Sho atour nearet mwAket -WILMETTE 1145 Wilmette Ave. Phones: 2014-71 HURBARD WOD 9101/sLinden Ave. ,Winnetka 417-418 .WINNIETKA 796 £bu Street Phonos:,4-333 .GLENCOE 345 Park Ave. Glenco. L19 WEEK-END SPECIALS Pri me Native 1RIB ROAST 2 ~t Lb. Shoulcier LAMB' ROAST 5 fo 7 IL Average IG CILb. Choice M~i'k-Fed ROASTINO, C-HICKENS 29 C Lb. Millet & Har's- BACON Hickory Smokd Photo by the 2th,1Century The engagement of Miss George-l anna M. Locker, daughter of Mrs. Madeleine Locker of. West Toivers, lEvanston, formerly of Philadeiphia, L'a, tb George J. 1Pelt#ann lias just been announced. Mr. Fei mon» is the son of Mir. wid Mrs. Daniel MI. Felmann of Wilmette. No date has been set for the wedding, Sears Sehool Begins Cage Play Next Month The joseph Sears school bask<et- bail schcdule wiIl start ini February, Robert W. Townley, athietie direç- tor, a in o uiic ed this . week.,.This month, the gymnasium classes are concentrating opn the contest to de- termine the winner of the all-around gymnasium medal. This medal will be awarded to the boy. who niakes the best score for his work on the gymnas0ium apparatus. Besides p 1 a y i n g basketball next rnonth, boys 'of the joseph S ea r s school w i 1l rèceive instructio.ns in, wrestling. In, Marchi boxing will be taught. At the end of each month tournarnents wiII be held to deter- mine the wrestling and boxing chani- of which did any damage. 'rhese oc- curred at. Seventeentb and Isabel1a streets at 12:15 o'clock in the inorning, at Ridge road and Greénwood avenue' at 3:;15 o'clock ini the afternoon, at 100 $ixteenth street at 7:35 o'clock in the evening,. and. at 208 Jighteentb, street at 9 o'clock that evenïing.. The other cail on Monday, came at 10 O'clock in the afternoon, wben. the firemen ektinguished a blaze in a car owned by Gordon Wilson at 415 Ninth street. This wýas cauised by'.the backfiring of the machine. There .was no damage, acco rding to ]Fire Chief Walter' Zibble. Wilmette firemen answered two .càlis ont Sunday, the first at 6:20 >o'clock in the .morning when an explosion set fire to a Bowý,man Dairy company mûilk truck at 732 Twelftb street. A lantern in the truck explocled when the driver wa-tking"9n a supply of gasoline. The firemen extinguished the blaze be-- f ore any daniage resulIted- The other run on Sunday was made to. 1140 Ro- motta road at ý6:05 -o'clock in. the eve- nmng, where a defective fireplace caused a blaze tbat resulted in slight smoke damage. Wednesday of Iast ,veek an automo- bile, which wvas being driven. with the emergency -brake on,, caughtý fire at 1150 Wilmette avenue at 8,:10 o'clock ini the morning. The. firemen :extin- guished, the blaze without damiage to the car, Kenilworth Has Good Xmas P. 0. Businessý The volume of business .during the month of December, 1931, including the Christmas mailing period, at the Kenilworth postoffice was only $86.29,, or approximately three and a haif percent Iess than that for the corre-ý sponding month in.1930, Postmaster Douglas C ro o ks'stated this week aftera fintal checkup. , This he con- siders an unusually good sh.owing, as compared té other north shore ppst- offices, s o m e of whicb experienced decreases up to tweÙty Percent fron their Décember.-businessof 1930. & , Alil Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders Cure fuiiy and Quickiy Deiivered Charge Accounta Soiicited (rom Reiliabié. Peo pie. Prîce $1.50 per pIayrer, includig Buffet Suppier Entries, accompanied by Fee, must bc made flot Iater tlian Thursday, January 14, with GEORGE W. PLANK, Tournament Manager, Edgewater Beach Hotel, SM00 Block-Sheridan Rd. I