Attractive buys in acreage in beautiful Lake county,' some farms' on lake or streanme. Country estates, farmes 5 to *10-acre tracts, 10 to 50 miles north- west of41VilnetJe bu good roads. R. M\I. JOHNSTl ON & Co. bIus>Ite~LTervîninai, Nili 68 and. 444 86 FOR SALE-HOUS»EHOLP GOODU LET0 F F ERI TAKE-S UPRIGHT pianou. C' Ist $750.. ,ýileimt toi' seclluol aoi' basnent playroepu. Glel- <AKJENVEL GAS STOVfE, LARGE szLorrainIe tegùlatoi4, g> od condi- til.f'e ce 75 6 r5ýt 87 WtO. TO BUY-HSLD. GOODS USED BABu;y (41L\ NI),PNO.MUST be i.1 good'coîîditi,îî. lei]. Xilnette 75__6._87L,3-tp) 88 . FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS LARGE,,ST2E LIONEL ELECTRIC train, like, new, also portable radiant kas heater.lh. %Wintka lt2096. SLTN:t5-1te FOR SALE - BOYS BONOVElI- r-oat' sizae 15, alse girls bicycle, ':111-11. size. lh im~t 27 8T:51t -NOTICE o01r A-11>PIATION SOT!E 11 IE 1. YGIVE' or Uic 1 iing 1>3-thla" undersigrd with the 1111- ' .1 <' #1 iflll>lV ('oiassonetau ap- jilicat iO n for' nceitiliva te i.1 cnveiec t.1'tv betwkveea ilI<('111VA('SO WILMETTE, l'KrNILWOLIT11, WIN- ,NETNKA, 1IJADWOODS. GLEN- CQE, IIAVINIA, IHIGHILAND PARK, IIIHWOD.FOUT1 lE tIDN LAKE F 0 H E S T, LAKE BLUFF, GREWAT LAKES, NOIZZIUCICAGO AND WAJEA;, NILU'S, GLEN- VA EMW,. NOQltTlI3uOOî AND DE'ER- VI'IJLD over anid upoii Bonid Issue Routes 42, 42-A and 21. Information aste the Uie and place et bern poil tlis application nîay. be conîmunicating Nvith the Seei4etai*y of the Illinois Commerce Comisîsi*on at 'SpiuigÜeld;Illinois. KREIUA TI RUCKINO COMPAINY, By~ J< selili J . Kt' lUt, visions o! a Trust Agreement, dtedf August 27th, 1922, and recorded Septem- l ber th,' 1922, as Document No. 7647710s and kuown as Trust No. 1, Golfmorea Land Company,*an Mlinlois- Corporation,d WILMETTE GOLF CLUB, 'an Illinois Corporation, and> ALL WHOM. AT MAY A N THE MATTER OP T He PETITION 0F THE VILLAGE 0F. NWILMETTE to ievy a S-pecial As- sessment to ' valse the cost of a local Improvement consisting of constructing and layiag'a conniected systein of! storm .water sewers of vitrified tile pipe, and -o! vitrifled vlay segment block w*Ith the neces- * ary brick mn h oles 'and catch basins ini certainstreets, rloads, ave.- nue, and lanes and, on and tn' a cert!tin lot, piece or parcel of land therein described, to be accuired Liy> condemunation as provided by law for, a sit for a mplng statiolm thereon, atil situated in the Village of WilmnettLe, County, o! Cookr and State or Illinois, and to ascertain the just. compensation to- be made fori private property to be. taken or tlamaaged foi' the oprps f sai 1,1î1pr<venent. ,1 1 . 1 1 S N oli'iC1E*18 IIEiIEIY give.n te. ail> pèrsoas: interested that the Buard cof% I.'~ ~ ~ ~ o ('iI,î'iveumt tsaiti Village lias hvj 'to l'o eld in S. tdd, CqL,ufil isauAj ra Mis>',:t Catafiea te sh(owi11g the cost of! Illie*ii~reeîn and the amount re- fia- tirnîtercsjt, leaviing a deficiency > I>lift%.'-tiv,' thousand. four hundrod1 s- -ad improvemient bas beeo voîupleted iiisubtanialconfor'aitsy te the l'e- intu,it'ns iet the originial ordinance t liret or, ati lias applied to said Couirt iii itis-ider and deteraulue .wliethetr or mi t the l'acts btat(ed lui said ceî'tificate aie t rule, alid that Said court lias fixed tei >' i't k~ M,(w as soon thereafter ffil'th bmSînless of the Court will per- m'1it. :t the roouiot said County Court 'il.i <l' ('olnty Building, lu the City o! C1libeago, nu b aid Cook County, as thie hiiv ad plac~e for the hearing on said1 applicatiîon. Ail persons deslrlng n amy' ite objec.tions lu 'sald court before sald( daand may appear on the lhearingt and nake their. defense. Datted. Decemiber 23rd, 1D31. C1. P. DUBBS sTrACY C., BENNETT w. W. De'BER LARD ALBEItT W. FROEHDE ARTHuR L'EE. CARL-C. RENNECKAIt RUTHI HURD SNYDER Board of Local ImProve-t ments o! the. Village of-t wilmette. VILLAGE-0F WIL31TE SPECIAL ASSESS31ENT NOTICE persons aestring rnay mie oujections if, said court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and naie Ithelir defense. Dated, Dtuceinber 2Zrd, 1931. C. P. DLTBBS STACY C. BENNETT W. M. DeBERARD ALBERT W. FROEUDE ARTHIUR LEE. CARL C; RENNECKAR HUTTI HURD ýSNYDEIt Board .of Local ImpJrove- ments of the Village of' Wilmet te. L34-2tù VILLGEOF WILIETTE PIE lAL.SSESSN~ENT, NOTICE W iL~ ETESPECIAL AISSESSMENT NO. 270 IN TuE MATEROF TESPE,- CIAL ASSESSMENT 0F' TILE- VIL- LAGE-0F'WILAMETTE for thel improveinent providing for the con- 'titetiiiii andi installation of lead'water servive *pipes l4e.constructed,*lu Elm- %vu(.di Avenue, A.ýhiand Avenue, Thorn- wo>,d Avenue, Chestnut Avenue, Keniil- woitth A venue, iand, leecliwood. Avenue betw-en Ridge lZoad and 23rd Street-, Aîs.) iii Kettilwoth lAvenue between 23ril Sitreet andLcu~ Road; also ini Ash- land Avenue between 23rd Street andi Grant St!*t-t ; aise iu Grant.Streeti 26th. Streeut aM91Cleveiand Street h etween Ah>idA venue and the iiorth Iilînits of tht- Village, of Willnlttte ; also ln 25VII 'str-1, DîtLrtlnouth Street, 24t1î Street ,qnd t'olgate, Street between Ashlaind A)-eiue aid' KeniIlvorth Avenue; aIso in 23rei Street between Lake AvenuLt and Kenilwor'thi Avenue, in the Village of - Wilniettu, <Cook County,Ilii; Special Asse.ssient No. 270, in the Counity Couirt of Cook County, Illinis. NOTICE IS HEREBY given to al personis interested that the Boaird of' Local Improv-enîents of said' Village lias iteretofore tUed !fu sald Court, iii said eause, a. eriticatte showing the cosI of" the iproveinent, and the aniount re- servedl for' interest, leavin)g ten thouý stild elht hundred eight dollars anid three cents. ($10,808.03) excess to be abate'd ln reduction of said assessment, and, also that said improvement hbas for.1-ity to the requirernents of tue' meiiginal ordinane therefor. and has:ap- plied to sait Court to consider and de-ý terinile vletier uor not. the faic'ts stated in said certificate are true. and that sa4liT court* bas lixed Mobdaty, January Ill, A.' D. 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., or as sioOf thereafter as the business of tite Court *il1 permit, at the room of' said Cntv Cort i' n the -<'ountv. Or the IUproUeIent, and the amnount re- served for. Interest, leaving sixteen thou sand sixty-eIght dollars and itwenty- two cents ($16,008.22), excesa' tu be abated In' reduction*of said assesmrent. and also that sald Improvemnent has been completed lui substantiai con- fgrmilty to the requiremients of the origInal. ordinauce therefor, and bas applied to sald Court to conéider and determilxje whether, or' flot the . facto stated lu. said certificate are true, and that sàid court bas fixed Monday; Jan- uary llth,* 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereaflýer a s the business, of the Court will permit, at the, room of said. County. Court Iu the County Building, lu the City of Chicago, ïn said Cook County, as 'the timIe and place for the hearing on said applica- tion. Al'- persons desting mnay file ob- jections lu *said court before sgid day, and may appear on the hearlng and make. their defense.. Datýed. becemnber '23rd. 1931. C. P. DUBBSý STACY C. BENNETT W. 'W. DeBERARD > ALBERT W.ý FROEHDE A RTHIUR LEF. CARL C. RENNECKAR RJTH HURDSINYDER Board of Local Improve- mnente of the Village of L34-2tc AT CAMP REUNION Miss Pats3, Boylstoil, of Winmette, Was ôone 'of the north shore g i r 1 s among the fifty camipers, counselors and their friends attending. the an- itual Christmas reunion of The Joy Camps, held this year 'at the Illinois Women's Athletic club, ini Chicago, T u es day afternoon. A delightfuI splash party in 'the beautiful pool was followed by a luncheon a'nd an ini- formai program. Ain alumnae asso- ciation of the camp is to be forrned, the director,. Miss Barbara Joy, an- nounces. ON, SERVICE CLUB PROGRAM. The Protestantý Women's Service club will -hold its regular meeting on j anuary 6, in Marshall Field's Wedg., wood room. Following luncheon at 12:30 o'clock a progr .m will be given leîv'<l eriltert -sit, lvaviuug 'tit-îeSr &etern Ave., *Chicago ' hîosutîtgutîînýut'î >'etfv ehll-Western AVe. entrance dollars ant tlry-i ets ($3'l,ý7;5.3!)) a15( ach 1161. Free booklet eccess to be abateAl lii'reduction of sald Cicr akwoods '& Mt. Hope ent. :tsses.sanenàit. ati il that %aid impu'ove- nue 3é 228 N., LaSalle St. meut lias bipe e>'îîîîleted ini substanttal o! V andU tre« et C id tAbe aorth li mffette; alsolu between Ridge january 3. also ia Ashland ' reet and Grani Miss Mary Ellen Boozer, who is' rth Avenue be- Locust Rltd': attenditxg Penn Hall, Chambersburg,' tfth Street and Pa., is passlng the Yule holidays with a Ashland Ave-' Of! the. Village lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. h Street, Dart- Boozer, 530 Essex road, Kenilworth. Lo