DraNvings for the ,first matches in the doubles ping pong tournament scheduled by the Playgrouuid and Recreation board for tomorrow Cv, ening at the Stolp gymnasium arc announced. by Daniel M. Davis, di- retrof recreation. Sixteen teanis have been enteried andwill play for the doubles'champ- ioniship toniorrow evening.--Teams scheduled to meet in the first'rounc, matches are: Stone-W\itsett team vs.* Nichols. WV. Stark team. Fieberg-Fischer teain vs, P. \Vag- ner-J. XWagner teami. W.* Côody-Neilson teani ývs. G. Wells-S.. Wells teami. D. Gash-S' Smitl teati vs. UL. Har- vey-Freundlich teani. L. Condy- Robertson teani vs.. Stark-M1. Guler teain. Dick-Sterner team vs. J. Thelen-. G. Thelen teain. Cicchini-H. Miller teami vs. Ricks- M. Kneip tëaii., -W. WVagner-J. Ktieip teani vs. Hleereis-Reid teani. * eanis not previously règistered ar- riving at the gyuilnasiuni prepared to play will be allowed to enter. the tourtiaîent iii case ý of f orfecitures during the first round.ý PuiblicIn-iteàd The public is cordially inivited, to wvitniess the matches, wvhicli are free, of chargé. Medals will be. awarded to the wimiers of first and second places iin the toiirnamient. Tomiorrow -e%-ei ng's tournanient will end the Play ground - and Recre- ation board's first ping pong season. *The tables which are set up in the Stolp gyînniisiumi every Friday even- ing9 have been very popular, and, if there is sufficienit dema'nd for their use, thev will.- be *moved to aniother place for the beniefit of the public on. Eriday eveiiings. No charge is, made *for their use and the only mIes gov-. ern ing themn are. the saine as those that goverin public tennis cou ,trts, 111amely, ail contestanits inust avait th eir turni for the tables and play onlyv one match at a' lime before gi'v- ing way to the next contestants. Athietie Tes ts Show Brychta, 31 ,i r.yseU,,, XVC VVOUUiU, 31Â y ards. Football drop kick: Frank Kocenn 36 yards, Robert Specht, 32 yards, WVil- liamni Wlcox, 31yards. ClaBns C: Football punt: Gerald M1ay, 33,yard-s- Lawrece Haugsness, 30 yards, Robert MaeMomr-an, 3Û ars Frank Grinneil, 30 yards. . :. 11 11. Football paps: Lawrence Haugsne-Qs-, tjass y. nFootball punt: tDavid Hasis, 30 yards, tJohn Speredes, 27 yards, Marcus Foi- Ilansbee, 27 yards. Football pass: iuavld Haas, 28 yards, eJohn Speredes, 23 yards, Ed H-ajewski, 23 yards, Douglas Huck, 23 yards. Football drop kick. Douglase Huck, 28 yards,.John Speredes, 25 -yards, ýHar- ü ld Borre, 25 yards. Class E: s Football punt: Frank Schaefer, 28 yards, Dick Hiaas, 27 yards, William Roberts: 25 yards, Dudley Yoeman, 25 yards. Football pass: FPak Se-haefer, 30 yard, Hoiward heinwral,'22 yards, Clark Kirwin,' 22 yards. Football drop kick,- Dudley Yoeman, 24 yards, Dlck Haas, 23 yardË, ela.rk Kir- *wln,, 22 yards, John Welter, 22 yards, William Roberts, 22 'yards, Robert, An- derson, 22 yards. ClasaF: Football punt: Lowell Peterson, 22 *yards, Robert Christensen, 22 yards, James Steen, 21 yards, Glenn Samuel- son, 21 yards. Football pass: James Steen, 2ô. yaids, Robert Wenter, 20 yards, Robert Christensen, 19 yards. Footballdrop kick:,Eobert Matthews, 23 yards, James Steen, 19 yards, IVal- ford Johnson, 19 yards. Hloward Girls, Record Performiances Class A: volley bail kick: Virginia.Mrs 7C, 73 feet, Virginla Oison, 8A, 71. feet, Grace Centifanta, 7C,. 66i feet,, Dorothy Holnes, 8B, 57 feet. 1Volley bail throw: Virginia Oison, 8A, 54 feet,. Vîrginia Maràh,' 7C, ;-0 féee1t. Dorýothy, Hoimes, , SB, 50 feet, G'act, Centifanto, 7.C, 45 feet. Class B Volley bail kick. Dorothy Ii, SC. 86 feet, Lueileo Graham. 8A, b4 feet,, Margaret SchwalIl, SB, 71 feet. IVolley baIl throw: Dorothy Massig, SC, S2 feet, Lucille Grahami, SA, 58 t'eet, Lois' Rob)erts, 8B, 57 feet, M.,ry Louise Schaeffer, SB, 57 feet. Ciass C: Volley bail kick: Helen' Pearson, SB» 70 feet. Elea.nor Speredes, SA, 70 feet, Ckarol Edenburg, 7A, 68 feet, _Volley bal throw: Bessie Bouebika.s,ý .C, 62 feet, Helena. ticey, SC, 60 feet,j Janet Braýndt. $A, 57feet, hlelen Lind-. s trorn, SA,, 57 feet. ClsD:, VolIleyý bail kick : Baliara Blaii1', 7BÉ. îlfeet, M,ýary 7 Portii, 7B, 70 feet, Lor- ragine Richards, 6A, 70 'feet, Verna Areiýhitthaualt, 8C, 59 feet. .'Volley bal throw: Jean G-ordon, SC, 58 feet, 'Marjobrie Stauitz, SA, 56' feet, Margaret Livelv, SÇ, '54 feet. <lass E: Volley I)haIll icrk: Dorothy D)avis, 7C, 7;- feet, Be(tty), Hoar. 7A, 74 feet, fBar- bara'Orm-sbee,. SA, 72 feet. Volyhil itlirw: Betty Hoal,, 7A, 63 f,"ýt, oisKunelian,6A,, 58. feet, Doro- th>-DýtIs,7C, 57 feet. Ciabsa F: Volle>y bail kick: MWilma Kiiapp, CA, 55. feet. Betty Todd, 6B, 50 feet. Bett'y ~' t u P " " * i z $s -k tb a l l I - f o r , m o n . " r . Leg l'ymani's Texaçoî vs. Iof 1,1nFloI>t I.114 Hîîa.r gmnsini Mlonday, January. 1( 7.15.pm. Baskethall for girls. X1vs. O-)Kays.. Stolp gymnnasium. 7:3û p.m. Volley bal for m4-n. < ongîs- gatio nal vys. Methodlst .Hoadgm na siumi. :30 p.ri. Volley, bail, for mn.Bltekj- *hawks ve. loward, P. T. A. llow iil gynasiuni. 8:15 - p. .m. Volley bail for men. Willmet te oi w arm wv vutncr Tailors vs. 1-loffinan FVrlst 1. How- ard gynmasium. Inability to. obtain suitable ice 9 :00 p.mni. Volley bal for men. Gym- cauised the postponemient of the -sixth class Vs. Ridge Phiarmacy. Howard gymnasium. annual ice carnival, scheduled' for T 1uesay,ýJauar, Y 19last Saturday afternoon at the Vil. Tucsay, afliiry 19lage Green., to toniorrow evening at 7 0 oop.m. Aero club-for boys. Howard gyninasium. . 7 :30 o'clock at* the same, place, Dan- 7.:15 p.m. -Basketball fr girls. Mallinck- iel M. Davies, director of recreation, rodt* vs. New Trier, Specials. Stolp announces. gymnasium. 8 :00 p.m. Basketbal practice. for gýirli,. Ahough Nvorkmen, had been busy Howard gymnaslum.. on the ice fo.Y- fortv-eight hours pre- S :15-p.nî. Basketball for girls. -Basket-.j'Vous t the limle the mieet, waý; eers vs.. Six Bit.s..Stolp.gyiiniasium. : ç1iedulecI 10ô begin, the weather wva, 9 :05 p.m. Basketball for girls. Bi-twniic. vs. Wild Iniffans. Stolp gymnai.tsiumi. not cold eiiough tbfreeze the wvater properly and consequently the meet Wednesday, Januaiiry 20 hiad to he postponel. However, post- 7 :00 Pau. GymI-nasium cl111ss for -girls. poning ice meets is. no-jnovelty with Higihcrest -school. the \Vilmette Recreation board, 7 :00, p.m. Basketbali for men. *"A" wmhich sponsors sucb events each League. State Bank vs. li>resb)yteiians. vao oohrrirainclt Howard gymnasium. eror.bohrrcatncees :00. p.ni. Basketball for . men. " of -the noth shore, sitîce liàst* vea.r League. TermninaIs v-S. Elites. Stollp was the first limie in five vearsthat gymin.isiurn. the lo cal. board had been 'able to have S :00 p.m.. Ladies' gynsin lassý.th meto tedasceue. o Highcrest sehool.te ne i tedvshul>d.N S:00 p.m. Basketball .foýr "n. 'A" other North Shore townii bas bceen League. K. of C. vs. St. Juhos. 1 f<îw- ab)le to .reach tliat record. ard gym.niiiasiumi. S :00 p.m. Basketball for mei. .11-1Tem of flic le races 'of the Leaue Hofmn I<>is ivs. iig etarc Iimited tp \Vilmiettere- o9:0'0rmiiacy. Stlpm nasfim hlei. (X.lent s and large numbers of entries LEongue., B-laekhawks N-..metio(ljsts-. were r1eceived for each* event. The I Iwar gmnnium Iremainiing. two .races Âincîndes*thée 9 :(10 î.nu. B-askettball for Illi. *A League. Hawvks vS tauîîîu!X. ý l Golden Skat:es..Derbv," the, ione .gymnaium. îile faturerace of the aft'mon -hich îs -mtdt os and miî Tiîusday Jtîiuar 21over 15 yersofag. A'pair of gold 7:0 1).11. (ymnasîum eIas., i "n W c.(,Il skates is *awardecl the mwînner .of Ilowar gymflsiui.this event a 1sle adboz 7 :0o 1).m. Baskethaill for1, Iî luil. .i1 1 n iii ai(ib on e League. 5- ves. Juliol A. edals go 10 the second and. tirç - Stolp gmnasium. Place wnes N :00 p.în. Ladies-' gymaii um uîii Iazs H8:00 d y.asjutm. (, tii iii4rAttractive Prizes s :0 p.: .asJtbal fo ifeilJUIiol A pair of silver winig skates is the StLeago. ildaîS V. <'fî<mnîtprize for the two-mile évent, thîe i !:00 .n.Bs<telfomo..uùî.second open evenlt for the e\velnilg, Lefagu,.W*s Si(ler'5.4s S t! 11 and silver and * bronze niedals are. gyînai m.aýivardcd [therespective winners' of Vrig411, ,J an1.11ary 2 2secon1id ad*tidPlaces., A haîf-inile 7:4i .-00 li i îiglit o fplay. Scn race for Wilmnette men and boýs, onlv a nlu I h~s ,torn:meîî.~tlpcarnies a first prize of a pair of si]- steitoul iibra-3. Nver wving skates and thé second and 7 :0(1 p.mi. Finst n ight of plA y.-F 1s IVI. - . - .......third place wiiner ,' ill er- * - i Iilillette cCel i.tournaumo(.1t. li, 1))......'j*" '-'-.'*-* ',,,...l sehool *ibraie.,- eran bronze.,medCcals respectivelv. 7:0-(1t p.m Bàsketball f"i- o uno ;orsilver and. b.ronize imedals will be, Lýeague(.. Wildeats vs. Elites. -rl'h'xhe'iiiies f ri fl gytint-ium. aard\\th ineso tefr.5t S -i(o pm.. Bsetàlfr)r mun.L a'stlrcecplaces in ail oether races. Texcosvs.Ride Parme. < 'l'lhe schedcule of the e%,ci.ng's pro- S 15 p.m. Pîig. PonIg. Stoýlp g gymaim ran wfllle: 9~~~~~~ 10 .n tktalfo i-i. B -4vr dash fo)r girls under 12 -y uarS. Lege'Terminais vs. s t.Jbs ldnhfrbos ne 1 va 11h)ward igyminasiur. 90yr ahf4 ýystnu12o-rs 9>2t i-ar<l dash foi- girIs 1'2 yeajrs. the consolation tournamient lîeld for 'dock- at tlhe Stolp school li-brary.*, 1 the benefit of contestants -tvhlo are Both Ms Hargis and Mr. Beach elliniinated during the first two rounds are vollnnîeering their services to the of play. -Recmeation board in conducting the Entry ma-y be made at.the Recre- class. Children who are interested' ation office, .914 Central avenue, or i chess may receive the benefit of at the meeting of the, public ichess and. these essons free of charge -by, mak- checker club' tomorrow evening .aï ngarangemnents atteRcaio the Stolp gymnasium. . off ice, -or by communicatinig with. In connection with, the frec chess either of1 the class instructors, I