Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 4

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'zen.......... DECEMBER 31 TO JANUAR Y 7 MEAT LOAF vt ok25 PORK TENDIERLOIN <ItýQù , t:;;2 *. l. 43 CALV VESlSEEBREADS i.o nIIglb. 49c SPRING LAMB: SHOULDER ..or r olb. 22LC LARD' lit aoit'!' %4 ~~2lb6. 19c CAVIAR siltl ri 3 tins 98c' PRUNES etSllt"'Iarit4sii2 Is.25e COFFEE ,ii t lb.l 3C VINEGAR- Ummfr urat t. -5 CRABMEA 60%,lb 235C l1.59C TUNA FISH Extr lihi1t iilb. 39C PIJ4'EA>FJ.~E a:I:y Stuart IaiiIi 2 tns 39c DOUGHNUTS. APPLE CIDER- CINCIER -ALE *gll oitmulty K hltebeft doz.40.e Fresi l edsllJy_______ 3(18an See gai. 39C lI iosttes- C<'rtoný $1.38 MAYONNAISE Or o>i~g ke eler pt35 q.6c QUAKER OATS jg a 9 SOAF FLAKES rii lreS ea. 19 , 0othose who are nitto liar di uarters on the West siuc Ut. UMe Vic- %vith the sbiop let mie ask you b) Guire and Orr building recently con- stol) in and look it over. You ivil structed at the northwest corner -of he so glad to 'see whiat \ve are Park drive and Green Bav road. Busi- tloî,g there. ness at the new location Starte(l XXed- -Mrs. I-Ienrv Cuitler. îîesday rnorning. Chair.iiaii. 1Te p ost office departnient lba, llad un(lcr conisideration..since last spring \ote:l onîySIlîop is ècollt-hté pos,,iiities of ob)tàiing a larger and dùctéd 1w the \Vomlan*s' Clul ' ( better post office for Kenilworth. Iii- \Vilnette.' ' roceels are (lîrecte(l creased buisiness ini thé past fé%v vearýý to charity. -lias inade the quarters %vhîch' the'post - ~Office lias 1()ccl!pied Silice' Fehruary 1. 1923, at 421 Richmnond road, inadéquate. JVmnVoesfold. 'l'le uew Pos Office wcst ofý,tlitracks Taxation I nst itut e landthe latest typé :oi, equipiiienlt tfor a. Tixat taxation i. *heilg recognize,-l nietr(ipolitan, * ost office, Postniaster Douglaq Çrooks states..l'lie lohbv' ot throughout Cook coulnty as :a pro)- dtele ew office is considerahly larger. as lecp demanclîng attention is evidenced llathwrkron. 'lileuof c 1w. the fact tîxat the Wilniette, Ken- ~ela h okroî."t cvofc ismore tuaiti aîf again as large 'as the ilworth, and W\iinetka Leagqes o f0(1 ne \Vonîieii Voters arec oop)eratilig Ini Conveiicce also lias leeii takeii into spnoing aTxto rittt consideration, and the arrangement loi lie .held Mkond(a%,. Jaxîiary.- 1,a t Newv thé new quarters is înucb more 5atisfac- Trier 1ligli shool..1 tor%. 'Thle office which is beingvatd Mrs. NV. W. Raisey. formier statelat 4M1 Richmnond road lias no loading chairilnan of the dIeparttint of efh plattornî at. the rear, and mail sacks cien cv ini governniiit, \vill give a sur- blave becît hauiled to the street. "lite inew ve.v of taxation iii Illinois for- the loffice has a loading platfori directIr mnorning session. 1 off the. allev. lI thé affrnooii there wilbe dis-.* Prixor to moving inî 1923 t the qar cuýssed "Forns 'of Traxation." and 'ters ' 'ch are now being vacated the "Getting* Taxes." The, legislators, Kenilwortb, post-office was located ini Nirs. H-arold Ickes of Winnetka, and thepresent V7illage- office. Senators Huebscb. \IcCarttiy, and Fos,-ter, are intvited: to participate., JM~ Sru .H ne * Miss Grae Waidnier of Baltimore, %Idi, is inaking ait extensive visit Nvith lier cousin. 'Miss Ella Waidnier« 148 Lake avenue. 'Nr. and M\rs. Edwvin IHedrick wilL be lîost andl hostess to a fem- friends informnallv on Newv Years eve. I tV IJ> A I Dies on Christmas Dav * Mrs. Sarah Bradsha\\ Hiunter, widow of the late Rev. Edwin G. Ibuter, died Thursday, December 24, at the honme o f lier daughiter, Mrs. Joseph C. Comnfort 812 Prairie avenue. Wilmette, with whoni she hiad heen living siîîce 'the death of Mr. Hunter several months ago. Mrs... Huinter was about 89 years, old. She. carne here f ronm Alabamia. Her husbà-nd, the late Rev. Edwin G. Hunter.. ivas honorary vicar orf the Chu rch of the H olv Comforter ii1 i Kenilworth at the, tinte ofbis' death. The funeral serv- ices for M.\rs. Hunter were .held Sat- urdaiF at . Newrnffarket, Ontario,. Cati. I 'j A Miçss at, Tencher'is boite front ,P S--nith çcollege. Slie is passifig the hôli.days wtiblber parents, 'Mr, and ng Mfrs. È. Tenclier. 828 Ashland avenue. meto- Bohbie Mav Riesier of Springfield. GROCERY and MARKET- PHON~E 510 PHONE 514 CENTRAL and TWELFTH.,. WILMETTE, EVERY. MON.-TUES.-WÉD. Shanxpoo nd Wave, long ir$1.25 .. ..$ I Eyebrow Arch and Mancu'e ..... $ir.. i VAN IUIYJL", I3eauty Saloni 11351/2 Cenfral Avenue ,c r, C s .,Y? t ic s a n d ':P o w d r B t n d i n gr7 g 1 f. > lm ý A 9 , ý . ý ý ý ý ý i ý ý . il

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