club nt Patten pool Frk4lay nighlt Since takiîg (over the su'iining' duties at Nor-tli\esterii i 1909 Coach RobIinsoiis teains ha~ve \wonl tell con-~ ference cînponlisand lfive national collegiate tîtle's. The water polo teani lias'not lost a nmatch ini confcrencc com- petition silice the iîîceptioll of'the sport six years ago. 'Tlec 1urple ý<oîî the Cojîference chianîpîioîîslîip, in 1930 but last scasoii took second', place. to Michilgan- vhiclî won both*1 tîe lig 'fei and national collegiate tilles. \Vitb aine lkýtteriiieni rctulrirlg. together ýý-itli.thle:,tdditîin of 1a gioup oA .8< plîunn <-e Stars, thle Pturple ùxpects to give thec Wolveriiics ii stronig figlit for thie .chaînî>îionshî I)tis scasoil. >Capt. Bill \Wilson heads thc 'ist ofý rettirning letIei-niemn. 'Wilson,. a free style swinmer, Nvill conipete in the, 100, 440 and 220-yard swinis. He wvon the formner ini tle Big-.'len ineet last year. The other veterans on lîaîd are: f rce style, Rog Dehenliani, llaul--l.rup-aind Max Cogdlill:' breast strotkec, joe Ber- ioif o and Harvey Kaufutan; back str-okec, Sain Rosemi a nd Harold ' oyer; diving,' Kenneth \Villard. Northw\Nesterii's hQpcs for another chamIpionIship, huw,èver, rest, for the nio,-st part ini a c i nartet ýof' sop)homores inicludîing M '%,erton iWilcox and Art. Hililand, botît of wbo i peppcd' at Sclîurz bigh schuol, Cicago, iîîd 1lIu! Muftrphyi and Býob Kocrber of' Mainet Towlnsiip hgb sýChool DeCs lainejjs, 111. Eight N. U. Gridders' Practice for TrackI Eight: nienmbers of Nortliîwesterns focotball teanast f ail will seek a b)erth on~ the, track teamn. Hcading the, ist of .gridders .who have reported to Coach Frank Hill' is Pug Rentnerwho2 18s expected to make a tr» for the Big 'len high. jump -title. Other, football stars on hand aret Oliver OIson, hurdles and -high junip;à Ken Meenan. shot put; Art >jens a ndj Carl Hall, hurdles .and, higli jump; Mil Froberg and Bob Huston,' quarterc mile, and Will Lewis, broad jûnîp). .Rentner*s practice activities have beeni halted due to an injury to his left haiid, ;V!iss Suisan iik of Kcniilwcoi-tlî lil playthe. lead ii tý*he 1'ellow Shadozw," . shiverv amid tlîrillilig mystery drania, fb 1w givdn(ifthe-u IHoward sclîooi, Wilhnetle. on Janu- arvy e, 22 and 23 bY thie Lakr Shore' Ph. ve r. This wUilI be th<'ir firsi 'U'1"'iuh sho,-e off ein<lt.i Wilmette Post No. 46 A merican Legion Tl'le January meeting of the post \\-as hiehd Tuesday, Jantîary 12, ini St. Auigus- tinle's Club house. Vie post colors arc to bc placed tin nîourning during tis nîonth i ii rienîo(ry of Comnrades R. C. Wésýsel andf C. H. Parrington. Seventh district nmeeting ill be at North 'Towni Post, '234'5 Devon avenue, Ciiicag.o, WVednesday evening, .aniuary 20, at 8 :1.5 o'chock. At ani executive, meeting ast. week, thie posts 4 culorful, prize-%viiiiinlg-Drum anîd Bugle Corps got. itself welh organ-ý izéd for 1932., ,.everniewv inemibers ,have 'been se- ctired in an effort to briîvi ' the f uli strengthi of the corps to thiirty-five mcin tncludiîg fthe color guard. Any inemn- ber of W\Iinîcttc 1pos)t is eligible for the Co rps. ,an nrl who are interested will Andersen-Story of' Arrny Lif e. Antin-Proinised Land. Gaskell-Iife of Charlotte Bronte. Allan-Life and ,etters of Philhips Brooks. 1lledin-Mly Iîifé as an Explorer.. .BosWell-I4ife of Johnson. Kreymbiorg-Stoi-v iof My Boyhood and Yýouth. Newnîman-Apolôgia pro, Vita. Palmer-L.ife of :Alice Freemian Palmer. Kenilworth Gridders Have Football "Feed" Fifth grade pIupils of the« Josephi Sears sclool ini Keiîilwvorth, hehd their big football "feed" as t Friday niglit. Tigers were losers in last fall's foot- ballgaines between the two sections of the class. FolloNwi'ng the "feed" twenty boys remnained ;in the.-gymn- nasium o- vernight for an "indoor hikçe." They told stories and con- ducted themnselves much as they would on an outdoor itike'. The following day, Saturday, Robert W. TownIey, athletic (irector at the Josephi Sears sehool, took f ive, boys, Robert Lan- don, Jack 'Dai;vsoni, Dick 'O'Connor, Donald Stilîmnan and Hobby Andrews, on a ski exploration hik-e., The grouip found a 'good place to ski, west* of WNinnietka and aniother at licer Grov'e. Optimists of Wilmette Pictured'in Magazine The Decemnber issue of "The Opti- miist 'International," officiai, publica- tion of Op'tiniist clubs throughout the worldl, contains a picture of a group of Wilmnette Optimists who recently. visited the site of A Century of Pro- gress, ChicagWs 1933,'W.orld's'- fait, Accompan3,ing the picture isashort article about tlhe Xilmnette Optimnists' trip to the world's fair site. The group liad liiinclieonii.ii the Century of Pro gress administration building,. after -%hlichi a neinber of the exhibi'- tion staff took themi on a tour of the buildings and grounds. ivV 11at cat i ne ieaiLeairon vcviu, depressions? Whiat arc the causes of unenîiploy- nient ? The machine age andI the cra of b)usiness. How does the Russianl plait futit- ti:o?. arc- worltl -markets Main- taiîîed? MUonev anid baiikiiig look 'to the fut- ture.- Taxes and( taxation are examined. \Whe shall the unienplôyed turiu for re-education? How shall we spend our leisure timte? Can we stretclîlte dollar? 's there a way out ? Cati depressions be avoided? Winners of Coat Hanger Are Announced WVinners of the coat hanger col- lecting contcst. amonig the Kenilworth Cubs were announced following the close of the contest recently. The coat hangers are sold for a small 'sum and the mioney is turned over to the Joint Emergency Relief fund. Fielding Mercer won first place, with *a total of mine huildred coat * hanigers collecte.d., Second place went to Winston Frederick, with a, total of '800. Names of other boys who vwon hionors and the niumber of hangers they collected follow: Paul- Kelly, 550; Bud, Stilîman, 450, and Ralphi Starr, Robert Anderson, Tom- miy Keith and -Tooky" Hawley, 400 eacli. A contest was also conduicted amnotg the. Cub dens to sec which deni tould collect the miost hangers. This %vas %von by the Blackfeet, with a total of 2,350. Other totals were:; Jackrabbits, 1,800; Skeletonis, 1,300; Leopards,- .1,250; *Pioneers, 9 00,; Hawks, 850, and Woodchucksp, 600. MUSIC CLUB. MEET'S TIhe meeting of the Senior Music c lub. of' New Trier High. school, scheduled for 'fhiursday of this wveek at the 'hoine of Margaret 1,0oomis iim Glencoe, 1-as beeni postponied one week. It mill be lield at the saine tinie and place next Thutrsday. eîîces 'wilI be resumned. Mrs. Loui's CG. Raggio, 010 Abbotts- f ord road, K enil %vrt lt'eittertuiiicd her luincheon aid-bIridge club o»f Clii- cago friends'.Wedîîesday 0f 1]aýt week. Mrs.' Annia Dati \vood avenue left 'uary 7 'for Venii Nvili speîîd'about sM 'î.Vilihaîn. Nweek-ýs Mr.Tout Dix of Oxford roadl. Keniilworthi, entertaited thîe Tliuirs- day bridge and, luncheon club' atlîei- home this week. 'froin 3 :30 untils el 11l( s 1I being 'ier seveittî a party lor ay afternooît the Occasion -td(av. -Mr. anîd Nrs. Villiaiii'R. ,Siinks, 25 Cresceîît place, s pent .thte Chirist- imas holidavys with their son's.farniily, thte Harold Siitks, of Albany, N. Y. IMrs. E., P. Fatch, 611 Washingtonm avenue, wilI be hostess to lier Tues- day luitcheon bridge club next. week at lier home. --o- Mr. an(ld Mrs. 'Robert, M. jmeés of 1117 Lîitoln1 1 avenue, ÇxGleticoe, an-, nounce thée b.Iih of a daughter at the St. Francis hospital january 9.