What Would Franklin'S Message *Be, TODAY? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,. were he to return today. would find a world inconceivably. changed. Yet-so true were the homely THRIFT maxims of this, apostie of saving,, thateven today,. an eager public would storm,.every lecture halland the rsswuld carry bhis message throughout'.the land. Old-fashioned and sim ple would be bis, counsel... a pràctical gospel of bard wok and tbrif t. On sucb was America founded and bu'ît, on s' cb musti survive. During National, Thrift Week, January 1 7tb ta 23 rd, it is wise ta remnember Franklin's teachings. . wiser still to follow tbem and open a savings account . .. in this strong bank ... today. "Your Home Bank" ýWJLETÈSTATE RANK A Trust Comnpauy