48 FOR 'SALE-AUTOS 1926 Chrysier.sedainLWAS NO 1,92 Hud(in rougâni $1950 $75 1928. Nash Cavalier seda..... $350 $250 19z19 Grahani, side mounts .$9 $495 25pmore cars to choose froin and niust I>C suld la order to get si)ace. 1735 Benson, cor. Clark 11/ blocks North of -Davis " station 48LTN37-ltc FOR SALE -MARMON F1DA>eIN good condition, $100. Phone Winnetk. 561. 4SL37-ltp 49 WAYTEDTO BUY-.-AUTOS IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR SEE GLENLAKE MOTOR SALES 6M1 BROADWAY Sheidrake, 7044 4PLTN35-tfc 50 AUTO SERVICE WHY PAY $2. AN 11R. FORt HAVING; or<'r rt'pired if yoti canj have it done lfor half. by an exp)ert? Donc, in your or miy garage, or over night. W'il uall ;And deliver. N. S. ref. save înoney anU ceau Mr. Kraut, KenilworthI 1146. 0T3-f si FOR RqENT-ROOMS BRIGHT, PLEASANT, ÔUO1T I i"oniî c1(» to1 t trans~portation, Phonilt, Winnetka 415. 1T3-t uiaicfou' i or 2gentlemnen,\-'el'y 11011n1hme(- i ondng~idf-al m 2friends. Excellent transp. East side, Mdeals if dvfirVed. lioneM'il. 109.1. 51 T37-lti» H1E-TED RlOOMvS, SI1N G LE OR doiu in lHIIuboaî'd ~ovury i'easonable.. Phone Winnetka 3,161 :lnng~ ftur 1. 1). mu. 51 h1N7î~ transi). .PoeWinta21 PLEAÀSANT.FRONT R11. IN PRIVATE honie, i lbloc'k froni lndk O 1111 s ta- tion., .Phoneic W'innetket 46,6. ft'u'ret. Phi. Wilnîette 40S-1.. COMFORTABLE FRONT BEDROOMI wlth kitchenette privîleges if desired: $4. Mlen oniy.., Ph. Wilmette 2088. 51LTN3î-lp PLE ASANT FRONT ROOM, HOT water heat, close t6 bath, near'trans- portation. -Reasonabie. Ph., Winn. 810. 137-ltp LARGE, NICELY FURN.RM. WITH sun parlor and private bath, for 1, or 2. *Nr. trans.,Wlnn. 2010. S1LTNZ34-tfc US FOR RENT-APAkRTMENTS A and 5 rooms in LINDEN MANOR 1095-1099 Merr-ill St. HUB13ARD WOODS: W. H. CLARIS 980 Lindeni Avenue 56LTN3-ltc FOR REINT TWO ROOM KITCHE N- ette . apartment near transportation, steam heat, electrical refrigerati on. Catli Wilmette 18ý00. 56LTPI'31tfc 4 ROO M AAPT.NEXT, CE-NTRALLY ioceated, south aind east front. Ph. MWilmnette 21199 or 2427. 56LTN374-fc O N E 3-RM. KITCHENETTE APT. Humnphrey Building. Winnetka, 98 or 3328. 56LTN20-tfo FOR, IIENT-TWO A -'PTS.. 4 AN'sD 5 roorais; hot water . heat. Phi. il. 42,46. 56LTýN37é-ltc 57FOR RENT-FUR NISHE P ArTS. FOR li ENT FURNISIED-2 ¶«OQ'S, kjitchienette and bath, glassed-in poi'ch. $10 iiielitng hot w'ater, heat nnd gas. li: Wilmette 31')82. 57LTXN37-ltc F'UISUHED1 AND 2 ROOI-I APTS., conveniently located.. Phi. Wilmiette 239!) or Wliimette 2427. 57LT']N,30-t.fe 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES __ .NEAFtbLAKE, LARGE' .WOO)EI) LOT, S, H. sectio>n Cineka (mveiiient tg te rade amid high c'oi .7 îm. a t ls $125 a nionthi.m L.ake fr"înt Ioi.S 'w,2 batlIs. Ieý- 511 Lin'olnî Ave. W'înnetkil 1192 7___ ___6LN71t 7 tOd.SE'->N iOtUIIItAC t':mst ")"ui, elt1'.'1' \7 . Eat7S-d1 A cholce list is possilje for those who look early. Buff brick on collner lot, woe section. H. W. heat, 3. bedrms., 2 baths, iiîflWinnetka. .......... $110 Wlte brick Colonial, modern, 4 bedrims., 2 bathis, vapor oil heat, 2-car garage,* in Wifnnetka. $s12ý,5 Near 'N\eýv Trier, attractive brick, 4 bedrms., 3 battis, a very nice. hone ................ ..........$175 A lakie view, brick home, 9 bedrms., 3 baths', oil heat, in Highland Park'...............$175 An English î'ed brick and tinrberèd stuceo, 6 bediiis., 4 baths, fine rock garden .... ................ -$225 Many other homes both, furn. and un- furn. frorn Evanston -to Highland Park. F. M.. ORNDORFF University 0531 wilmnette 1626 60LT.s37-lte -MANY DESIRABLE, HOTSES FOR rent, furnished and unfumnished, fromi $50 to $500 a inonth. DOROTH1-1Y K. ROSS, 6C3 -Vernon Ave. Glcncoe 305 and !)S6 6OLTN37-1t 1) ATTRACTIVE BRICK HO USE, bedrooms, heated sleeping porch. s un. i.oom, 2 batlîs, extra lav. H. -%V.heat. Garage. $105. Sale price $17,400. Many iother attractive values. Mrs. bang, Ph. Winnetka 1194. 60LTN37-ltl) si FOR RENT-FURN. NOLISES ETGHT' ROOMN HOUSE, FURNI;SHED, east side Glencoe, Garage. Large lot, attractively landsocaped. Rent fo'r one.1 year. Phone Glencoe 437. 611bT37-Itli 62 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES MRS. FUJ4L1ER-HOMElrS 1618I Chicago Ave. Gi'eêenieaf î220 L.IST YOUIt:liI>USriES WITH US NOW%. eor May ii'eiital. DOROTU1Y K. ROSS LIST NOW I foiss ~a utedfoi' sale or' for -tl'et xil hoaviiîhlofoi' -Ala-v uîja Cv.(ali Mis. Wmlscottî 'Wininetka 126,7' -: . -).TN t7-1 tu houses. for sprlng rental, also ln, pur- chaslng . ouses reasonabiy prleed. DJr.s. Lang, phone Wlnnteka 1194. 62LTIN37-ltp A. CHARMING HOME. located on a Wooded corner ln a secluded section of east Giencoé and oniy three blio cks to transportation. Every robin in the houseý has -a pleasant outlook. Four bedroomns and two baths cohiprise the second fioo'.. Delightful large living room with sun 'room. Hot water heat ivith ohl, and attached garage. If you. are looking for- a cozy. home- having charm and charaicter, and priced to seil on the.preset nmarket value, eall QUINLAN & TYSON, mnc. Fountain SqaeUni. 2600 72LTN37-lte French Horn>e-Beautiful * GRE ATE SAE. 5MASTER CHAMBERS, 2 SERVANTS, RMLS., R E CR E A TI0N RM., STONE POROR, OIL HEAT, GARAGE-2 MOTORS. ON 100- T.SITE. OWNER WIL2L AC- CEPT GOOD EQUITY AS PART PAYMENT. BRIARGATE 1855, -GLENCOE 1554. Baird & Warner 72LTN37-lte FRE-11ýNCU COLONIAL IN BEAUTIFUL Deere Park, Ravinia, 8 rnis., step- '4o.wn living roonm, enclosed sleeping porch, breakfast nook. 011 heat.. 2- cmr garage. Large ravine lot wlth lake rights. Convenient to fine schools. Very reasonaj>le price. Mlght trade for- snialier, or reflt. Hc1l&nâoý 1 I 513 Davis St., F'vanston i ____ - tIre. 1617 Charmilig tHome. -XCAIOI'S BRICK COLONIAL, AL- muos îie, S edronis,3 baths,' lav., 2-car roo o heait, Frig., gai'age. 'Most desirable location. Sae$48,500. Rentai $275 a inonth. Frances J. \Vinscott 902 ju'uc S. Wincta 1267 WILMETTE L E ".for more than 20 year thé HOME PAPER of the comm unity" $ ÉPuO*MiIgelVuIIK Of UK xUJIRge. .1, Place class!fied adop juil 'PHONE..WILMETT-E40