistant treasurer of the U.nited States CoId Storage corporation, and Freder- ick C. Hack of Evanston, partiner in the firm of Winston, Strawn and Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. joseph P. Borre,' 421 Ridge avenue. entertained a dozen guests on Tuesday evening, January 12,1 ili hoinor of _Mr. Borre's birtliday. -w --w. w .1 pajrtory to draiving up -.tcon)ttract a,, lper the lètter of August 4. 111 have been asked to requesi you to give us a stateni)eflt of the intentions of the Village Board of Wiliiette withini the iiext thirty days, so that the City Iof Evanlston can- arrange its ivorli for. this following spring. and. if niecessary, 1prcovitie. suéh further faclities as. we mnay agre upom. Ask 7-Cient Rate' The off er of August 4. 1931. t wvhich Mvavor Bartlctt refers wvas sb stantially. as. follows: The.rate -to he' charged 1w Evans- ton for f.riîshiing Water to Wil- mette would be seven cents per. one hutndred cubic feet. A twenty -year contract. would be entered into be- twee n the two ti-unicipalities, and the ràte of seven cents would be for the. flrst five vears of the -contract. At the, end:of that. period an arbitratioft commtîttee cotnsisting- of one represen- tative of eacli of the two innicipali- ties and onie neutral representative wotild detiernîluie the price to bepaid, ,i Ibv Nifinette for water for the re- I tainder of the contract. At the end of fiftcen vears Wilmette \vould .be 1required. to give Evanstoît notice of its intentions with referetice to a re- nie\-al of thte coiitract. This offer %vas mot satisfactory to the Wilmette Villagé board, and u'n- less somne other agreenment cati be: 1 reaclied Nvithini the near future it .:' i expýiectedl that inîniiediate steps mvill be taketn to start the conistructionl of a i m'unicipal water. planit in W\ilniette. -n.- w-- w- w- ESTABLISHED 1891 43ROCERY and MARKET PHONE 514 Phones: 417 Linden Ave. Free Wilmette 4500-4501 Wilmette, [il. )Jelivery Service CENTRAL and TWELFTH ... WILMETTE H RGSOEI HEMDL FTE LC SOAP1 SALTED PHONE 510 11,ý, 1 1-1 -1- THE, DRUG STOIRE'IN THE MIDDLE OF THE- BLOCK 7