ig comuittees are etngzged in ar- intensive canvass of the area lying * West f romn Ridge road, with the im- mediate purpose in view of disposing of $12,750 in 1930 tax warrants to, de- fray school- expenses to date. * At ameeting Monday of this week $3,100 of these wa rrantswere taken a td it was'anticipated no.serious dif- ficlty W o u 1 d be encounteried .in, achieving the goalset by the boardý of éducation. Several taxpayers- in the section 'already have purchased warrants which had been given to the' teachers in lieu of pay checks since last Novenîiber, it was stated. The selling organization to d a t e c omprises. the b oa r ci of education, john J. Bleser, presideiit; Glen' R. lanson, secretary; John Reagan, Peter Carlson, A'. W. McDermot t, ,joseph& Schneider, John F i s c h e r -and Ed Meier, and two conmmittees. A genieral citizens' committee is mnade up of the followinig: William R. Morrison, Donald Harttett,- Williati M. W a gn e r, Harry,:Kreusch anîd Frank flalmes. A parent-teachier association c oui- mittee is ;com-Lprisedl of the follpwing: Mrs. R, 1). Waughr, NIrs. Fr a nl k Placek, Mrs. Williami R. Waglier and Herbert Kusnîiertz. Art ,Schwall . is généeral chairmaîî oi thei warrant selling conîpaigil. in formation conceriiing the drive inav bc ohytainced froin aany conîiittee ,nienîler or b.v callinig Frank Hiava- cek, Wilmecttc, 218G, it is aiiinoinced. Club Hears Talk on "History of Steel" 'l'lie History of Steel" ini motion pic- tuircs witlî a talk by W. C. Post of the U. S. Steel Corploration, was the fea-, ture of the regular mnonthly meeting ofthe St. Augu.stw&es Men's club .last Mondav inight. The. usualdiniier preceded the meet- ing and.-both dinnier and meeting were well attended. 111 tracing the various steps iit the Production~ of Steel f romi the minles to the finishied product, the nany remark- able developm-exîts i this great indus- try werc ery clearly and graphically * showni. The St. Ausgtistiiie's- Meni's club -is MARKIET Sho :at Qur neareit ùmarket Wl LMETTE, 1145 Wilmetie..Ave.ý Phones: 2814-731 HUBBARD WOODS 9101/s Linden Avie. Winnetka 411-418. Mrs. Denitis W. Crile of 'Wil- niette is chairman. of the programi 'committee .presenting IDr. Jlarry Overstreet o f New Y'ork :as the speaker at thé annual in uier,-lec.ture of the Parents' coutncil of thie Ch il- dren's schooi, National Courger of Education, Wednesday eren ing, Fefr. ruary 3 Reservations for, the diîiiicr anîd lec- ture,1 or for ýthe lecture;itsel f,.may hc mnade at the college' Dr. Overstreet lias -cliOsen a s the t(ipic for Ibis talk, "Building Mids f or This Age." The speaker is thè lîead of the department of philosophy Ini the Coilege of thie City of Nexv York and is-the author (if several books, the three hest known of which are, "linflueîîcing Human Behavior," '.About Ouriselves," and "Thé Enduring Qtiest.» The Paul Diebalis Are Given Surprise Party Mr.. and,> Mrs, Paul Diebal. 1130 Laurel avenue. Huhhard Woods, were given asurprise party 'at.,their h omte Thursday evening. January .14, hy mem-. bers of. the Ladies' Aid society. of the' Trinity Lutheran chutrch Glencoe, and their husbands. The occasion. was, ni honor of, the Diebalîs' silver .wedding anniversary -wNhich will be où Saturday,, WINNETKA 796 Elm -Street Phones:;'4-333 GLENCOE 345 Park Ave. Glençoe 19 WEEK-END SPECIALS Choice Legs of.Spring LAMB SLb. 23e Prime Rib Roast of BEEF Lb. 25e Choice BoneIess 'Bonless RoIIed .VEAL ,ROÂST ý,.IRKNRO ,A T Lb. 19. ipig to hear the report and attenid meeting. Mr. and Mrs. johni Calvin Morris, 2129 Keliilworth avenîue, Wilmiette, annotiunce,-the birth of a son weighiing seven pàunds, teui ounce s,1 at the Ev.r- anston hospital December 26.' will giv~e a free lecture on Christian Science. in the First Chtrch of Christ Scientist, in Wilmette, Saturday ev- ening, January 23, at 8 o'clock in the church edifice at Central avenxue and 'Tenth street. Mr. Ross' subject will be, "Christian .Science; whbat it isand how it works. Ail Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders, Carefuily and Quickly Delivered. -Charge Accotants Solicited from Relia bie Peo pie. j _______ Lb. Best Creamery BUTTER