SQ AUTO SERVICE~ WHY PAY $2 AN HR. FOR HAVING your car repaired If you eau have it done for haif, by an expert? Done ini your or my garage, or over night..Will call and deliver. N. S. ref. Save Unoney and. cali Mr. Eraut,.Kenlworth 1146. 50LTN36-tfe 51 FOR RENT-ROOMU 2LARGE, COMFORTABLE FUIR- nished rooms with bath. -I. W. heat. Breakfast and garage optional..Near trans. and schools. Suitable for, 2 meni or, 2 women employed. Reasonable. Phone Glencéoe 1719. 51LT38-Iti) BRIGHT, PLEASANT, COMFORTABLE room, close to transpotation. Phone linn. 415.- 511LTN38-tt LARGE, NICELY FURN. RM. WITH sun parlor and private* bath, for 1 or 2.. Nr. trans. Winn., 2010. 51LTN34-tfc FOR RENT-AIRY, LIGHT ROOM, near, transportation., Space for -ca, board optional.. Ph.. Wilmette 1253.. 51LTN38-1tp) FOR TIENT - IOTIT, AIRY. FRONT room li priVýate homne, flear- transpor- tation. Ph. Wilmette 2133. 51LTN38-ltc PLEASANT ROO-M IN EAST SIDEî home. Good location. Ph. Wil. 1940. 51LTN38-1te NICE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT,. fine' for one, or two. Cal Wlnnetka 3218.5lL38-ltlp NICELY PFURNISHED RO O or 2, 886 Pine St. Very reasoxable. Phonle Wnnetka 2070. 5lL38-ltlp SICE CLEAN ROOMS FOR RENT $1 and $5, boaVrd if desired. Ph. Win- iietka 2477. 51L,38-1tp L AR GE, WARM, COMFORTABLY furniished room. Very reasoxiable. Phone Wllnette 1633. 51LTN38-to 5WAFOR mENTr-LT. HUKPG. RMU. ATTRtACýTivE 2-ROOM 1HOUSEKEEP- ing suite;, etirely private; . furnished, Or unfurniqhed and garage optional., Tt-l. Wilnîette 801. . 55A-LTN38-ltl) Us FOR RENT-APARTMENTS O N E 3-RM. KITCHENETTE APT. H-1umphrey. Building. Winnetka 98 or 3328. 56LTN20-tfo FOR RENT-TWO APTS., rooms : hot water heat. Pl .1 ~ > 980LidnfAi LARGE 2-RM. APAR kitchenette, *facingr shosand transp). . Winnetka 1800. lue 56LTN38-ltc VENT AND ,k, close to y reas. Cail1 3. 11OOMS, , BATH, $40, INCLUDIN(' heat and garage. Aduits only. 2301) Trhornwood, Wilmette. Ph. Glenviem- 106-M.. 56LTN438ltp) FOR RENT TWO ROOM KITCHEN- ette, apartment near transportation, steami heat,. electriéal refrigeration. Calil Wilmette 1800. 56LTrN31-tfc 4 >RÔOM APARTMENT, CENTRALLY located, south and east front. Ph. Wilmnette 2399, or 2427. 56LTN37-tfc 5.7 FOR RN-UNSE PS FURNISHED 1 AND 2 ROOM APTS.. conveniently located. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or Wilmette 2427.. 57LTN30-tfc 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES Brick. Convenient location. 6 rnis., L? baths. Garage. $120oIper nîonth. Brick. s U.S,:iIth2fliT Gar-age. $125. I'rick. 8 rmns., 2 ha ths. LI pîmrchIes ..Near schojol. $150. Indian Hill, Club grou!nd. S r 8 3 bàths. Convenient to 1tra nsýpc- *tation. $200 per mnth. 541LinoînAve. 6OLTN3-Itv JUST WITAT YOU'VE BEEN HUNTING in a I)utuh Colonial shingle house; 3 bedrins., 1i frth; 2-cair garage. Excel- lent location iu N. E. Glencoead jacent to park, within convenient distance of transportation and sehlools. $125 per month or -,vill sell for $1S,000. Other interesting rentais furn. and uln- furn. fromit $75 Lo $500 per month. 1.DOROTHY K. ROSS5 663, Vernonl Ave. Glencoe 305 or 98ý6ý ATTRACTIVE. HOME IN EIAL section. 5 bedrns., :3 batils, 2 sleeping porches, library, .sun rin., recreation rnm., oil heat, Frigidaiire-, large -yard. $210 a nmonth. Other retntails froxî $75.- to $500y a mionl. Frances J. Winscott 9112 Spruce St. Winnetka 1-)67 6OLT.N3-lb.' you are hoplng to filnd inay be lu thie last. Across from wooded park, 1 block to -grade school,; 3 bedrms., sleep- i ng porch, tlled bath, H. 'W. ht., in Giencoe........... ... $120.00 Red brick Colonial, 3 bedrms., 2 bathls, H. W.. ht., 2-car garagei in Kenllworth........ -...... $150.00 Compact, e6zy, lnviting, modern, convenient to 'grade, junior and senior hlgh schools, red. brick, stone trlmmed, 4* bedrms.. 3 baths, H. W. oil ht., attached ai gaaeiiWinnetka ........ $115.00 Lakc. only 2 block-, away, transpor- tation three, school <(grade and *junior high) -five, and, a house that Is modern, brick, 5 bedrms.,, 3 baths, H. W. ohl ht., ýand at-- tached garage; a breakfast mi. that ought to help) start yiour day right,I in Glencoe ....... $200 . 00 Deserves more space and fuIler description; a modemn, %-.hite brick Colonial. beautiful condi- ion.- Fas living rmn., sun ém. overlooklng rock garden, dinink rmi... kitchen, inaid's rn., and bath on first; 4 bedmniez., 2,bath, on second; 2 bedrms. and, bath on third'; panelled hall, sar and .recreation room........0.41 Many other bousesý, both f ui- .nse and.unfurzislîad, fronm Evanston to Highland Park. F. M. UNI. 0531 ORNDORFF Mllniette 1626 froin Winnetka, 6OLTN38-ltp: .AlMiOST NEW IBRICK, GLENCOE, 7 bedri.. .4 batths, recreation vii., oil heat, beautiful grounds with rock gar-den. $250. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1300 or 16S9 -Hubbard Woods 60LTN38-1te LIST YOUR HOUSES FOR TIENT 0O1 for sale. -Many Iiquiries foi, spriig. Ph. Mrs. Lang,. Winnetka 1194. 6OLTN38-lto 25)RIDGE AVE., WINNETKA. 7 RMS.. 2enclosed por-ches,, garige. Large lot. $100. Apply on premises. 60LTN2-te c H(OICE. LOCATIONS. 7--13. HOUSES. $85, $10, $125,$020, $250. alsou i-.atsmiashed pjice. 'SCe Agent. ,77 Elmn St.. Tel. Wînnii. 1689. 6OLTrN3S-lp 4 ROO-M HOUSE, GARAGE, LARGE girden*on HIarditlg Rd. Northfield. Ph. 3 bedi s sunm> n. il home, a znonth., Beatutlfut atone home, 6 miaster bedrîns,., 4 baths, 2 malds' .rms. and bath; also chauffeur's quar- ters; recreation rm., library, Sun rnt.- malds' dinfing rm. Groundsa 'oi, over an acre, avaliable.for a yeàr. *Frances J. Winscott 902 Spruce st. Winnetka 1267 61LTN38-ltc, sa wANirzw TO RENT-HOuiSE W A NT 6 OR 7RI. -HOME TO RENT for May l1st. Adultà, rentai lntott exceed $125. Write A-98, Box 40, Wil- mette, 111.. 62LTN3-ltc, 72 . POR SALE-HOUSES Ou tstanding Colonial Home A beautiful picture, in its settlng of. large old trees, quality con- struction; master chambers; 3 baths; can add more roomas; living rIn. 18x28 ; Sun rn. elec. refrig. : garage, 2 iÙiotors. Prlced t-) seil. Mr. Reming'ton, 1671 Skokîe Ridge Drive. 'Briagrate 185. incoe 1554. Baird & Warner. 72LTN38-1tc ENGLISH STONE HOMEý 3 ACRES 0F GROUND OR MOR- nconi bina tion of convenience, sece- sion, charm aînd stability that cannet be ecjualled in Winnetka. This lsaa valuable îiroperty at a sacrifice. 0 0 ( 541: LconAve. Winnetkaà 1492 72LT'N38-ltc Qwner Wants Offer WilI meet pre.sent market prices or trade equity iu tiis lovely modern brick home-wlth beau- *tiful grounds and view-7 rms.. 2 tile batJIs, lai'.,. sun parler, Ibrkfst. m. ; garage, 2 motors; e-xcellent transp.. 15,Crescent Pl. Miss Cironkç, Hollycourt 1855, Gi'eenleaf 1855. 528S Davis St., Baird & Warner. 72LT38-ltc TO CLEAN U C-OMPOR-I'TABLE, SUBSTANTIAL, AT- tractive homne, east Willmtte; 7 -mme., 2 baths; large grotinds; for $5,000 loue than the inicumb-rances.; only $2,000 cas~h. ULniversity 8383. PRe.sidence, Wil- metpteR5172, S 72LTNM2R.lte WILMETTE. LuE "for more than20: era thé HOME PAPER obfthe .COmmnt 'PHONE WILMETTE 430.0