poried oni Monday that sixty-one teams are plaviing intraniuraI basketba!l. Theè teanis are. grouped in nine leagues, each of which will play a double eliminiation tournamenit in which every team will compete.until it has heen defeated twice. The nine leagues are dividedacod ing to tlie weight of.tlieboys, as f ol- 1 lows:. Heavywveighit division leagues-sen- jors weighing more than 135 pounds,, juniors- weighing miore than 135 pounids1 and sophomores weighing more thaii 135 pounds. iÎghtweight division: leagues-seniors weivghing, 135 pounds or less, juinior s the sanie, soph omores the sarrne and f reshmeni weighinig more than 120, pounids. Featlierweight division leagues- Sophomores, weighing 115 potunds or' less and freshimen wvighing 120 1)cunds orIes Aiter the class champions and sec-i ond place winniers are determiined they %-l compete in a econd double eli Ilasmina- tioti tournuament tô decide the \veight _U Ail boys at New 'Trier are eligible for. coipetition in initramural basket- t)all except members of the varsity baskethall team, varsity. sitmers,. var: sity' track men and post-graduate stu-. dents. àight-minute quarters are used for- the ittranlur-al gaines.' an(! strýict rules> are ohscrved,. A team which fails'to appear oni the floor to start, a gamne at the scheduled timie is finied one 'f ree throw for every miniute it is late. A teain w~hich fails to appear withjù tein muluittes ofter the'gamne is schI(edul to start ýforfeits the conitest. *Giant Television WilI Feature Big RadIio show Tele;vision pictures. ten feet square,' network and local station broadcast-i *ing, a western television kit building contest, and the prese nce of"is Radio" and "Miss Televisioný" are! *soffie of the. high spots that, will atý-i tract a quarter of a million visitors 1 to the annual Chicago Radio-Electri- i *cal show, at the Coliseum, Jan. 18-24. The exhibits which fil the main- MAN-YCU.STOM FABRIC 1,932 Sring t Added to Our Great Semi-Annual'Sales a 50 0 These fabrics are usually found only in, Custom Tailored Suils beyond $75 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Life" wilI be the subject at the' services ini First Church of Christ, Scientist in Gliencoe Sunday morning, January 17, at il1 - lok. Sundav, school >convenes at' 9,:45 :oclock., )rrngfon and Çhurch-EVANSTON-Phone Win.n.tka 0 188 (No Toil Charge Evanston Sho> Open Tuesday, T/àursday and Saturday Evenings ,( The Hub, 1932