Ail communications must be accompanied 1by the name and address of the writer. Articles for pub-. lication must reach the editor by 'ruesday noon to Insure appearance ln current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of 'thanlce, obitu- artes, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge le pubIlshed. will be charged at regular adývertisingt rates.. IGrade Separaio ilI Save Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! Soine Sundays ago w attenided an illustratedl.ct>ure given. by Hl. H. Cleaves. Soniie. .6f. hie pictulres w'ere stationary, soine, moving. He called Adventures" lus lecture, or talhk, "Wild Life "idLi fe Adveniturs" Mr. Cleaves urged bis hearers to beconie )etter acquaiflte(ldvt their twvo-footed anid four-footed animal friends. Uce convinc.ed lis and 1erliaps miaiNv- othier nmenbers pf bi, auienclce thatý a. stud.v of w'%%ild life would ýbe inot 011lv ini- structive'bult also' bighlv enitertainiing. W'e fbad neyer, been 'reinarkablv inter- ested Iin tjie ersonial habits of %Vc.od- chucks, guils, raccoons, osprevs-, and ininks. M3ut after that SuniçlaN- alfternoon 's experience we observed nprth shore birds. *and squirrels rather more intentlv than vvc had hieretofore, We had neyer thoughit that w-e could regrard a colonv of zigzag- ging water buigs as a1 stimuiflating Sighlt_ *but Mr. converte.(lius:, Jlie CvCI raise(1 ou-lr all) reciation of ýlitti:e- fleeks of: foaxu floating dovni streanm. M'hat ýan abjundance 0f opportuniitv m'e on the north shore have for studving with life. Just to the east of uis is Lake Xl ici- gran, and on the otliur sid1e. the Skokie *and the .voo(ls and lilds of the ftrest pre-- serve. W'e envv tiose. who have becomen Wvell acquainted with neigl>orirîg birds One of the bonors of th e WNiinnetka Camp Fire groups is "Çontribute service to Cônnityt in connection with Street -Cleaninig." No doubt, as Littie soime have alreadv di But fi>fui cate(,, sticb service mi.av xuot se-cm reallv, bonor- able., Street cleaning!, is there an vt ing honiorab>le ,ab1.out s treet cleaning? Ye S, there surelv is. A thôugbhtie.,s person throws .a bottie' on the street. it breaks. and the sharp f ragments, lie. scatt'ered about. readv to do (larage to l)dstrian and moto crist. One tvo. ick p these fragments. or b)rushes them close III to the curb du0es a real serv- 'ce, a trl ooable service. ()ften ('11c bas tcprt'lieIMt1jto mu: prove the ()ls f thj(-e 1011)h)fo11()m<l, bv dIspjosIin-- -of strav p esor cdlier- refuse. Whoever uses this opl)ortunitv is per- foîin- aci cvic service.«. EhOllée bas, cevday. the chance to (l(> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'lé sneltebepltig.T value oaf th; ding of this little thhinbs been curl- spasizeriove, and. over again. -we are con in lce4,hee, that it is a tr-thl thât wvill hear repeat-ing hundrecis of tinues.-- f th11ere: is on thenorth shore one inlsti,- tution that i oigà Nork that - s >tr- iiid(oullv lvorth -hile, that Institution is the, l-allvCorspne c Scool for the Bind. Our occupation u-s _inýto di-, rect, contact . with several hlind peop-lu and X\c 'bave learnied- front themn of the inet iml)e buelits wvhich thlev and others have rcjv<lfroili thiis 5h)I -At t ' îresent ritin~- ie- cneer. We sense. too mucu - cefiation. w itti woes obsessed, we're too depressèd to have a true perspec- tive. Blessings-some great-we underrate, but group our ills collective. "There's- some excuse, for there's no use denying facts depressing, but stili we' find, if of a .mind, there's- one outstanding blessing, for, till - Tîme - ends we :W-ant ouir friends-those - vho give, hf e real pleasure, and frierndship's worth, on this old Earth, exceeds al humnan m easure. "So let me tell, flot very wvelI, perhaps, but quite sincerely, that I most prize the lirding ties >of friend- ship, and nlot mierely iyhen all's serene. But if t he lean times try you and unrierve you, mnaybe, we'I1 say, there'll be some wvay 1, as your f riend, may serve, you." MUSINGS 0F THE NIGHT EDITOR Those Boy Scouts certainly believe ini being prepared. 1 Jack. Randall,. reporter for TrooP 2 of Wilmeétte,. sends the following itemw to the paer First we had inspection and then wve- -madle first aid bandages. Those we muade wvere hand- bandage, jaw bandag-e, and ear banidage, ïTommyi Atkin-s' and foot bandage. T he n we, plaved a game. that was a comibination- of basket- bail and! football." Keen,.Prediçtion The girls, will shed a lot of tears In ninetecen thirty-two; ' - Those femmes simply dote on films Tat mke 'em f eel dark blue. New Fear of the Year: That Gin, the brown-eyed office do-,rnay becomie a robot aftcr another yea -of- subsisting- on canned f ood and type metal. 'Tis a problen for- dictitians of the machine age. 'Twould beý a shainu, -were Gin to ]ose his personàlity. RANýKLY AUT OBIOGRAPHICAL H-ere's aà news 4ite about the personal hlifie of au cate r of hamburger « sandwiches- (with oniioiis)7-e broughit a pair of. spats. iThey were the fi rst spats we ever, experiencer ab)out our ankles and the 1,ollowing poenli vva$ insI)ire(l: -. Sports, and IUobes The gangsters chioose - To play 'wvith gïtts- -But we -spîee life - - -y Neaving spats. look ian wlho 2f1fml1 others. Under such circunu -stances. the- best that can be dorie for them is tp get them jobs, temporary ones if permanent ones cannot be found, but jobs of sorne -kind. Village .M1anlager Osborin of Wiette Ping ponig seemis rece ntly to have be- corne very popular.- It's a good year- round ganie, active and enjoyable.' The game is flot merely local. It has becorne international.. The far-off Japanese have aping pong champion, Yosbio Fushimi., It's getting so that we f eet like greeting the- presidential campaign hooey as a distinct relief for our local ailments.- Let:us.fiee to a desert island where they dô't- have no tax problernis. -MiQUrE. t