Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1932, p. 8

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RED TAG SALEý 33 1/3 to 40% Savings.. o n Leather:GoodS.ý Diseontinued numbers and goodsused for dis. play purposes. MOHSl lm col, 88510 e CHÎlCAGO Wi nnetka 650 home heated ail the time, but usually went there only for the week-end. When they went there Sunday, janu- ary 3, they found thait the house had been broken into. Again on Wednies- day night of last week the caretaker, fourii that one of the doors had beeiL jimmied.' The' fire, which occurred later. that night, is 'believied >to have i)een of inicendiary origin. BROWNSON CIRCLE PROGRAMI The Brownsofl circle wilI meceton Monday, January 18, at the Rogers Park Women's club heu se.. During the book- loyers. hour, Mrs., John Periolat, will review "The Shadow on the Earth." After the business meetinig a dramnatic reading is to, be given by Miss Anne Irenem Larkin. Miss Beulabh Rosinie wi11 play a cello j;olo, acconpanied by Miss Irene Us- tick Bates. For-merly Oftrated As SILIINT AUTOM.ATIC 0F EVANSTON 900 Linden Avýenue HUBÉARD WOIS, ILLINOIS GREen1eaf 0700. nd railroads in the various villages fothi to e the assessed valuations for* the townshiîp nîgn sch.ooi Mosquito Abatenment district: 1930 ASSESS VALUATIOY4 Pc rsona I Real Est te. Property .I] Village -of Keniilworthi ..... $ 6,792,21,$ 405,013 ' Village. of Wilin ettc........ 23,872,33 1,955,006 Vilageof\Vineka ..24,659,815 1,633,159. Village of Gleicôe ......... 16,120,147 1,082,197 Village of'Nortihfield......... 917,078 37,104 Trowin.ship Higli school....75,680,790 5,204,213 N.,S. M\oi;q(uito AIbatënl't 1ist. 187,685,664 19266,292 1929 ASSESSED VALUATION. Real Estate Village of Keiiilworth....$6,7a5,806 Village of Wilmette........ 23.698,816 Village of XVinnietka......... 24,880,743 Village of Glencoe ........16,071,668 Village, of Northfield .......914,127 Township High school... 75,572,068 N.S. 'Mosquito Abateni't Dist 185,285,658 Pc rsonal Property $418,551 1,378,785 1,611,669 684,186 4,173.3U 15,188,004 aiid tn.11 Railroads $ 58,866 280,551 262,656 275,243 193,"0 .4i680,152 Railroads $58j293 296,484 264,565 270,40 202,331, 1,108,626> 4.785,072 Total 7 7,256,102 26,107,891 26,555,60 17,477,587 -1 ,147,190 81,990,539 211,632,108 T otal $ 7,182,650 25,37M,085 26,756.977 17,026,094 1,127,700 80.854,014 205,2158,734 Tie, total assessed valuations for the various villages ini 1928 were: ilworthi, $().588,072; WVilnîiette, $24,512,0>34; W\'innietka, $25.869,182 and lcoe, $16,433,823. Youths Who Tried ýto ýRob, Store Indieted Tuesday I'hree vouths, Ernie Siînipkîn.s, l1 vears old. and( his brother,:Jose, 20 years old, both of 832 Florenc e avenue, Ev- anston, and Max.. Andrzew%%ski, .18, 91) 1409 Crain street, Evanston, Nvho were arrested b)v the Wilmette police, in an attempted robbery of Freise'.. Sanitary Grocery and -Market, Prairie and Park avenues, early on the inorui- ing of Decemnber 23, were indicte-1 before the grand jury Tuesdav morn- ing. At present the youiths are *in thii- counitv jail. They will.have a hearing later in the crimninal court.. *Sergt. Joe Steffens and Officer. Johin Voss oi the Wilmette police de- partment Uvent to Chicago Tuesdav *morning to be present when the boys wvere indicted. George Freise, owner of the store which the boys tried to rob, according to their own conf .e.,- sions, and John Zimmer, mîho occil- pies living quarters ai the rear of th,- Legion A uxiliary J WilmàetuePost No. 46 The Ju nior auxiliary, of which the I,çgionil aux il iary is very proud, miet last Saturday at St. Auigustine's club- héouse and electedl the füIoilwing (qf- ficers -,,Shirley Garniss, ,presideit; Janice *Van Inwagen, secretary, and Beatricze.Leal, treasurer. ~The girls are very prouri of their elective offijces, and the Legion auz<- iliary feels that each one will îlulfii. lier obligations very conscientiously. The officers will soon7have 'an oppor- tunitv to-enact th.eir new roles- byl open ing the, next regular Legion, aux- iliaer meeting and by taking part, li a patriotic sketch: w hi i c h is' being planned for the Jutnior auxilialry. The Legion auxiliary, is thanking' the. iembers of the NkTrth R i 1 g e Wonîeiin's' club for their hi.elp at the which enjoyed having themi as guests and rejoiced that so rnanv4 attended. A delightful feature of the Legion auxiliarv meeting last Mondlav eve- Il 5½ 2WilnaeftteAvenue Phone-,Wilme.to 730 GLADYS HIGHT Personally conduicted by the International Dancer GLADYS HIGHT Loop Studio-703 CAPITOL BLDG. Greenles 15 rDabou3 DOMESTIC HOT,,,WAT.ER. For Family of 5 For $3.00 Per Month Can We Tell You About This? V. A. SMITJI CO, I the two year ,--l -A file

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