First, i hi*t 'em in the Belly ..then Ihiot>'em,- on the Chin" JACK DEMPSEY (from a recent interview) .. The crowd is in en uproar. The Manassa Mouler follows bsstaggering opponent relentlessly. NOW . a glove shoots - ont and buries itself in.the pit of that opponent's "bèlly.", SMACK . the other landsefBush on the chin. THUD and another ".not-quite-as-gooàd" -fighter lies stretched on the canvas while the referce tolis off the. seconds.". esght nie n . . . OUT!" Again the "one-two"? punch did its work. n advertising..aintepz- th one- two"lays'e ut. What kind of a punch does your advertising pack, Mr. Manufacturer? Fighting comnpetitors ini suburban communities with advertising in metro- politan dailies and national publications is like. entering the squarcd circle- with onfly one good,.hand.: You can't knock,.'em outthat way. In such,OAK]1 .communities it is impérative to f ollow up your body.punching national and. metropolitan >,adver-' EVANST( tising with a ýknockout blow ini home town papers. Such a "one- WILMEI two" combination stretches. 'em out on the canvas ... knocks 'eni cold for the count 1 WINNE'] Especi ally is .this true ii the terri- up the Group. They are produced like high grade periodicals. Each- issue is closely read because of the intense local interest in the community's social welfare. Residents do not go far afild 1to buy... they trade at hom e. So yourý message will be seen ...your rmerchandise puër-, chased f rom local dealers. These people have money to spend and are willing to SPEND IT on your product. All the facts indi- cate WEALTH and wealth indi- cates BUYING POWER. Mr. Manufacturer, use both your ists. Competition is going to knock your product for a row o and',physical LEAVES )NI REVIEW: ,TTE LIFE UKA TALK Cihicago SU] Chicago Office,9 1014-16-18 WILLOUGHBY TOWER Phone CENTRAL 3355 J I -. ring.