Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1932, p. 28

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est was re-eIect.e(l presidenit of ti Rav.inia Opera club at the aniiui luncheon .and business meceting of th club held last Fridav at the Casiit in Chicago. Mrs. U'1illianm Sutherlait of Glencoe was re-elected first.vic< president. The Other oficers are as foQllowv the vice-pýresidents (of ivhich Iller are flve} MNfrs. Arthur -Bvfield 'o Highland(t Park., Mrs. 'John W*. Gar. Of Glencoe, Mrs. Donald F. McPlier son of Wiinnctka, Mrs. George Allei Mason of Highland Park, and Mrs XVNater Di!l-I1Scottof Evanston. M r Williami B. :Hale' of Winnetka waý electcd recording: secretary; Mns Frank.*Harkness of Lake :Forcst, cor. responiding secrctary; M.rs. I-arve, S. Parde of Ravinia, treasurer; Misi Isabel C1Ine, of Kenilwortlî, chairmar of the Children's Day prograins; ýarn Mrs. -.Ti iliamns 1Macy of Hubbard WVoods, chairnian of the uslîer's com- mittee. The chairman of each village reniains the saine as last var. Last season these village commiiitte head(I %vere: WiIrnetteý-Mýrs. Lester E. Me. chairman, Mrs. Fdward D. Lilien- field, vice-chairmnan; Kenilworth~- Mrs. Tlîeodore E. Moritz, caiiman, Mrs. Ernest FI.eisc hmann, vice-chair- mani; Winnetka-Mrs. James L. Houghteling,. chairman,. Mrs. Rov E. tard, Vice-chairman; Hubbaril Woods-Mrs. Albert Harris Barber, chairmnan, M rs. Robert S. -Hamimond. vice-chairman; Glencoe-Mrs. Dwight' C. Orctitt, chairmian, MNrs. Harold H. Forenian, vice-chairman. The nomninating committee nîiakin.,, the report .of the. officers elccted was coniposed of Mrs. Dwiglit C. Orcutt of Gelnoe, chairinan; 4Mrs. Charlesý S. Cawthorne of 1.ake Forest, ani Mrs. Roland- D. Whiman of \Vin- netka. Tlhe cariof. .cdi villaire" read a report of licr comitteeiX work. Thiebusiie.ss mneeting wvas fol-, lowcd 1w a Il.ceoii -given h1MrW Poole for the officers af(l c1irmneî of the club. It was annto.uniced.:tlat LoUis *E'c.k - stein is now 'in New V ork, makinug bookings for, te îîext lRavii a pr '.~ îîar sO ict- s ti benefii bv thle philanjtt]bropv sew\inlg at thecWrnî' club Fridav, Jaîu- uary 21), under the auspices of the. pbilanthrop)v departnictut of * thr W'oman's Club of'ýWVlmectte. 1L-unch- ,eon 4il e srvcd anîd al * Infant WVelfarcembrsare turged to bc present 10 sew. for tliiiilimportant *chiaritv. -cîvic actwîities of the WVomnan's citii 1of Wilniettc for a few lîours oi re- laxation tlhat is entirelv social, anc4 in a series of dances, illembers, the:r 1husbands, and their guests arc l)c,. *guiled away from -the rush and prob). lems of dailv living. The. second in this, group occu-s. *at the clb Saturday. evening,. jan-. muiry 23, at 8:30 o'clock. To the strains of music fromn one of the Çop)e.Harv-ey orchestras dancing Nvil bold :sway. For those vho do. not wislî to spend the entire evenni 1g dancing, or ,for those jvho prefer bridge, tables will be-arranged ini the cllnl's attractive lounge. 1wi keepin-, with the tinies the g9uest. fee for this* scason has been reduce(l andà inchtd (es onie couple. Husbands of mieîb.lers are, gtîests. of the club. .Hosts aind hostesses for tîhe eve- ning arcAMr.. and'M rs. A. E. Beirnes, chairmnen, and Mir. and Mfrs. Kniglit Blanchard, Mrs. and; Mrs. B.,C. Boýen., Mr. and Mrs.- F. E. Davein- Port, Mr. and Mirs. Charles N. Evanis. Air. and Mrs. G. H. Reddinig, Mri. aind Mrs. -J. W. Shedden, Mr. and. Mirs. L. E. Starkel, Dr. and Mrs. Il. (. \Vcishiaar, and Mr. and l4rs. È. 1. Williims,. Garden Clu b Deci des Upon 1 3 Flower Show Entries Mrs. Albert E. Gebert will lie chair- mnai of the thre cxliibits wlîich the \Vilmctte Garden club Will have at the. Illinois Garden cILII',s Aniual Garden and Flower show April 2-9 inclusive, at the NavY ier, Chicago. MIrs. John F. 'Weedon lias~ charge of the sale of tickets and it wilI benefit tlîc club if those iîtendiiîg to aýttend the showv wvIll ltytheir tickets frorn ber, sthe club receives aà part of the mone hack fortickets itselis, to belp defray tlle expeîîse1 of. finaîucing its exhibits.', Tie thrée.. xlïiis iii. eachi of . which- the club) wil have an entrv, are: A mîodern maîuttcl:arr-aigeniiet; a tea table, and an arrangement. of ýflowers iîn a lowbovI ora living rOon. Women Voters Plan -Bene fit 'l'lie finance coniniittee of tlîe il 1 1uette League of Wonien Voters . o tes S. sng * Art Class Hostess Mr5 \Vîlaîî . CSesme. ;42 L-ongwood avetne. Glencoe, wilci- tertain iecnibers of the No-rtlî Shoýre Art cîass Moiid av. moriîîtg, jaîujtuar- -15. jiihou~il i evdater. teprograni. 1evening, January 12, a new ist oft - officers wvas announced. The meeting) Il niarked the retiremnent of Earle D., ý rLJ'on as president after a verv suc-1 cessful two years' work. The meet-s *ing wvas in charge of Paul Lang, thle1 new president. I * Mrs. Estherý R., St one read a (le-b lig'htful paper on 'Auitumn Color in u tlhe Gardenî" and colorcd .slides ofh flowers. and 'garden were showri -by 1F. G. Isel of the Pfund-7Bell Nurs-c cres. The neýv' officers are: Paul C. Lang, 1)resdent; M rs. Gordon iW, il- son, vice-president; Mrs. N. F. Web'ib, r recording secrctary; Mrs. Mabel B. Arnod, crrcponding secretary;'J Charles 'M.. Burlinga.me,. treasu rer.,, Comnitec chairman have beem ap- E pointcd as follows: Mrs. C. D. Ewer, J- prograin;, Harold J. Willott, mei'- lership ; Mrs. R. T. Hosking,. social; J. E. Worthen, ýcivic; Miss Anna . I Beach-, -scrap book; Wilfred C. Gil- t lies. publicitv; Mrs. Gordon 'Wilson,d *flower show. d Mernîbers at large are George îîmk T, David Hall, and Ms Charles W. B ix4v. f Dana Hall Luncheon'to Honor Dorot4 IWaldo Chicago alumnae of Dana hall wiM hiave a luncheon on SaturdaY, J a- uary 23, at 12:30 o'clock, at the Clhi- cago College club. rhle affair'will lionor Miss Dorothy Waldo, associate principal of Dana hall, '«'ho Nwill' be ii thîe city for the week-end; Miss- Elizabeth Hunt of Winnetka. who is president of the Dana H-al Alunîiae association, is makiîîg al the arrangements for Miss Waldo to sec lier nîan.y friends. The reser'. vations for the lulîichen areý iii charge 'of Mrs. Franîcis Ifuiffiinat Of Glcncoe. Any 1)ana Hall graduates whlo have uiot: been .reaclied are askcd to -get ini touch -wîth lher.' Missý Màarian Ristine:of Evatîston, is presi-- dett of thie Chicago Dana Hall club. Spoke Activity Spoke Eleven of the WýIiniettç Presbvteria1î cburch wili nicet at thec home of Mrs. R. Teiîcher, 828 Ashi- Spoke Si~ne is hî'ýing its ncext ltulîc]îeoîi Meetin~g at tUic lionle o. Mfrs. Walter H. Magner, 219 Dutpcc -place,' T.uesday, january 26. Spoke Twvelve of thli m Presb ria ni cliurchi is tilectinig at thle 1home o1 MNr..Harold Coîdit, 614'Lauirellave- nute, Tuesday, Jaîîuary 26. XVidowýs," the sprightly comedv thc_ ways and mneans comnxnittec of the. Wý,o mnan's club of WVilmtette is pre-_ senting at the club house Februarv 18, 19 and 20, for the beniefit.' of thec buildinig- fund, entertained the mein- bers of, her committee at, tea- Tues.- day afternooln, January 12. The foi- Iowing. are; on the. commnittee: Mlrs. Hl. E. RingholIm, co;-chairniani, Mrs. George Iliff, Mrs. F. L., McGrath!, Mfrs..A. E. Gebert,, .rs. F. R. Adamns, Mirs.> J..J. Milîs, Mrs. R. T. Hosking, Mirs. A. E. Hall, Mrs. C. T. FrNvk-- m'an, Mrs. G. B; Bassler,. Mrs. N. C. )eno,' Mrs. K. W. Blanchard, M1r3.ý J. N. Miacalister, Mfrs. H. W. Grigs- by, Mrs. R. J. McClure' Mrs. Russell, G. 'Flood, Mrs.. P. C. Lang, Mrs. R.' E. P.,Kline, Mrs. Helen Rohrer,,Mrs. H. 0. Von der. Hoff, and Mrs. C. P. )ubbs. The seats are reserv cd. Thecy are eing -sold 'the samne vay' as in a theater and this makes carly, buving' esirable in order to secure the seats xliere andc wh-en one wants themn. file reserved seat svstem vas tried ut . last y-ear with the sale of seats Or "XVhv Men 1Leave Home" and vas found, a great improvenictît over lic old w .Tt audience no longer lad to. coic earlb' to )e, sure of se- prîing seats. 'rhé curtaiîî riscs at M1rts. Lyon r eports that aà large urmber .of scats, ias alreadv beeii >ld» "Bewvare* of Widows" lias a lbouso )at, "Jouirlev's End," for its scttiig. 'e part of the captaiti of the bouse oat, Captain Jones, a vers' amsingýti Dle, is played by Lea ..Qrr., MY. r,. Wvlio is villagee cierk. i.s, nowýn as- an anmateur actor of aiiv le is st.âgc manager as wvel as ac.to:-. i e. Was last ycar. z The captaiîi thinks the "Joirnevy' id"' is, a, "nîiite more of a lhou-,e ian she is a boat.". Howcvcr.> the Yuse l)oàt.i5 the scene of each Of- lé three actg. of ,tlie'play and p .lays iimport-ant part in 'the coluiplica- -m iii which the widomvs fiuîd fhcml-, ves. Act 1 and 111 takec place on c dcck, Act Il ini the cablii. Th-~ orîiev's End" is alinost like a iracter ii the play, h goes tlurougu Ch- excitinci experiences. ",with thec ,er very hiih sir, vPrv !" 1xut I, the (lo c tor's fi aniic ée. T hese tlhree take a great înitcrest ini tic (loctor. Special Dance at del Lago >Club Vista dl Lago will havea -special formaI dinner dance for club miembers. and' guests on audy Jaànuarv,23. tray

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