Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1932, p. 44

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cago k'îng Pong matches took place. Colemian Clark of Glenicue carried ofï the New Y"ork-Chicago singles chain- pionship tournaînent Ini the a iternoun, takiîg XW. C. Vls Jr., captajît o i th .New i*urk teati,, iii straighit gaines, 21- 10, 21-18, 21-13. Thîis wabs weet re- venge for Captaiiî Clark,wilîo lust itj Xells.iii New York laýt year in thec Na- tionals. Ini the senî.i-liîals 'Clark nosed out flaàllîy jiny Jacobson, thé higli schuol boy f rom New York, ini one of the.nosi Ihectic, sensational, slam-bang exhbitionis ever seen ni Chicago. A. A. StgClarks old tennis coach, agreed after flie match, tlîat lie was amnaedat the terrifie speed and science of the sport. Robért E.-Clark of Hig hlaiîd Park g ave Wells a bad scare ini the first round, losiîg fthe. fiist gaine on two Suc- cessive nîet cords -wliichi lie could- not even reacli. I-is defense was supèrb. D. A. Kittermaster,. Highland Park cha m- pion, drove beautifully to take the'first gamne f rom Conner of New York. How-' everlhe became wilder as the match ro gressed anid Conner finally won. In the, eveîîing New York won the team clîampionship, 6 to 4. Af ter trail- ing 5 to 0, Chicago rallied to win fourý out of the five reinaining matches. Colé- maran Clark again took Wells, this time, 21-16, 21-9, and Robert iE. Clark, paired with D. K. McEwan, took an exciting doubles match f roiWells and Conner. McE%%aii created a stuiiîg upset n taking the offensive against jacobsoîx, finally wvinning iin two deuce gaines 28- 26, 23-21.. Huîîdreds of people. were turned away as ail tickets hiad been sold in advance. Ail opportunity is afforded to se mIost of the stars iin action Saturday, january 23 at the Commnunity Houise, Winnetka, where lie suburban champiomship will take place. Ni S. Fratority. WilI. Give Dance January 22 >The Northu Shore Fi atôrîti III giv e a (lance Friday eveniuig, jaiîuary 22, at ü 'clock at the C hase Park Field hoüse, Chicago. 'Ihu mext party is sclîeduled for Fehruaryx 12, at the saine place. Thiomas .1. Mathe\v, chairînali, w ill be assistcd' b)' Miss Ani -Zotter, Mis s.Albcrtha Beatifils; and \Valter E vrziik. Freshmen Varsity 1931 Teamt 11, Mof, swiiuî'i'ers Iiat Promises Al.,o betîhe hest that lias ever relp- resenitefi Nortliestcrnti niversity wi11 tttake itN iniitialalppearanice at Shawnee C.ountry éiuL>s pool Friday evecning, Jan- îîary 22, at -8 o'clock. I.he Purpile natators, will race iin the f hoigevents : 50, 100, 220, 440 yards crawl stroke: 200 yards relay.and mcéd- 1evi relay,. and both lo)w-hoardl and higli- twîard' fane y diving. One interestiîîg exhibition gut faîîcy diving ill lbc provided hy àamnnand w îaichanîjiouî. Walter (olbath, 1929 01vînipic teanu diver. and Claudia Eckert, A.- A. U.. Women Is chapiîion,. will 1pro- vidc. thc.tirills ini this event. .lw xtrelitelv aintusîlig sp>ectacle. * i lk' the "Verv Faicy~ Divitng Per- lf&înaîîicu" prtivide<l hy Fraîîk Snary- anid Fritz Springer, known as the Tom Robinson -Yclownîs of the sprinig l)ard,' anid also (S.uîfigCoachi, ja7 ortlîwest- iin the \watr polo gaie.whein the-North- d'n aerit,190Q to 1931.) weterii Wildcats play againsýt the aluni- Basement Blaze Causes R. T. Markham, War Damage at Shapker Home: Veteran, Dies Here. Fire startitig iii an aslî pît catisd lwl)rt 'I. Nlarkhiarn. a rcsidenit of (laniage tlll()Iltillg to abouýit $1.5()()i\\Vinîette for the pa%,t six e ars, (ied at.tlîe Ldward( B. Shapker .residelice ai bis 11011c.'.. 1610() tîîîral aveilti-. .823 Centr ,al aveîiue, Satnrai nult ensday niglît ot last weetk attlie age of 39 %vears.,ie liad been stftr- at abouit 9 Tcok."i#-, ash i pt d00,111ii*ý, with heart disease for several w\as off amida iîrunk ietrlv cauglit iwes lire. The tlire wvas coliined to the. Mr. Nlarklîaiin was hou n iii Chicago baseu iciit, buit tl>ure ascouîsudi rab!hldmuidad livcd il] tl1î,ýv'ci it îuv ail his siokc dainage, ac cordiing i I ire ife. I le \ as, a stock dn(ld bonid broker, Cliief YWalter .ile. 'l'The Shapkeri withi Thômilsoil anli \(Kînnon iiiii 'hi- ni who have rpce the lc urlîle il, former chlatnlitiship years.. On Coach lî i biîs iisteai viIlI sudci uîtstandiiîg interniationial. star sas Mert<'n Wilcox, Art' Highîland, 'Bo1 Kerher, ani Don I-orn. ali chanpions in leir respective evéiits aiîd aIl almiost certain mnaterial for the îîext,-îie States Olyînpic'te>anu. The îe ShavN-ee club lias arranged au inifîrmal darice tiù he .giveîÇ ini1101n0r of flie participants mid thîe atteinilg menui- bers Înmiediatcly fol h>xv ý\iing.tisout- ,tii(ii - .qua I Mrs. Frank C. Yoting, 333 Cuannor road, Keiiilwortli, eutertained lier clùlb a.st.Friday, at luncheotu and bridge. On. Friday, January 22, NIrs., f i Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, Ken- ilworth llI entertain lier Quilting club. a mnember of1 Ja"tshiaw b- las nortlh shore. iMr. amd Mrsm. H-. V. GreeÀi, 16(1 o0n the Highiland avenue, mwill entertain mecnu- bers of thieir Tuesday diiiînei bridge, ,uîb iext Nweek. Nlrs. Roy Marquardt, 218 Wood- O bine avenue, wiIl eiîtertain- Spoke A son w as born to@ Mr. and M rs. Seven of the Presbvteriai . clireli ai Lawrenmce J. Forke of 1605 Earlston its -regular lunclîcon auînd meeting. road Kenilwrh hrdy au.a- Tueday Jauàr 20 14 at St. Francis' hospital. Dale and Wiuîtoiî Tonuis, ssof r and Mrs. Hiarr% an Tomns, 2917 Lake avenue, returuied to Schlool la.st M<;nda3' after aui absenice oîf seveiùal m-eeksbecause of lîghît case.s ,o whoop- ing cougli. Wýiuitoi,iis liti the kind ergar- teiî and Dale iï iii tlie secon. id grade of the Higk.crest scîool.

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