*Mortgage Financing-ln the niîonth of Decemnber 1931 there Nvere 2,811 trust deeds ,filed, totaling $13,633,080, a decline of 130, aniuntîng to $447,- -670, under the nmonth of Novemiber 1931. December 1931 \vas under De- cember 1930, 1,910 or 40.5%4 lu number' and $16,264,436 or 34<7< ii aniount. 1931 showed a total. number of 48.159~. anîounting to $264,584,983 wvhich 'Nvas a decrease under 1930. of 20,002orj 29.3%7 in number and $160,579,232 or 37.8%ii anount. The ye *ar 1930 showed a' decrease, under 1929 of 28% in numbiiler of transactions and 503.5,%1inî amount. The mnonthlv aver- age for 1931 wvas 4,013 in.ii.inirner and $22,'048,748 iii anloùut, a decrease xiii- der' the rnonthly average of- 1925" 1929 inclusive of .59.97< i' in nmber and 72.8e; in amount.- ' Buildinig Pernits-Buildîng perniits! for the nionth of December wvere-)i ini r.unîber and, $2,518i450 iniaout which wvas a decrease in numnber. of 2I7 and an incr ease: in amount oi 51.715.- 350 overNmer of 1931. in the fuliyearoi 1931 there were 1,28() per- mnits issued, totaling $46,440.130, wh-Iicih wvas a (lecrease of 1.143,- or 471. - l' uxlinber and $ 30.887,220 or. 39.9% fîin amfounlt. Th'le nionthly average for 1931 -%vas, 107 in nunib er and $,3.870.-: 0>11 in. aniounlt. a -decreàse under the mlonthl aerg of 1924-1928 inclu- sive «of 9.<.iiinùmber àand 86.3% ,in! ainount. Couîparé'd %ith the figures given out hv- the butiling departni ent (Ifile ityofCh cgo, çoveringthce vear 19)04-1930, total numhier of per- i nîits isstued in 1931 was the lonWest o!! record in that peiod. and only one. vear (1918) shoN-ed a lowerci total amiotnt. Rýeal Es.tate. Trans fers-Tiiere verQ 5,239 real estate transfers. recorded *n the ,onth. of Decemnber. 1931, hc! ývas a decrease of on1l' five froni thei mlonlth of Nov-ember 1931. but a (le- crease. of 116 or 2.2%- un der Deceln- ber of 1930. Total transfers for the. vear 1931ý were 63.022. a decrease n 4.748 or 75 r under 1930.ý The i-onth!v 505,080 or 107.9e/ in arnount over De- cember of 19.30. Total foreclosures for the year 1931 were 9,850, invoîv'- ing $457,289 in arnount, an inCrease of 4,032 or 69.3t% in number an,] $212.,943,112 or 87.115i n amount. The rnonthly average for, the yar, 1931 'vas 821: in .timber,. an increase of 351.1%ý" over the nionthly average tif the years 1926-1928, inclusive. Jacques de LaChappelle of Kenil- worth is -on a business trip in New York.- taking with hinm his, littieý daughter. Renîée, wvho is to visit ber' secti)s-nien's Singles, boys' singles (fiteen years and under) and women s, singles. Play will start as f .llows- boys, 1 :15 o'clock ini the aiternoon; women, 2:15 o'clock, and men, 2:45 o'clock. The finals ini the boys' and women's divisions wiII be playedý at 8 :30 o'clock in the evening. As a special feature in the evening Colenman ýClark, western pinig pong champion and captain of the Chicago ping pong team which willI play New York January 16. wvill stage an ex-, hibition -match with Yosio Fushimi, champion of japan. Attractive trophies are to be award- cd.to the w.inners and. runners-up ini the tournarnenit. The entries close at iol 101Friday, January .22. S$.ceOu&.K0u running miate of the BREMEN - EUROPA, ina cruise de-luxe to the JAN* Io .0 DAY% * 28 PORTS * $14 A -DAY UP Madeira - Morocco - Algiers - The French Riviera - Naples - Tunis Egypt.e Holy Land - Syria- Turkey - Greece - Venice- Malta - Sicily ýSpain . -Portugal - Return by the Bremen or Europa SPECIAL- RATES TO THE RIVUERA AND E4YPT and té, other points in the course of the Columbus Cruise JWany will recali the great values they obtained daring Our last Jasuaty al1e of drapes and curtains. This sale i. a combined clearance and. -after-inventory, of al patterns a n d merchandise that did Dot seou as we thought they should. Short lengîhs, made-up drapes ad curtainks. 5 patterns 50" Linene Drapes, lind W84 finished, pleated; with hooka,. ready toehaag. Value $15.44,79 pair ... ... 79 Damask Drapes, Sr' full width, lined and pleated, 8Se long, Choie- colora,, p lain and figured. Values front $12 to $20. .Clearance, ..85 36" Glaied. ChlàInte, smani designa. *50 . vle, I15e yard ............. Glazed Chintz Drapes, 84e long, pleatqd pair........... $3.00 5"w wide RuE ledCutns plain anid çolored. $1.45 to $2.95 value, * $10 pair ........... 10 5<>" Lises., choice design& for drapes.; $1.50 Value, yard ..... 9 Short lengths of Creton»e, 1 to 5 yards, 650 1 12 $1. value, yr ... 2 Sunproof 36r Voile,19 35c value, yard. 19 Remuants of, 36" Cretonne, 1 to 2ryards cadi,lO yard... ..... o lmprtd 50M Warp P r i n.t C etone, 1% yards éach.' $3 tor $5 values, mach ...... $1,5 0 Mohair Saisples, 1i 6yards Afiliated wib ,Stafe Bank end Trust Company Ev. nston G... 5000. WiI. 5000, Sei.50 Ton cas match sizes, if desred. v.i