Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 36

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ical E dcucaion uepartnnt nare uanzc public by Daniel Mi. Davis, director of recreation and director of the Public School Physical Training de- partncnt. The tests as designed by Mr. Davis are g ivén to test thé child's, profici-,. ency in the ordinary sports in which every boy and.girl participates in bis, Leistwe lime. During the first' part of the school :year, d'e fundamentals ofthe current sport are taughit to botîx boys' and girls and after several weeks of practice each child isý tested to find bisability and knowledge of each sport. In the ýcase of the upper grades where the child has been tested in the same sport during the, previous year both year's records are shown to the child togetiier with bis health chart in order that be may discover bis progress in td'e sportand ncrease ini strength and bodily con- trol dnring the year. * The tests as a whole lvieui studied froni year fo year show reiarkable growth in skill as denionstrated by the tests given the first .year the child blaves the fourth grade' and is tested ina atlîletic skills 'to the tume hefinishes. the. eighth grade,. Mr Davis says. He also points out that each year the standard of aciieve- mient for the varions age and grades is: considerably highier. l-owever, sitîce a neîv standard of competition bas been inaugnrated and the old 5 grade system is no longer ini force, a new set of rules for conîparison must be made and the new records will be of no use for statistical purposes in showing the progreas of a child's physical ability until the fitst set of tests are gven in 1932-33. Records set in the tests completed this year are chiefly important ina that they show that the average child in t the public schools kinows how to &op kick, punt,- pass,. ani receive1 a foot-* bail, bat a volley bail correctly and ý kick. it. considerable distance. This t fact is demonstrated in the following records set by the following children'- in each class. -stolP Boys, tootbafl performanes in attenciance at thie fina. for the tournament, or to then nt the Recreatio 914 Central avenue. Ther entry fee required. The ment will begin. Friday january1. re is no tourna- evening, lB, 31 yards. Herbert Lang, 1B, 28 yards, Charles Soule, 2A, 28 yards, Bob Anderson, 2D, 28 yards.. Class Xi Footb all punt: Howa.rd Mouldlng, 2A. 30 yards, Charles MNilliauset, 6A, 27 yardsH, Jack Randall, .2A, 25 yardsrat Syke ,2), 25 yards,, Ray ,Hallt, 6A, Football pâss: jack, Randàll, 2A, 24 yards, James Clemients, 6B, 23 yards, Evan Mclllralth, 2A, 22 yards, Howard MNoulding,. 2A, 22 yards. Football drop kick: Charldes Mll1hauser, 6A,, 27 yards, David. Geppert, 9C,. 23 yards, Ted Riley. 6C, 23 yalds.. Football puût: Jack Freeman , ,25 ya4rds, Bill Splnney, 2A, 24 yards, Arn- old' Abrama ' 6A, 24 yards, Don Ber- blinger, 6A, 24 yaýrd8.îo. Football pass: Bill SW4nneyý, 2A, 25 yards, .Jack Norris, '2B, 24 yards,. Jack< Freemian, 1C, 22 yards. Football drop klc-k: Jack Freeinan, 1C, 22 yards, Bill Spinney; 2A, 20 ya'rds, Richard Rogers, 2B, 20) yards, Jack. Jacobi, 2C. 20 yards. Fifth Grade: Football punt: Dick Magner, 5A, 24* yards, Dick Andrews, 5B, 24 yards, -Nor- man Cralg, 5B, 23 yards.. Football pass: Dick Andrews,> 5B, yards, Dlck Magner, 5A, 20 yards, Jolin M.%iller, SA, 20 yards. Stolp Girls' Record Performances: Class A: Volley bail kick :Betty lements, 72 feot, jane Lamnprey, 71 feet, Katherlne Claas B Volley bail kick : Jean Cutler, 80 feet. Rosehelen Suckoff, 80 feet, Hele.n Sties, 78 feet, Patty Wlley, 77 feet. Volley bail throw.: Katherine Shî%nk, 54 feet, I*ancy Pickard, 51 feet, Helen Petersofl, 50 feet. Class C: Volley bail > kick: Sue Splnne3,, 89 feet, Ellen Tor'rey, 88 feot, Mlarlorle Kraft, 67 feet. Volley bail throw. Sue Spinneyi 6t feet, Jean Flnlayson, 58 :feet, Malis Smith, 52 feet. Class D: Volley bail kick: Eleanor Herbon, 77 feet. Helen Cotseres, 71 feot, Jeannle in the singing which was led by R. LD. Burtner, 810 Oakwood avenue. Village President C. P. Dubbs opened the service at 7:30 o'clock with abrief talk about the carol service wbich lie described as a vital part of Wil- etescomxmunity life. At the. close of bis1 talk, a quartetf rom New-Trier Township High 1 school band startéd the introduction to "Adeste Fidelis" and' the carol service began. The members of the quartet who. played the aiccotu- nani.ment for the carols were George Jones, eader; Janet Wright, Ted Hos- king; and Robert Klemrn. Following the service.,IHenry C., Fow- 1er, chairman.of the Playground and. Recreation board'. spoke hriefly. Of. the lîistory and significai ce of the Christ- mas carol. __Sports. Calenda___ M#ItldBy. JunitrY 4 7 :30 1). lu. Basketbali for girls. Mal- inekrodt vs. Schultz & Nord. Stolp gym- naslimi. odist vs. H o fm an Fliorlt, 11. -lo ar d 7:15 p.ni. Vollet baillfor girl. MSix- Bit-, \.S. :Ç-1.Stolip gymnasiun.. s :17) p. ni.: Volley balilfor men. How- ard P. T. A . vs. Gym Ciasis. Howard 8:15 1).Ini. olley- bail for men. Ridge Avenue Phar)navy vs. Congregatiotial. Hlow!tid gyminaslum. 1) p..'Volley bal for imeti. Bgptlst s. ilillette Tailors. H-oward gyim- nasiuni. 9 :05 1). i. Basketbail for girls. '- 1Cysv~ s. Illinois Bell Teleplione Co. Tuesday, January 7p. iii. Aero club for boys. Iloward gytini.siuin. 7 :30 p).ni. Basketbali for girls. X-2 vs. Wild Indians.- Stolp gyumflatslumr. 8 P. rw. -Basketball practice for men. Hlowa rd gymnaslum. 8415 P. m. Bas;ketballfor girls. Brobwnies vs. XYZ. Stolp gymnasiiim. 9:05 -P. in. Ba;ketbail for girls. Bas-. keteers vs. New Trier Specials. Stolp, gyiunnsiuh.: Weulnesaay, January 8 7 n.' nI. ( rarnmar school gymnasiumri thus far this winter, the Playground« and Recreation board is optimistically announcing its sixth annual ice skat- ing carnival for Saturday, January 9 at 1:30 o'clock at the .Village Green wtcst of the Howard school. In making the annoôuncemnent of, the carnival, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, said that past expe ri- ences with the weather mair.bad taught hiu. that the Most auspficious. time to -stage an ice skating .meet, in this section *of the country is during the flrst two weeks in January,1 or .else take daring. chances on there, being no ice when one does get ready to stage the'event after that date. This. fact was borne out last year. inasmuch as Minmette was the only north s hore town a ble. to> have an ice skating meet at al and, even thefi, the ice was nothing to :boast about. However, plans are being made t o conduct the 'sixth annual meet on the day scheduled and il there ' is the slightest chance of the event bej,îg held. on that day il 'iv ili be rin off as scheduled regar<lless of adverse cOnditions. 'rhere are oing. eveuits on)t the pro- grain and previoüs registration is re- quired 'in each of theni. Entries -arc now, being received at the Recrea-ý tion board office, 914 Central avenue, and 2registration books will reinain open until 4 o'clock Thursday eve- nitig, January 7. No entries will bc accepted on the day of the meet. The "Go'ldýn Skates Derby," a one' mile open race for men, ,%-ill againi be the feature race of the ineet and a pair of gold skafes donatèd by the druggists' of Wi mette will be award- ed to the winner. Silver and bronze niedals go to the second and third place winners. A two-mile race, "The Blue Streak Derby" for boys 18 years old and over will also be run and a pair of blue. streak skcatesý do-, nated by a sporting goods',firm ý will be the prize for the winner with sil- ver and bronze medals for the seconid and third places. 1Both of the above races are openi to outsiders but a special "Silver Winoe Derby," a half mile race wilt me iis D 8 ,'e 'vn la- -'- ' "'il - 2 . . nn.. Mv. sO,n .L.,ai. .1 U, Il 1- 0 1 DOS imes 2D,28 trini, 42 feet, Elsa von 'der' IppOn,4 ege'Ae s.Wlct.Sopg 2B, 28 yards, Iler- ýeet. naIgue.Acsv.'Vdet Sopgli rds. Volley bail throw: Nancy Bercaw, 50 . m.East Siders vs. Junlior- A. C. Howard eles Soule, 2A. 26 foot. Mary Jane Eddington, 35 feet, gymnaslum. e, 2A., 26 yards, Jane Kempnlck. 30 feet. . }rlday. Jtauary 8 8 P.An. Basketbail for mia. B league. yards, Bob Ander- 7col etspil . ni. Chess and Cheoker club. Howal'd gyninasim. <Ifowèard shotet il af'pear Stolp sechool llbrary. 8:15 P. m. Prae-tJee for piîîg po ng -John Llndatroin, ùj» ext week's Recreatioit news.) 7 P. ni., Basketbaii for hieR. B league. Doubles tournamient. Stolp gymnnasiuni. so,, F0OO I

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