Parents, Teachers Are Determined to Keep -Sehool Open Ne~v "riertowu i as %voita lot- able vîctt rv tîvyer the arie (t ;n- eral 1)prsioi, nt tnc"Ssthe. e-e TUV SiCcuCin i IliiviIl i, alie,; Iack of cnieceat pcssi Inisnîl' in a fian)king Illovicilt' tlfohr.ces fa%,ariiig keeipillg tUi scjt()()jss pen. will ttdi (1)teC(lly Stic7CeC(l iii. tliir spleni(i(campaigui. At. anmeetinîg elt TIi ursdla' .ele- nîing inic uassenibly r( >0111)f NCv Trier Iliglî scbiotI, I'rcsidcnit Jesse R. Gather-coal succeedet iniiiaising the Parent TIeacIîcr association to a bîigh pitcb ai entlbusiasm which re- sultet iniiithe adloption <)f a resolution ta reduce the meeting tc)aial ffectiv.ý conînittee of tievoteti men ani wo- ien inistructcd ta raisc the niecessar,, funis in irder to kecp tlîc sehoo(ls op en. Presitient Gatlicrcoal <id iot ini- mîze the gravity' of thîe situation; i il faclt,. ic, put thle cards ),i the tW face upNvard, andth lis: %asetdie vecîY thing mîceett brinig a spirit of ne\ver'say- die" u))rot He tiiem briefly (outîjule t1wt pllan-, wbicli lia<l beenma.ture(tiati a sked tlheassiciat,- tion il whthèr they wantcd 'lu *keep thieir chiltiren iii sclîool. 'lleslie ti principal, M r. GaffnevY, also sî>oke, eînph)lasizinig the injurv w ()h would result ta the stu(lent l)a(lv 1)v îîîtur- rupting thieir sttiffies, andi alsu ex-* plainling how thec onifusion wavuli j>bu increaseti nex~t terni.t l'lie plan adopted ta kee1> tîw- sclîools apcn1)tvil fra ca iiv ass of everv taxpay3er, ill the townlsbip, lit order ta secuire' the puyrnent of ail unpaid taxes for t'lie arsý 192K,-1929). There is also the possibilit_ the, plans; will , e, workct(1 out 50 that 1930 taxes nay he pait-inluatvance. Poster Wi Il Depict Ty of Book for Each N~ A poster depicting a typeo bcilheon exhition c),cach w the librarv. 1,11bese %vser e G.A.A.HasNew' . System of Points \\Vitli the ushering iM of inter- ýspar!ts a newv pailitSv S teîin i S in auigurated 'bv the Girls' Athletic asso- ciation., This svstem gives a girl more credit. for hard andi earnest ef- fort.,andigen eral enthusiasm thant for, any prowess she migh t passess. If a girl cornes outfor atleast one 1ractice a, week in whiche ver sport or sports she chooses to ]end her presene ta- she will. receive. five points. If she makes a class team' she will' 1)e prcsented with five points for cvery class game she plays in besides the accumulàted credi ts for practices. Whether or not this will al1ter tlic nun1ber >of points (100) for entrance to C. A.. A, has not yet been de-. cideti.. Ioubtless this system has its ativantages over the nid one whielh wvas ta award .fifty points for first tearns. and thilrty,-fivefor, second tèams. Sports are of great interest to Newv Tlrier girls anid the wîinter calendar is filleti with interesting acëtivities. Ba.skctl>all for interest-what coulti ,fia ke'von warmer on a colti day? Andti tbe say it's great for taking off excess fat! Andi wbile we 're on that subject, howv about natural dancing and c1ogging? They iinake One the 111e of the pariv, also. For the girl that is water-miinded, dear aid Iake New Trier is calling. Sure- IV ýWitlî this Collection every girl shtliflutiýom1c spo rt ta bier liking. Dram a Club Members' Sce Walking. Rehear-sa.l The New Trier Draniatic, club. helti ts Jantarv nmeeting ini the Girl's Club roanli, 1'luesday, Jaîîuary. 12. The miiectimig as aj>eiiedl by jack Broati, i>rcs idlmt. andI the afternoan'Ils enter- tamniunt wvas reviewed hvInMiss Alma IRed'sS port Newsj Coac.h Joliii Nav's tracksters wvere <isapp>inted by -the canceling of tiie ineet with Feniger' schieduled for Iast Saturday,. but 'a: meet Saturday Jian- uary 23, xithi Evanston furinisliîcs them with plenty' ta look forwvard'ta., Tu lplace of the Fenger meet, an ii- ter-squad meet was hield ini the fiel- house last Fridayv Coach' Nav dIi- videti the squad up eveiily. one tcain cal)taine(I by Quniilan and the other b)3 Schumnann. There was plenity of hot coniPetition hecause. the meet served as a try-out for the corning Evanston engagement. Quinlan took bath of bis specila!- tics, the 440 and the 50-yard dashc.3, ini g ood, earl-seasoii times. George placeti Second Ini the Stagg Inter- ~schio1astics last j une iii the 220 and 100-yard clashes and is out to wiii them both this year. Besides, a fr-ee trip to Los Angeles for theOlmi next, summer wouldn't look bail, would it, George ? Needy Children Helped by Gifts- of Advisor Room. Aniong the ativisor rooni charity activ ities, M iss Payton's ativisees, better knawn as the "Girls of 407," rank the highest. Since tie beginming of Novernber each mnember has faithfully deposited a nickel or more in the. box whicli circles the ra(>i e ach morning. This fuîît is known as the Milk Fuîîd. The mnoic v is sent down to a room lunaone of the Chicaga -sclîools. anti'the- teaclier, .a frienti of, Miss Pa,3toni's, sees that, the neetiiest.pupils receive nîilk.ecdi (lav. For 'rliaiiksgiving a littlec piart * Nvas arrangeti and<1 uts, can(lics ai c(aok'ics wvre li(>tM tieclijl- dren. 'flie Christinas utîdertaking wb ich met witb sucli success '&as a \v' th- while l)roject,. Christmas, Ixxes for fotirteen boys anîdirls u'erc. sent Student Council Plan Discussed With Principal. NWr. Gaffnev call-ed, a meeting, wednestiay, January 13, which was attendet i y a represeéntative froi eacb advisor room anti the class offil- Cers of,teach class. The purpose of thenmeeting was to sub)mit to the stu- dents soîne problems wbich confront theni and to, have the ,students fi.nd a p)ossible solution. 'He gave no lecture. hé submitted' no ideas of bis own as ta a. solution, but left the mratter eni- tirely up to thé students.' Mr. Gaffney opened'the meeting 1)3 Calling attention tol thre problem s ivhich have corne up ii the past; thcy are as foll)Ws: XValking on the grass. The breaking of the high-junm-, standardsin the gym and the break- ing of fiîrniture .in the Tri-Ship room. Throwing of pal)ers andi foodtii the mess hall. He explained ti tat he had beeii watching the miess hiall person' ally to sce that thetrouble .was discontinued, but lie hieard cômplaints, indirectiy3, froîîî the stucle.nts ".-faculty pohicing." Al li e asked ivas that the student representativ'esgo back : ta their adv isor rooms and find ocuit.howv the students wish ta stop this trouble if thley object to faculty intervention. Discussion followed the rest .of thé perioti. *Two things were lirought out lii this discu ssion: First, the formationl Of some.,s ort. of studentccauncil and. second, the (leveloping of "sehool spirit."l it ,was sugge-sted that thle foregoing l)e giveti serioùs consideration 1)3 thé student bodiy and, if any ideas deveë-, bop, stutients shoulti talk theni ovei %vith Mr. (;affn. e3, who i15 anxious ta- l>e b)ette -r -acqu.atinteti W'th .>tlic stu- dents. New Trier Cuts Costs -- twenry tne tîmnit.iJrmig the atter- 1i"..cer'v girl coning mit to a reguila-. On Tuesday, January 12, M is ooni,-thie mriters present reati sonie practict gcts ive points- ecd tiîn, I-lrcbarti's advisôr. rooru was enter- recent original contribution ini prep- but iuîaN couint <mîlY uone lîractice a taineti by Miss Wright. Miss Wriglio aration for the Scholastic national Nveek. l'\crv girl whoa plays in an ta Id. lîw nmuch gooti the sandwiches contests hielti early in FFebrtiary,. Oui- atisor roonii gaine receives fi ,L are doing in the schools where the%' standing selections were a character points andi docsni't have ta cuînc ou' are sent, and of lier experiences in, sketch by John Mathieson,, a tiescrip- for ans' set numbher '(A practices i France .during the war.- She also tive essay b3' Virginia, McCoiîell, order-ta <îualif.v for tryauts for class told the story of' the "Dizzy Sixý," anti. several poemns Iby Eleanor teamhs. which everyone enjoyeti immensely. Moôulding ai 1,jizabern i oldenlwick. A variety of entertainmient, was offereti incluti- mîîg two numbers by a harpist, sorne vocal selections, pieces oin the piano' and ceilo, anti as, a suitable conclv- sion to the prograrn, some Christmas carols in, which the w h ole group joinieti. The tielicious- refreshmnents were donateti by- the ,Bol denwicks. 'A' w