Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1932, p. 43

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tlhe fivc-week period ending January Il. "lie lionor rolli coinposcd of students. iii the. third, fourthl, fiftbi, sixth, seventb tiIeiglith grades w'ho niake a grade of *J'(Cxçellen iii effort. VPor t li sa«Ille live- week periodtlrt (M jtip;ils arc mneinhers of the bonor ý,itii sveifl aldeiglitli grade pupils wI i niake a grade of "E" flot onlly Ii oif , h ut wlio lhave ait average of " 'F." inaIl flîcîr ýsIhjeCts. r hl<îwing -arc, lie mllnes of the hloior Honor Rol TIliil îa'-~'rii Burklard. pbon aip<l.Edward, Cassin, Priscilla Col- iiri, 1atm ier, JoanneHa? haway. Caroline< Johnsf 'il, Tom Kt-tchariii. Bert PI ehler, Elletil Coale, -Muriel ,(ralg, Na ncy Fox, Marilyn Fr.-derick, Fred- ellei. Kiliier, Catherine l.ibuek4, Alvan _Noyes, Esther Sager, fiuddy Streed, Barbara W%,akely, lVillianm WVrght,,Her- bert Zaremba, Boîb Johnson, Joan Ross, May A lice -Thornton, Patriela Van Ars- <le and Tommy MWrlght. Fourth grades - Barbara Bt:m4u1er, Kennetli Crocker, Dbavid I)ai,, Charles deà La Chapelle, Betty Faulstick,, Mary. Iid(eker, 13arboara Bell, Johin Connor, C hariotte. Huck, V'irginiat Huctk, Nancy WeisaarPeggy M.%ar.lî. Ni&n Me- <IURobe*rt Ostermamn, ;»eitge ltoth- erniel, Raipli Starrê.tt, EaITî'uîî, ýlois Betty Jordiaî, Patil Kelly. Juban Milner, Mii Streed and Cour:nt Turterello. Fifth grades - Ihrnise Armistrong, lie-tty Bvtcker, Virginit lrîksUzannt E'nriii, Suzanne H-azt'Irt, My-rt-le -W-lll- way, obecrt Barr', larir Br HtyIaN-is, Thi>ni;ts ll, Mth Ha le, l--irctliy Henidersiiu, Miadeliti ferg- :elseii, Isabel Johnson, Jotait Ketcbarr, Pliihardl Krause, Jaek LasiShirley Si rret, arjorieý Siiiding, Virginia S eRsIutht Strtecd, Izlalntê Naught, Phyllis Wheeloc.k, Ma ry Me intfesli, Ti* 1l'ni y 'Meredithî, 1 l:eaxi)r Nlorrisq)n, Robert Mo\(-ss, Kathryn tYtilJaines * Robertson, Elaine Rothiîtel, Natajii Sinith, Bud -Stillian, M~ary Thý,rniti * ad Susan Wolf. si xlhý grade-Marga rt u z* Jît Sehtlrei, Ruth Sprengér, Juinc T>4. .iitlî Mlary WVolf. Seventh grade-Mar> L ii- tIt Aîthu'- 1,I lnnet, Zo (le La C.haptê Clv: h.rÏi n Prniver, Jack Fyre, Thom i Gatles, Eth iIetPey ee'n At -eid Kntbop), .a e Krau.se, Benji± Rob-,n'nl.~. ci, 3athismn, Cirfieî t \» ès Bill l'vrs ruce Liessiguie i atrieua Ra b, .Jitiiette Robertsoîî, Bill S-ulïsbur , But tnSmith. Miuary J iii. Sinîth, PIlît Stebblitîs and Donald Stilltîîan. Thee ~eaîhiîznaicsof i......ca..C........-......uci a. Tito chip~wil1 l'e ~ominnt............c.k.f..i..1.3-32..a... 7'he hav the Ieadng rles..........La........(......a..s..dtde for rod ctio Th rsd...I.....28 .o.r.........o......c.n uct Plun e lunceout lio hie loieN i agid insaicor-Caia tîeruiadv josey liavschol hall. Tles ih:'ur is . Ltta r 8,at in tlw ilînetfce Nisoîj t "dock. 'ie Seventl: district hitîcheicunwil!i itguls bc hield Jantiarv 27 atîthe L.utheratî toracle cîiurcli, Eliindale atîd (reni ae era Hi nules, Rogers Park. 'l'lieliélîcoti\in n 'Iil be serve(lait 12 :30 ocloc)k fol-rcve iowed 1w a busitess -îîîeditîg. Pliîn- uI reservations tb Mrs. lieletFiii er.slaI : Iri Wiliiiet.te 3457 tî:î later than .1 aîîuary t(n'a 25, Mrs. Carl I3artlîîug, president o i t1el,;i,a the Illinois Anicrîçat legion Atxili anid Dli ary, wvil.be giîest .oi lionor. ()11 Cot ;.î2 C S hore t u it wvill be theieliostess grOt1p. ri a l'lie d(fic \\'Ïltz a5ct(i ) c1eC e!aCh tîlonth for ouîîe \car <il hcIe i 1- - *ûùis: Aiiericatî lgiou Y Nvill be gVei taldas ticers :lircttte 'rle:NI a rv M ay, \v1('t Mary SIta eigetî, past oracle: largert, chaîteellor NI Mrt% recId.rfIusli . il,, Matilda. Stcrnberg, i ai ,îry Bleinlicli,assatt a- 'ina Mengeumalli, itner seti- tieille Stetfetîs, otîter sepi ura \IcPaniîc!; loluisie(aWitz, irbara, Kreusch.. lîiattagers; e Prevalleti , ùtîýtIi ; Catth- îîîes, courage; : ;i.aua NI il ér. Margaret Stetfetîs, unself- aui(l i Ot Scliopeti, tidur- îîig 1,atira N i at i n îstail- tioil l'et at the honte of Mrs. H-oward Hlodgkins, 431 Abbotts lord road, Kenilworth oit Noîa of this week,: mith a large attenidance. Mrs. Lewis Tueils and M rs. Ratîdoipli Buck were Co-hOstesses at a miost deliglit- fui tea -served at. the.close to f lte M rs. K'elsi- are pvsî the li speaker, Captain Ed'.(wiiilF. olsî of the Utîit.ed States Riavy, now. sta- tiotie(laI flhc Northlîwesterîî univcr- sity, wlîo gav a bnie at>d-îiiterest- iiîg talk abott is work at, North- western and tol( l i general about ie R. 0 . T. C. trai-inig.camips ini the varictns. uniiversities and collée.; th roughotit the couîntry. fHe told o)f the1 conistructiv-e ,work both pýhysically% and inorally that is being accoui-. plished iii tlese camps. Mrs. Vinton Sisson of NNWinnJetka, ait enîthusiastic wvorke.r.itn the na-1 tiuial dejetse (lelartiints Of the' Dauighitrs of the Aniericani Revolît- iioii. gave a short, brisk talk regard-, mng thlt (isarmiamiit situationi fron: the %viewpqoiînt of the orker iii that field. It' is, interesîing t0 compare the rep orts. of variolis speakers in-ý tereste( Ini the saine sul)jeet from Nvidely different angles, and cvery,- onie slîould allow huîîîuself the priv- ilege aiid opplortitiv to listen bto the various argumiientslnio%,Vbeing offe'red iii inainy places aud timies' oni this im- portanit subject. Fveryonie slîould acqualint tlîeîîselves Nvitlîi acts 'as fuIl,ý as possible. .Niss Shirley Ross, wvho has ex- 'pected to give several piaiio numbers for the citapter %vas utiiable to do s.î) at this mîeetiîg. slhè will plaY oni the niext prograi:ii, MFebrttary,, which i II bc a luîîcheoil aI flic lionie(of the regent MXtrs. . 1'reder i ck Bomts fil Ev_- PrIovide 'Parking Pace. for Wilmette Commuters. Added cotîvemitce is afforded Wil- metIte resîdenîts m traveling between tlivir homnes. andrl ther places iiinrth Bear 46-32 inî a gai-ne played at Dwighit. For theb "T'exacoes" jimnîy Bagneli, former lJwiglit Higli sclîool star, anîd "Red"' Joncs, former Xewv Trier. .St udent, starred with 18 and 16 points, respec- f tîvely. Friday .eveniîîg, january 22, the "rexacoes' %vill play the, "A and p p Gysies" ini .the second round- of ,the' q"Eveiîîg Ainericai"' tournamenit aI tlîe ITowardschool at 9 o'clock. coînprisîtg the sele t. gyinastuii are comipetiîxg i a "precious leaguie. The sbaudi(itig., in this are: Huies......... Péaris ..... .... Sapîmies............... 2 Ston:e- league 3 Nnrlîescri ~Militarv acadenîy.L Ttî 111 worth Nwiiî enlter tualis tInal fthe ii it %\as re<(rgaînizcd utider the present flItIr Weigl.t diîvisiouns of te leagîîe- - sîîî&'riittetîleit. (Co,. R. P.. Davidson, bOYS wegliîiîg lsIliai 8s1iîd 1)i f thiefouîîder, as Norîhiwestern I)OY', Weighlîîîg lsstIan 1(0 ) 1ItîIds, Militàry and Naval aca'dcmny. The ic oul Iîoys weîghîng lesstitan 11)olitids was nîved to Lýake Geueva in 1915 anîd- boys Nveiglîùing. iltrc thiati, 115 and sitîce Iliat 'tlime 'lias been generally potlls. Rob)]erî W. Towvifley, athletic referred to as the Lake Geneva Miii- (itector aItue scitool, is expecîing tary acadeiny. a large tîîri.out for tht', try-ouîs. 'l'lie

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