OtheFIw'? SALES MANAGER: cani't underssand our dealers. We'have a good product . best there is -on the mnarket, Our price is right. We cover their. field. with ouir advertisingý. Yet our sales are dro>. ping off while our competitors' are rising.» ADVERTISING MANAGER: ««I tik can analyse it: for you. Here are the facts as 1 sèe thent . S; J;,' An imaginative conversation? Perhapu.. facts are REA LI You, Mr. Manufacturer, face to face.with them now. OAK LEAVES EVANSTON REVIEW WILMETTE LIFE "The de ailer is. in businesÇs to sel merchanise. Whe the adviertising "of, our competitors makes a cuistomer ask for bis merchandise, 'the dealer, in thèse times, is eager to. maire the saie.' By the customer asking for acertain product lie tells the dealer he's sold on it. The dealer wo.n't try to unseli him for fear of losing the sale. '4Regarciless of whetlher olir mercha,dse pays hitn bet. ter he'll take -smaller profits and greater turnover. but the maybe "'Our dealers won't c O-operate," von ýcry . But Iook aàt it from the dealers angle. Saàles ar e, his very lite. You can't blame him for putting bis effort ýaud en- thusaasm behind your competitors' merchandise when you don't co-operate, and help him move your goods. MAYWOOD HERALD Chicago Office, 1014-16-18 WILLOUGHBY TO WER PhoneCÈN*TRAL 3355