Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 7

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About 3 :30 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Zimmiier heard the crash cof breaking glass. Looking eut f rom a darkened wvindow cf their home they saw thiree vouths, oe U fthem trying te unlock the kitchen window at the rear of the store. which had. been broken just above the Iock., When Mr. Zimmer shouted *at themn they -fied. The Wilmette police were uotified. and three minutes later *five members cf the.force arriîved onI the scene.' Shertly afterward'Officers John Voss and Charles Brautigam picked up ErÏnie Simpkins, 18 vears old . 832 Florence avenue. Evransto.ôt. and Max Andricw- ski. 18. cf 1409 Crain street. Evanstoii. Both boys later coufessed that the%. tricd te b)reak into the store, accerding te the Xilmette 'police. and they aIse impli- cated Ernic's brother, Joe. in the ;t- tempted roblery. Joe. whIo is 20 years old. aise "liveýs at.832 Florenc e avenue, EvanstOn. H-e vas arrested on a war- rant the fellovviig day by Sergt. Joe Ste ffens and Officers George Schiaefer and Phil Schneider of the \V'imette *pôlice departmient. The tlîree yoiiths were hield te the grand jury. A car ývhî,ch the yeuths had rented frorn the Greenleaf Cab company in Evanston %Vas found lun the alley east :"f Park avenue and south of'Prairie avenue, a short distance frein the store. Af ter being scared awav frein the tore the 'boys-*lied on foot iiistead of., at-. *temptîng-te niake their getaw\aN, in the Deàth Claims Mother of Edwin 'B. Knudtson E. B *Kiitdtsoil, presideut cf the Fir*A National Bank c f Wilmette, returned Monday merning f rom Blair-, Wis., whlere lie as called by the death cf his mother. Mrs. Knudtsoni died at her home ini lair on lier, 73rd birtliday Wednies- day.. Deceffiber. 23. Funeral services were held Suniday. She is survived by lier hnusband. three sons. E. B. Kiludtseni' of W'lImette. J. 0. Knudtson cf Blair, and 1. N. Knudtson cof Ceeu- Vallev. \Vis., anid oeedaughter. Mrs. M.X E. Er,1ieson of 'Mindoro, Wis. Mis. Ai damnIIatin 1 \Ie are se awed by the pyrotechnies of the big conflagration te. the southi of. us that ive have not thoughit of any danger teour own domiciles utitil the ,parks have actually:set.fire te our own roofs. WVe have. glibly commiiserated with the Chicago teachers. but when we face disaster- in our own schools we just as bu mptiouslv opine that "they will never close. Our schools." At the recent WVilmette public school elect*on about 35 votes were cast. At the New Trier Highi scho ol election wbich'cern- mitted the township te a new building program involving: something like $700.000 and interest for vears. and .ears. about 320 citizens, voted.w And :1 hear soma eone sîv., "Well. that showvs confidence -in the school officiaIs." *Aiictthien what happens. Schools be- gin te close. This w, ck. se* officiais say. some of. the.school districts ini the township wilI defauit on their bond in - terest. thus r uioing their future. credî. Other districts are coffronted with the p)av.Ir.eîît of maturing. bond princip-il anà no mouee- in ,ight te ineet these obligations. Nor is this ait. Lu out ovn western. developments during the boom-.davs, wc.- inicurred oblig:ations that'are. notbeg met. O'ie afteraneother, with appalling rapidity, special assý-essmnent bonjld issues have been defaulted. -Our ewn Villa7e treasury 15seo low inÀfunds that a vil- lag-e trustee recently told -me it wvas Ilikely that proceeds of the $103,000, water bond issue voted last April would be hypotbecated te keep the Village running. Some cf these troubles' mighit he remedied ini tinie 1w state legistation. How inanv local organîzations have seen to it that letters have been, sent by their miembers te the gevernor. legis- lators or polîtical party leaders?ý Othiers of the' troubles can ihe met onlv by pass- ing, around the: hat. *Aud stili. most of1 th 1e cemmunitv lift up their eyes te, Heaven and loudiv nroclai M their thianks that they are -net like' the wicked Chicago ans. -Herbert. 1B.,Mulf6rd. Miss, Sarahi Page. daughter cf the Albert N. Pages, who are spending the wintcr at the Georgian hotel, is pass- ceIIIC(rvU, DCUwyI. - ------r---- - Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kinnear. 2241 Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Bennett of Pitts- Chestnut avenue, have as holiday guests, burgh are visiting Mr. and MNrs. Rob- Mrs. Kinniear's parents. _Mr. and MIrs. ert Bennett of 590 South avenue, Glen-, Jamnes Jack, of Lacol, Ili. coee for the holidays. fin al lerance ofoil Winter Dresses A Gret SurprseM Pies, Must- Be- Seen to. Be Appreciated Every style that is smart to wear rigbt now- and for ,many nionths yet to corne! Cantons, Nvoolèns, satins and velvets-grand f ashion buys in every woman's and misses'. size. Unique Styrle Shop 1126 Cenitral.Ave. Phoneo WiIwette 2403 t "Keeping up.Appearances"'wa INever.,More Necessary than Now A RE you, +oi g#otting atong on Io >, doing: wt fe w e r clotheOs? K..p ou+ of a stu*mp by keepig up your' personal . a p p.e a r- .%e- a av r 0. Satrdday, 9 A. M.-ru 9 P. m.- The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authorized ChristianScience Literature may be ftad, borroward or purchaed at the Reading Room. TH~E PUBLIC I8 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE! CHURI~ SRVICESý AND VIIT THE! RHADIIGRO J2a In Rear of 417 Linden Ave. Drug Storne me. WiL 1133-191

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