to 17. ',\ May> of thé races were close, ioN- ever, and the mieet was flot as one- sided as the scores indicate, accord- ing to Coach E'dgar B. Jackson, of New Trier. Bil! Paulsen was the only swinimer able to winp a place f or. New Trier.. He did t hat in the senior div-- ing event. Jack..Davis,, of New Trier, llaced second in ýthe samne. event. Oak.,Park copped theý 200-yard re- lav and the mdley and, i onfirst placed ini the senior meet. besides the divitig. New, Trier swimmers wv ho pla ced in thé senior meet, besides the twoalreadv mentioned,,were: Johnt Pearson, third in the 100-yardý breast stri ke- Ephraim Banning, third i the 100-y ard back. stroke; Neil Shap- ker,- second in the 50-yard. swinî, and Edward Hoffnian, and, Ned Shapker tied for second in the 100-yard swim!. Oak Park took every first place in the junior ineet, including the relay. The boys whoplaced for New Trier were: Melvin Silverman, third ini the 50-> ard breast stroke; Stuart Fitz- hugh and Albert, Schumnan tied for third ini the 50-yard b a c k stroke ; Doiiald Patton, third in the 5O-yard $wim; Robert Prosse .r,ý seco nd, and Donald Pation, third, >in diving, and. Robert Prosser, third in -the 75-Yard The swimmning meet schieduléd for Iast Saturday afternoon betweeîi New trier and Schurz H i gh schiooi. of New Low Rates at a Fine Hotell! IAIVJIL. rie wm iease spaceL x for fish, fruits and.vegetab)les. bakery. d a ir y.delicatessen, ixuts, fruit and heal th fo o ds and lulncheonette de- partments. It is planned tô open the new mart about March 1. or as soori thereafter as possible. The total are a will be' approximnately 7,200 square feet. HOSTS AT SHAWNEJE Dr. and Mrs. Walter Dill S cont en- tertained at a dinner party fbr..t welve g!uests.last Tuesday at Shawvnee Coun- try club. Chicago, was postponed indefinitely., .This week the New Trier swin-' iimers'Srere to meet Deerfield at Deer- field, Thursdav ýafternoon in a. Sub- urban. league ýmatch and Waukegav at New Trier, Saturdav afternooîî. %Ve are increasing the numnber and type of our sales outiets and intro- ducing new merchandising mnet*hods. Our Ene has been expanded to mneet ,mider nmarket requirements. We are now building smnall unitair condition- igplants suitable for either home or office use," he said. "The economies aiid econ veniences of clectrie, refrigeration ,equipment consitute a popular and logical bùy- ingw urge in both the household and. commiercial fields.' Consequently our organization views the outlook with confidence. believing that 'the coming twelve months will witness a.continu- ance of. the enco tr aging and increas- ing demnand for its products. Mrs. Rea Jacobs of Indianapolis is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Clarence Woodruff. 1513 Maple avenue. IN S U RfqN CE VRIUIiTION 0,F VIS I ON T HE accident insurance companies pay th same amount for loss of, SIGHT that they pay for loss of LIFE.- This comparative valuation is the judgment Of qualified authorities 'Who have no desire to pay the insured any larger amount than it considers right and just. These facts should be considered by those who seem to. believe the value of visionÀis somnetimes over-e professional- or- commercial interest. To lenses of iniferior mai tenses' any who 15isintreFst dance. Special ball crs will be arranige visited. in travel and the by native danc- in every countrY 6200 Kenmoreé at Gratnvlle Phone Briargate 8000 PRESCRIPTION PRECISION MADE OPTICIANS Cý -G LASSES . 105 North Wabash,.18 Souith La Salle . 78 Emt Jackson 1645 Orrinagton Ave., Evapoton > *1~ -b ý 1 Here's .Mls SlmpIcIty ..offered for the flrst time'ý If you have woun Gossards nationally adv.rtised MisSim- nflig-Voul Waste no time